10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human

Key Takeaways

  • Digby Boy mines Ores efficiently, ideal for early game resource gathering.
  • Disco Ball produces Whim potion materials that extend potion duration.
  • Harveseed generates materials for a healing potion, aiding in low health situations.

As a seasoned survivor in this post-apocalyptic world, I can’t stress enough the importance of these extraordinary beings known as Deviations. Let me share my personal insights on three of them that have significantly boosted my chances of survival.

In the game “Palworld”, players are introduced to the idea of Pals, extraordinary beings with special abilities. Similarly, in “Once Human”, the game presents the concept of Deviations, remarkable creatures that shine in various areas such as combat, cooking, exploration, and territory defense. These Deviations excel in their respective domains.

In terms of your base operations, it’s beneficial to have Deviations that can autonomously function, not requiring manual intervention, to generate crafting resources. These resources could be ores, ingredients for Whim Potions, or farm-grown plants. By enabling these Deviations to operate independently, you’ll find your life becomes more convenient.

That’s why paying attention to the Deviations you’re allocating to your home base becomes important. With that said, let’s review our 10 Best Deviations for your base in Once Human.

10 Digby Boy

The Mining Expert

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationMining Ores ( Silver Ores are the best )
Mood EnhancersMusic, Red Light and Electricity ( 5W )

In the post-apocalyptic world, a strategy early in the game that can assist in building up your Ore reserves, as you gather necessary materials. Although it’s less efficient than mining, it may take up time that could be used for activating Rift Anchors instead.

In the initial stages of play, this Deviation proves crucial for mining Copper, Tin, and Iron Ores. Deploying The Digby Boy within your territory will cause him to prioritize constructing mining platforms. By successfully extracting Startrace ores from these mining platforms, you can generate Stardust sources and initiate trading with other players.

As soon as I’ve mastered Memetics to produce Aluminum and Tungsten Ores, I can start using Advanced or Solar Drills for a boost in my mining yield.

9 Disco Ball

Where Is The Disco At?

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationHales’ Moving House, Strange Empty House Quest
Mood EnhancersGreen Light, Red Light, Blue Light

As a gamer, I gather the Inspiration Fragment materials from The Deviation, crucial ingredients for brewing the Utter Delight whim potion. This magical concoction not only grants its usual effects but also extends the duration of other similar potions by a cool 35%. To put it simply, it makes those potions last longer, giving me more fun-filled gaming hours! The effect persists for a solid 2 hours.

As a devoted fan, I always like to prep my Whim potions by using the Utter Delight Whim first. This little trick ensures that I’m making the most of each ingredient and can enjoy more Whims later on!

8 Harveseed

A Second Chance

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationTreant Boss
Mood EnhancersCrops, Flowers and High Temperature ( Put a normal Furnace near it )

This extraordinary Deviation yields the essential Heart Vine substance needed for brewing the Whim Potion, which bestows the Chloro-Armor ability. When your character’s vitality dips below 20%, the Chloro-Armor effect will fade away, promptly restoring their health to 100% in just five seconds. In simpler terms, it also replenishes any lost sanity.

The effect has a cooldown of 10 minutes, and reusing the Whim potion doesn’t replenish the effect.

It’s advisable to let the cool-down finish before reacquiring the Chloro-Armor buff. The Whim potion is handy for tackling solo Phase challenges, which require you to handle demanding content without sustaining critical injuries.

7 Dreamcatcher

But It Catches Enemies

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationArachsiam Boss
Mood EnhancersBlue Light, Music and Flowers

Among my preferred creations, one stands out as it provides The Thread of Dreams components for brewing the Weaver’s Capricious Potion. This magical concoction leaves a silky spider web trail whenever you’re pursued by adversaries during a roll.

In other words, the webs function as a defense mechanism, allowing you to entangle multiple adversaries simultaneously, providing precious moments for you to strategize, recover health, and reload your weapons. The Whim potion proves invaluable, particularly during demanding encounters such as those found within the LEA lab, where hordes of Deviants relentlessly attack. These Deviants are indeed bloodthirsty.

You can only have 6 Whims active at a time

6 Space Turner

Instant Teleportation

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationDayton Hospital Quest
Mood EnhancersBlue Light, Toy

A necessary Deviation that can send your coordinates to the team for teleportation. The Deviation produces the Spacial Keystone material, a key ingredient to craft Space Twisters, with a cooldown of 15 seconds.

To ensure smooth coordination, inform your team ahead of time that the object can only be used once. Therefore, it’s advisable to have several “Summoning Devices” at hand, especially during crucial occurrences such as the Prime Wars.

Typically, I call upon my teammates outside the boundaries of the Prime Wars for assistance in constructing structures ahead of the event kickoff. Additionally, they may be called to participate in daily events such as Paradise Lost, Dig to Hell, or Cargo Scramble.

5 Chefosaurus Rex

Your Base’s Gordan Ramsay

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationLowe’s quest at the Greywater Camp, Securement Silo:Phi
Mood EnhancersRed Light, Toy and High Temperature ( Place a Furnace near it )

As the Deviant Energy level of the creature rises, so does its culinary expertise, enhancing the special effects of the meals prepared within its domain. Essentially, a higher skill rating leads to more impressive dish enhancements.

You can combine distinct dish attributes such as “Max Stamina increased by 40”, “Max Stamina increased by 25”, and “HP recovery” when preparing a dish using various meats.

The dishes’ main bonus might not scale astronomically. However, a minor %age gain in the main dish effect will stack with other Gear bonuses and will be impactful in prolonged fights.

Because The Deviation works well with recipes such as Crumbly Bread or Canned Meat, as it offers bonus damage.

4 Buzzy Bee

Buzzy Is Busy

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationNear the farms
Mood EnhancersMusic, Crops and Flowers

In other words, unusual plants will play a key role in creating dishes with extra rewards in advanced game levels. That’s what Buzzy Bee Deviation is designed for. The Deviation boosts the likelihood of crops mutating, and the more Deviant Energy you have, the higher the chance of mutation.

This doesn’t imply that every single crop will become Deviated, but rather the likelihood is quite low because the Buzzy Bee can only transform a limited number of crops into Deviated variants.

Conversely, since Deviated Crops won’t rot, you can put them away in your storage containers and accumulate them gradually for special dishes such as Crumbly Bread or Canned Seafood in Oil.

The Buzzy Bee Deviation doesn’t water your plants; the Rainman Deviation does.

3 Growshroom

In-House Farmer

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationCollect Mushrooms
Mood EnhancersGreen Light, High Temperature, and Electricity ( 5W )

The Deviation automatically plants seeds and accelerates the rate of crop growth. The higher the Deviant Energy rating, the faster the growth rate is. It’ll help you harvest plants and seeds in one go. However, you cannot choose fertilizers with seeds.

To apply specific fertilizers when growing crops, it’s necessary to plant them by hand. I opt for sowing large quantities of Corn, Wheat, and Beet seeds to mass-produce Corn Ale, Malt Ale, and Sugar respectively. By allowing the crops to grow naturally, you can eventually reap a Harvest of similar plants, enabling you to gather a Growshroom.

Although it’s not very advanced, this Deviation is ideal for beginners to start cultivating crops at an early stage of the game.

2 Electric Eels

Shockingly Useful

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
Mood EnhancersBlue Light, Music and High Temperature

Once constructed, my priority is to station the Electric Eels within the Segregated Safety Enclosures. This adjustment amplifies the energy capacity of the Generators within your domain. The higher the expertise level, the greater the power output from your generators.

With 5-Skill Electric Eels, each of my generators gives 60W+ energy at my base. However, I recommend placing facilities according to the minimum power output to avoid downtime during the Electric Eels’ resting period.

1 Rebecca

My Virtual Friend

10 Best Deviations For Your Base In Once Human
LocationLEA Research lab
Mood EnhancersGreen Light, Toy and Flowers

During the LEA labs challenge, there’s a possibility that The Deviation may appear. This Deviation summons Mitsuko’s digital self (avatar) to your area and she starts playing the piano. This action boosts the energy restoration efficiency of other Deviations. To accommodate Mitsuko, you need to set up an upright piano in your territory.

Enhancing the speed at which we regain energy is crucial for our foundation. To assist other entities in recharging their energy reserves, I swapped out the Extradimensional Cat Deviation for Rebecca instead.

In the game Palworld, the role of the Deviation resembles that of the Noct Pal (Shroomer), as both items aim to slow down the decrease of a character’s Sanity by helping to maintain a stable level among their Pals at the player’s base.

Use the Mapgenie Interactive Map to pin-point locations of Deviations

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2024-09-11 10:39