10 Best Once Human Specializations

10 Best Once Human Specializations


  • Specializations in Once Human are crucial for efficient farming and crafting rare items for trade.
  • Choosing the right specializations can save time, improve gameplay, and enhance progression.
  • Focus on specializations like Electrical Expert, Oil Processing, and Sulfur Chemist for significant benefits.

As a seasoned traveler through the treacherous terrains of this game world, I must say that each specialization has its unique charm and utility, but there’s one that truly stands out for me – the Oil Processing Specialization.

Human’s main gameplay is built around skill sets you can select as you progress, mastering the right skill sets can significantly impact your resource gathering and creation of distinctive materials. Unique skill sets enable you to manufacture scarce items that can be exchanged for important goods you may be missing.>

With specializations being the core of the gameplay, choosing the ones that can give you a headstart is important. I’ve spent more than 350 hours in the game, and if you’re looking to get a veteran’s advice, you’re at the right place.

In this discussion, we’ll delve into the specific areas of expertise (primarily for player-versus-environment situations) that can significantly improve your gaming adventure, offering you an upper hand in advancement and the economic aspect within our game server.

10 Disassembly Bench: Careful Disassembly

Cut Down On Farming Runs

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect The Disassembly Bench gives an extra 30 % yield for Parts, Fabrics, and Plastics.

The Disassembly Bench is one of the most vital facilities in the game. This bench can eventually convert whatever objects you scour in the open world into essential materials. Having extra perks on the Disassembly bench will help you save time.

9 Electronic Recycling

Electronic Parts Are Super Important

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect The Disassembly Bench increases the yield of Electronic Parts and Metal Scrap.

Boosting the production of Electronic parts by 50% enables you to manufacture strategic gadgets such as portable drones, portable turrets, and other similar devices.

As a passionate enthusiast, I’d like to highlight that electronic components, such as Tungsten Smart AP Ammo, play a significant role in Armor-Piercing (AP) ammunition. These are particularly beneficial for weapons designed with a Shrapnel build, like the SCOR. The emphasis here isn’t on the metal scraps, but rather the electronic yield these parts offer.

8 Furnace: Precision Refining

The More, The Merrier

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect Copper, Steel, Bronze, Aluminum, and Tungsten Ingots are smelted using a regular Furnace or an Electric Furnace, which decreases resource consumption and smelting time by 30%.

Specializations that save your farming time are significant. Almost everything you’ll craft will use processed Ores in one way or another.

Initially, it might seem insignificant, but as time goes on, its impact will accumulate, helping you save more resources during your gaming sessions.

7 Electric Furnace: Electrolysis

Say Yes To Double Yields

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect Doubles the yield when smelting Aluminum and Tungsten Ingots using the Electric Furnace

In the challenging encounters during the later stages of the game, having Tungsten ammunition at your disposal becomes an absolute blessing for those grueling fights.

In many instances, you’ll be tasked with creating top-quality food and gear that necessitates Aluminum and Tungsten bars. To produce these bars, you need Acid, which can make it necessary for you to gather more of it.

This specialization becomes essential for forging such ingots, as it’ll help you save acid.

6 Supplies Workbench: Ammo Factory

Just Keep Shooting!

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect The output of regular ammunition increases by 50 %

Given that Stardust from the Star Dust source is scarce in this game, I’d recommend avoiding the use of AP ammo because it consumes a significant amount of space in your inventory.

You can clear almost everything with regular Tungsten ammunition, besides challenging content like doing the LEA lab by yourself. For that, you’ll need more heavy-duty gear.

Instead of using AP ammunition haphazardly, it’s wise to construct a Supplies Workbench with an Anti-Armor upgrade at your settlement for a 30% increase in AP ammo production during the more demanding seasons.

5 Kitchen Set: Gourmand

Become The Finest Chef In The Land

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect The Kitchen set increases the base effects and base duration of all Dishes while decreasing the crafting speed.

In Human: Fall Flat, gameplay mimics aspects of real life such as frequent consumption of food and hydration. Interestingly, a full meal in this game is completed within just 20 minutes.

It’s disappointing because you’d like to maximize the benefits from the special boosts in mining, endurance, or damage that certain foods and beverages offer, for as much time as possible.

With this specialization, you’ll see a 30% boost in the standard effects, and you’ll additionally benefit from a 50% extended duration for those effects. Furthermore, you can utilize certain foods to combat both hunger and thirst issues.

4 Generator: Electrical Expert

Generate Insane Amounts of Power

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect Increases the number of generators by one and provides extra wattage to each generator ( + 2 Watt )

Over time, nearly all installations in your base will need power. With this energy, they can manufacture superior food and resources. As you advance in the game, unveiling sophisticated Memetics, you’ll gain control over facilities that run on electricity.

Increase the power output of your base, and you’ll be able to add more facilities for manufacturing, crafting, and forging. An acid farm that passively produces acid is one such facility that benefits greatly from excess power output.

3 Supplies Workbench: Healing Boost

Stay Healthy, Stay Alive

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect A 10% increase in HP recovery while crafting activators with an extra +1 output

As you advance through the game, tougher material becomes accessible. Be prepared for potential setbacks, as you might find yourself needing to respawn more than once. I’ve experienced unexpected attacks by enemies in expert dungeons and had to revive myself too, so rest assured, you’re not the only one.

In critical situations, your chances of staying alive decrease significantly if your equipment is damaged or not functioning properly. You’ll need to depend on adrenaline injections and activators for survival in such instances.

As a gamer, with this specialized skillset under my belt, I can now create an abundance of healing items, conserving valuable resources such as Poly Detoxidents and Refined Detoxidents in the process. Thanks to this specialization, I’ve amassed a substantial stockpile of 2000 Quick-activators!

2 Sulfur Chemist

Live Your Mad Scientist Fantasy10 Best Once Human Specializations

Effect Produce Acid at the Synthesis Bench with Sulfur Ores and Energy links

Among the highly demanded fields in gaming, this particular specialization stands out. As we progress deeper into the game, Acid will prove crucial for creating essential items.

Thanks to the plentiful Energy Connections, you can effortlessly produce Acid at various Production Stations across your base. This way, you’ll always have a steady supply of Acid.

Refinery runs, grinding enemies, and a passive Acid farm are some other ways to farm Acid.

1 Oil Processing

If You Strike Oil, It’s A Gamechanger!

10 Best Once Human Specializations
Effect Turn Startrace Ore and Portable Mixed Fuel in Stardust Source using the Electric Furnace

In the game, Stardust serves as a vital ingredient. A multitude of crafting tasks rely on this Stardust resource, such as armor adjustment, weapon fine-tuning, bullet production, medical supplies, and strategic items.

By combining this expertise with a top-tier refinery and an acid farm, you can establish an efficient production line that yields Acid, a blend of portable fuel, and stardust.

From my personal perspective and based on my own gaming journey, this specialization has proven to be incredibly beneficial. I acquired it by utilizing a memory fragment and exchanging one of my existing specializations. As a result, I have been able to significantly contribute Stardust resources to Prime Wars, thereby advancing the server’s progression. This experience underscores the importance of adaptability in gaming, as seizing opportunities for self-improvement can lead to meaningful contributions and a more engaging gameplay experience.

In my opinion, the specialized skill that One Human should aim for right now is arguably the most advantageous one.

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2024-08-19 14:09