10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Orange Pie helps you level up quickly with easy crafting, no deviated ingredients.
  • Sanity Gummy is an instant sanity cure for fast recovery in high-pollution zones.
  • Stardust Energy Drink aids in exploration, dodging attacks, and reaching hard-to-reach locations.

As a hardened survivor of this post-apocalyptic wasteland, I can’t stress enough the importance of these game-changing recipes! Sanity Gummies may be your saving grace in the early stages, but when you’re deep into the heart of madness, nothing beats a good ol’ Malt/Corn Ale.

It’s hard not to adore food! I’m a big fan of flavorful meals and thirst-quenching beverages, whether they’re physical or digital. During your adventure in the game Once Human, you’ll undoubtedly savor many dishes and drinks that offer special bonuses. Some will boost your attack power, while others grant useful abilities such as increased movement speed.

As an adventurer in this game world, I can’t stress enough the importance of exploration. Having a well-stocked backpack with food and drink items makes my journey smoother and more enjoyable. It’s like having a lifeline in the wilderness!

Here are the top ten selections of meals and beverages you might want to try as you embark on your adventure into Nalcott’s rugged wilderness:

10 Orange Pie

Leveling Up As Fast As You Can

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Grapes, 1 Banana, and 1 Apple
EffectUse to increase character EXP gained from defeating monsters by 25%

In the initial stages of play, earning Experience Points (EXP) isn’t difficult at all. I managed to reach level 20 quite swiftly simply by venturing into different locations, making useful items, and defeating opponents.

As you progress deeper into the game, earning Experience Points (EXP) starts to feel a bit repetitive or tiresome. This is because, as the commissions are tied to specific timeframes and stages, the traditional method of gaining EXP becomes less accessible.

But you can’t just accept this and stop progressing, as higher levels unlock more Specialization perks. That’s where the Orange Pie comes into play.

I strongly suggest trying an orange pie, especially when aiming for the highest level. It’s quite simple to prepare without needing any unusual ingredients.

The dish becomes useless at level 50. At that point, you should just give away your stock.

9 Sanity Gummy

An Instant Sanity Cure

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Pure Water and 1 Sugar
EffectGives you +500 Sanity

Brewing ale requires some time, yet having a hobby or activity can aid in restoring mental balance. If you lack one, your ‘well-being points’ (HP) might gradually decrease to nothing.

In heavily polluted areas, your sanity levels rise quickly under enemy attacks, making it easy for you to be defeated. However, by using a Sanity Gummy and an Activator, you can maintain a full health bar.

Additionally, they do not overwrite any current food bonuses, which makes them an ideal choice for combating Sanity reduction.

8 Stardust Energy Drink

A Little Caffeine Kick!

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients2 Saffron, 5 Pure Water, 5 Sugar, and 3 Aluminum Ingots
EffectUse to gain the double jump ability for 30 minutes

To put it simply, when playing Once Human, we sometimes find ourselves trapped in tight spaces or precarious rock formations. Frequently, I ventured into the Bear Cave in search of Growshrooms, only to struggle with tricky rock overhangs. In such situations, having a double jump feature would have been incredibly useful.

Even getting hold of some Mystical Crates can be a burden without this ability. This is why having some Stardust Energy Drinks in your backpack will save you mental gymnastics to get those blueprints.

This tool is crucial for both exploration and combat situations, demonstrating its versatility. It helped me evade enemy attacks during the LEA lab competition and the Forsaken Giant’s dungeon, as well as dodging Mensdevoran’s hand sweeps.

7 Securement Soup / Stardust Italian Can Soup

All The Odds Are In Your Favor

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Securement Soup Ingredients1 Plant ( Any ), 1 Deviated Peppercorn, 2 Masala and 2 Pickle
Stardust Italian Can Soup Ingredients1 Deviated Corn, 1 Onion and 2 Aluminum Ingots
EffectBoth dishes grant improved deviation capture chance

Striving for top-tier Deviations, boasting superior Skill and Activity ratings, is a shared ambition. At my facility, there are numerous level-5 Deviations who have been instrumental in our success, thanks to their diligent efforts. The last thing I wish to do is see any exceptional talents leave our ranks.

When I go hunting for Deviations, I make it a point to carry some servings of Securement Soup or Stardust Italian Canned Soup with me for this reason.

Using either of these significantly boosts your likelihood of spotting an anomaly, so should you happen to locate what you are searching for, you will be in an optimal position to claim it.

6 Stardust Ratatouille / Stardust Mushroom Soup

Stamina On Steroids

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Stardust Ratatouille Ingredients1 Deviated Cabbage, 2 Salt and 1 Corn Oil
Stardust Mushroom Soup Ingredients1 Deviated Mushroom, 2 Sugar and 2 Purified Water
EffectBoth dishes reduce stamina consumption and increase movement speed

As a dedicated player, I must say that dungeons like the LEA Lab Challenge and the Forsaken Giant demand consistent dodging skills from me. In comparison, Pro Silos also requires evasive maneuvers, but the enemies aren’t as relentless as those in the other two challenges, particularly the LEA Lab Challenge where I often find myself surrounded by a swarm of deviants.

Because of this, it’s significant to make use of these dishes. They provide advantages such as faster stamina recovery, enhanced movement speed, increased overall stamina, and a decrease in the rate at which your stamina depletes.

As a seasoned gamer, I often concoct an effective combo of Stardust Ratatouille, Stardust Mushroom Soup, Stardust Tea, and the speed-boosting Sprint (Cradle override) to breeze through dungeons faster than anyone else.

5 Ice Tea

Ice, Ice, Baby!

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Plant ( Any ), 2 Purified Water and 2 Ice Cubes
EffectIncreases roll speed by 25% and movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds after rolling

This beverage is particularly effective at swiftly clearing dungeons. However, it gains even greater popularity on Player vs Player (PvP) servers due to its rapid distance-closing capabilities.

The beverage pairs nicely with the Sprint (Cradle Override), which boosts your movement speed by 5% and lessens the running stamina expense by 15%.

My go-to combo for the Blackfell Refinery run is Ice Tea with Preserved-Deviated chops. Roll a few times, and you can circle the building in a few seconds.

4 Stardust Tea

Lock In, Laser Sharp Focus

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Deviated Plant ( Any ), 2 Purified Water and 2 Sugar
EffectUse to increase the character’s current full Energy and Hydration duration to 2 hours

Keeping up with Energy and Hydration levels is an ongoing struggle, particularly in challenging servers, as these environments accelerate the loss of Energy and Hydration compared to easier servers like Novice or Normal ones.

Many players may find these survival mechanics frustrating or annoying at best, but they’re overlooking an exceptional beverage that keeps you nourished and hydrated regardless of your location – it’s a must-try!

An excellent assortment for enhancing this beverage is Canned Fish in Oil, Iced Tea, and Stardust Tea. I always employ this mix during extended Startrace Ore expeditions at Chalk Peak.

3 Malt/Corn Ale

20% Faster Actions

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Wheat or Corn, Purified Water in Brewing Barrel
EffectUse to prevent character’s sanity drop for 30 minutes

In the course of our discussion, we’ve emphasized the beneficial role that Sanity Gummies play in managing Sanity accumulation. Nevertheless, as you progress into the later stages of the game, it’s advisable to transition from producing Sanity Gummies to Malt/Corn Ale, as this potion is recognized as the most effective antidote for insanity.

Frequently, during my explorations in the wild, I encounter Wheat and Corn plants. By fermenting these crops in my brewing vessels, I produce fresh ales. Therefore, if you regularly gather these plants during your journeys, you’ll always have a supply of ale on hand.

2 Preserved Deviated chops

Perfect For Acid Farmers

10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked
Ingredients1 Meat ( Any ), 1 Peppercorn and 1 Salt
EffectUse to increase Acid gain by 50 % when defeating Deviants

As you advance in the initial stages of play and gain access to advanced Memetics and equipment beyond Tier 3, you’ll come to appreciate the importance of Acid for crafting Aluminum and Tungsten ingots.

In many cases, certain objects call for Acid in their composition, which can be obtained by visiting Refineries or encountering high-risk zones teeming with enemies that drop Acid.

In this scenario, Preserved Deviated chops prove useful. They grant an additional 50% Acid drop from defeated foes. Within just a few hours, you’ll amass between 500 to 2000 Acid units, making it a much quicker and more productive method compared to passively farming Acid using Contaminated crops or Water pumps over time.

I still recommend building a passive Acid farm, as it’ll compound over time.

1 Canned Seafood In Oil

Lady Luck is on Your Side10 Best Once Human Foods And Dishes Ranked

Ingredients1 Fish ( Any ),1 Morel,2 Corn Oil and 3 Aluminum Ingots
EffectUse for a chance to get 60%, 666% or 6666% yield bonus for the final strike while mining or logging

The Canned Seafood in Oil will help you to save the time spent while mining or logging. More or less, you’re getting an extra ore’s output after mining one. I recommend using fish that boost your load limit by 10% to have extra space in the inventory.

It’s incredibly impressive that this dish never goes bad, allowing you to accumulate it in large quantities. In the early stages of the game, you can sell this dish for valuable resources like Energy Links, Stardust, or Acid.

Keep some tins of Oil-packed Canned Seafood handy as an attempt to strike it rich with Gold or Silver ores.

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2024-09-24 15:39