10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

As a long-time enthusiast of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs), I must say that each of these iconic series has left an indelible mark on my gaming journey. From the sprawling political narrative of “The Legend of Heroes” to the existential musings of “Xenogears”, and finally, the timeless saga of “Final Fantasy”.

For a long time, the JRPG (Japanese Role-Playing Game) has held a prominent place among video game genres. Over these many years, numerous other series have emerged, each aiming to take over as the dominant player in the genre.

Throughout its existence, various game series have spanned genres such as fantasy and science fiction, with some enduring titles accumulating a vast number of main games and offshoots during their tenure in the gaming culture.

Over the last few years, there’s been a significant resurgence in the classic and advanced video games genre, proving its longevity and importance within the gaming industry.

Let’s look at some JRPG series that have stood the test of time.

10 Disgaea

Dealing One Million Damage In the Underworld

10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

In contrast to standard Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs) released in 2003, Disgaea offers a refreshing alternative. Instead of venturing through vast fantasy landscapes, the game primarily sets you within the confines of hell, introducing an assortment of unique characters for your interaction during your stay there.

Today, Disgaea continues to shine, presenting an extraordinary element within the realm of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPG) that is hard to come by.

Although it hasn’t become widely popular, its enduring presence and consistent high-quality output across titles make it worthy of inclusion on this list.

9 Persona

High School Hijinks

10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

As a dedicated gamer, I can proudly say that my gaming journey with Persona goes way back to 1996. And let me tell you, the latest addition, Persona 3: Reloaded, only serves to prove that this captivating series is as vibrant and engaging today as it ever was!

As a dedicated fan, I’d say the initial installments of this series stood out with their distinctive, brooding atmosphere that set them apart from many other Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs). They offered a refreshing change from the mainstream, presenting an unusual yet captivating alternative.

The video game “Persona 5” played a significant role in rejuvenating the Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG) genre back in 2016. Since then, the genre has experienced a surge in popularity and is now considered to be in its second golden age.

Additionally, Persona shares a sister series with Shin Megami Tensei. However, unlike its sibling, Persona has gained widespread popularity over the years, while Shin Megami Tensei, despite being excellent, is considered more hardcore.

8 Dragon Quest

Turn-Based Bliss in a Magical World

10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

Dragon Quest, originally called Dragon Warrior, is recognized as one of the pioneers within the role-playing game genre (JRPG) that has spanned decades. Since its debut on the first Nintendo console, Dragon Quest has remained a significant influence in this genre for more than three decades.

Throughout its expansive run, the series has consistently delivered solid action sequences and compelling narratives, with these elements continuing to shine brightly even now.

    As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you that if this game series dropped new titles at a faster pace, it would definitely rank higher in my favorites. However, due to its occasional and spread-out releases over the years, it hasn’t quite reached the top echelon yet.

    7 Kingdom Hearts

    An Unlikely Fusion

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    It seems unlikely that the idea of combining Kingdom Hearts, with its blend of Disney and Final Fantasy, would have been successful. To think that these two distinct worlds could be melded together successfully seems almost improbable at first glance.

    These are two video game franchises that would typically clash if they were in the same space or even the same title. However, surprisingly, they blended harmoniously to create an enduring RPG giant.

    As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that Kingdom Hearts has crafted one of the most intricate narratives ever seen in the realm of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs). Whether this complexity is universally appreciated or debated is subjective, depending on who you converse with.

    Despite the passage of more than two decades, it’s equally amazing and captivating to step into roles that were first introduced and now continue to develop the stories of these characters.

    As a gamer, I’m eagerly anticipating my next journey with Kingdom Hearts 4! I can hardly contain my excitement for the fresh dose of chaos and charm that this game promises to deliver.

    6 Tales Series

    A JRPG Where You Control The Tempo

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    During the 1990s, a common question among many video game enthusiasts was, “Couldn’t we interact more directly with the action in Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs) instead of just hitting ‘attack?’

    The idea behind the Tales Of series originated from expanding upon this concept, and its success can be attributed to its emphasis on player autonomy.

    Suddenly, the idea that a JRPG had to be turn-based went out the window, inspiring a new type of JRPG.

    In simple terms, “Tales of Arise” stands out as a remarkable achievement for the franchise, with its upcoming sequel expected to be unveiled within the next one to two years.

    For decades, the Tales series has consistently delivered high-quality games, maintaining its relevance among Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG) enthusiasts. Moreover, its regular release schedule has ensured that it remains a familiar name in the gaming community for more than two decades.

    5 Pokemon

    Addictive Monster Collecting With Sharp Mechanics

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    1998 saw Pokemon become the standout title on handheld gaming systems, a status it held as Poke-mania swept across the globe, making it the must-play game of the year.

    It’s clear that the addictive aspect of collecting all the Pokémon and having them fight one another was evident. As the narrative progressed, it intertwined with this feature, resulting in a continuous sequence of games, each offering its distinct characteristics and appeal.

    Over time, Pokémon has grown into one of the most prominent video game franchises ever created, a title it truly merits.

    2025 marks the release of “Pokémon Legends: Z-A”. It’s high time you dust off those Pokeballs and prepare yourself for the adventure of capturing an entirely fresh wave of Pokémon!

    4 Star Ocean

    Sci-Fi Fantasy at its Finest

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    1996 saw the debut of Star Ocean, offering JRPG enthusiasts a new perspective, figuratively speaking, on the genre by exploring uncharted territories. Over time, this franchise has expanded with seven primary installments and numerous remakes, earning it a prominent place among the most acclaimed names within the role-playing game world.

    Every game offers a unique tale, weaving a vast, universe-wide storyline that invites you to dive deep and lose yourself amidst the stars.

    As a dedicated enthusiast, I can’t help but sing praises for Star Ocean. Its unique themes and exhilarating combat systems truly set it apart within the realm of JRPGs. Although it may not boast as many titles as some other series, its unwavering quality makes Star Ocean a standout choice that I can always count on delivering an exceptional experience.

    3 The Legend of Heroes

    A Sprawling Political Story With Mechs

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    The saga known as “The Legend of Heroes” dates back to its initial launch in 1989, setting it apart from many other games on this list due to its unbroken narrative. Across various installments, players can delve into a vast, interconnected storyline that spans countless characters and diverse locations.

    Over the last decade, the series has experienced an enormous surge in popularity, and it wouldn’t come as a shock if we witness a resurgence of this classic JRPG in the cultural mainstream once again.

    One could make the point that, despite its impressive track record, The Legends of Heroes hasn’t quite reached its full potential. This is significant given that each installment in the series typically receives high praise from both fans and critics, and its latest releases have been particularly noteworthy.

    2 Xenogears/Xenosaga/Xenoblade Chronicles

    Existential and Religious Musings

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    1998 saw the release of the profoundly mature and intellectually stimulating game, Xenogears, in the heyday of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs). It was such a unique experience that it seemed to belong to an entirely separate genre altogether.

    In that setting, the narrative is undeniably the main attraction and it continues to be the most daring tale within its genre. Following this, the franchise has branched out into numerous adaptations, such as Xenosaga and the modern take, Xenoblade Chronicles.

    Each installment in this game series feels like a brand-new adventure for me, brimming with original ideas and characters that leave an indelible impression. The battle system is consistently top-notch, always pushing the boundaries of what I’ve experienced before, game after game.

    Among all games, this one stands out as remarkably consistent from one release to another, trailing slightly behind the highly anticipated franchise we’re all eagerly awaiting.

    1 Final Fantasy

    There’s Nothing ‘Final’ About This Series

    10 Best Long-Running JRPG Franchises Ranked

    In 1987, Final Fantasy was released and would change the face of video games forever.

    Initially, this tale began as a straightforward account of the valiant Warriors of Light embarking on a quest to preserve the world. Over more than three decades, however, it has transformed substantially, transporting us to awe-inspiring realms, enigmatic castles, treacherous dungeons, and even the farthest corners of outer space.

    This popular series undoubtedly includes at least one game that ranks among the all-time favorites of Japanese Role Playing Game (JRPG) enthusiasts. With an impressive collection of 16 main games and numerous spin-offs, it consistently delivers unmatched quality in JRPGs, a feat that has been maintained for more than three decades.

    In 2023, Square Enix is set to launch the latest installment of “Final Fantasy 16”. The surge in popularity of the series, particularly due to the success of “Final Fantasy 14”, has been quite significant. It’s clear that this iconic franchise will continue to be a significant part of the gaming world for many years to come.

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      2024-09-13 15:09