10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

As a seasoned survivor of the harsh realities of video games, I find myself drawn to titles that push my mental and physical limits, testing the very core of my resilience. In these virtual worlds, I’ve faced the unimaginable, from battling ferocious beasts lurking in the deepest abysses to making life-or-death decisions that shape the fate of entire cities.

In survival games, you usually have a clear idea of the experience before you start playing due to their generally simple and direct nature, even though other genres often aim for more complexity.

In these types of games, the primary objective is ensuring survival. Typically, this is accomplished by constructing shelters, keeping an eye on your hunger level, and staying vigilant against attackers. Some games make this gameplay cycle even more compelling.

Option A strips you bare, taking all your possessions away when triggered, or completely resets your progress following your demise.

Surviving is amazing since it’s challenging, and these games distinguish themselves among other survival games by exploring the genre in unique ways, pushing survival to unprecedented levels.

10 Pathologic 2

Unmatched psychological terror

10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

Besides its predecessor in 2005, Pathologic 2 remains unmatched in how grim it can be.

In “Pathologic 2”, you’re thrust into a stricken town afflicted by the sand blight. Taking on the role of surgeon Artemy Burakh, the game puts you to the test as you strive to survive for twelve consecutive days, ensuring the well-being of your patients throughout.

This game isn’t strictly a follow-up to “Pathologic,” but rather a reimagining or retelling of the story. Character Burakh yearns for a second opportunity after a previous mission didn’t go as planned, and this time around, the gameplay mechanics have been polished up. The speed is deliberate, and success can only be achieved through careful observation and strategic thinking before taking action.

In simpler terms, “Pathologic 2” is a video game that combines elements of theater, where you take on the leading role. Completing quests isn’t necessary for progression in the game, but not fulfilling them can set off various sequences of events that could lead to your demise by the end of the 12-day period.

In every corner of the town, there’s a dose of drama, sorrow, and tough decisions, yet, somehow, rural physicians manage to cope.

9 This War of Mine

War From The Civilian’s POV10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

Influenced by the prolonged Siege of Sarajevo which took place from 1992 to 1996, “This War of Mine” portrays a silent perspective on surviving during war.

Amidst the ongoing chaos and deterioration of society due to conflict, the city dwellers must continue to find ways to maintain their basic needs such as eating and drinking, with the hope that they can make it through each passing day.

The game’s action unfolds during both daytime and nighttime phases. During the day, your characters focus on fulfilling their essential needs indoors. However, don’t be fooled into thinking you’re isolated; traders and neighbors visit to negotiate trades or seek aid, and how you respond significantly impacts not only your own existence but also theirs.

At nighttime, you can rest, protect your property, or explore the outdoors, as resources, burglars, and soldiers may be present there.

Experiencing “This War of Mine” can be intense, authentic, and hard to pull away from. Remember to intersperse playtime with lighter entertainment as this game delves deeply into the grim realities of war, and its impact is profound and lasting.

8 Escape From Tarkov

Shoot First & Ask Questions Later10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

In simpler terms, the setting of the game “Escape From Tarkov” can be thought of as a scenario where a conflict similar to the Siege of Sarajevo was initiated by Umbrella Corp, but instead of regular soldiers, mercenaries were employed.

As a dedicated gamer, what truly distinguishes Tarkov from other survival games is my obsessive passion for firearms and their intricate details. From the mechanics to the aesthetics, it’s all about the guns in this game.

Preparing a rifle involves selecting the appropriate accessories from a variety of choices, loading several magazines with suitable ammo types, and finally putting on body armor that shields certain parts of your body.

Each death strips you of your belongings, along with the effort you invested in creating a personalized collection.

If you manage to make it through, it’s advisable to get your weapons and armor checked for maintenance, as you wouldn’t want a malfunctioning firing mechanism or a damaged protective layer in your upcoming adventure.

After wrapping up your shootouts, there are essential tasks left to accomplish such as eating, constructing a shelter, tending to injuries, and performing less than desirable chores for the grubby merchants to keep earning a living.

Despite not being entertaining in a traditional sense, Escape From Tarkov manages to work flawlessly due to its unique approach, even when faced with frequent errors from the developers.

7 Rimworld

A New Horror Every Day10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

Being stuck on an alien planet can be quite challenging due to its often barren and uninhabited nature, which leads to boredom setting in quickly. However, Rimworld addresses this issue by incorporating a storytelling AI that resembles your Saturday night Dungeon Master, making the game more engaging and immersive.

The main query for any fresh Rimworld journey is usually, “How much more challenging can this be?” And the response, quite often, is “Quite a bit more.

The simplistic cartoonish graphics mask how deep every mechanic goes. Survivors in Rimworld struggle with unfriendly locals and themselves alike, making it the perfect recipe for scrambling in panic.

It’s not all that terrible when Rimworld presents its challenges in such a comically or touchingly fashion. After all, even though evil, murderous robots are wrecking havoc on your small farm, they can still bring a smile to your face.

6 Oxygen Not Included

It’ll Leave You Breathless 10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

Prior to the release of Oxygen Not Included by Klei Entertainment, it was inconceivable that a 2D game could offer such a balance between tranquility and tension.

The title effectively entices interest in the game: A group of three space settlers find themselves stranded on an asteroid, with breathable oxygen only found in limited areas.

Each time you play, the randomly created environments offer a distinct experience, ensuring that no two gaming sessions are ever identical, giving you countless opportunities to grapple with the game’s extraordinary physics.

Over-excavating an enclosed space without proper ventilation causes the surrounding air to become depleted of oxygen, leading to a situation similar to the previous environment. In other words, If you’re not careful and keep digging carelessly, your companions might experience hypoxia firsthand.

In the core mechanics of Oxygen Not Included, various factors interact and influence each other, often leading to unexpected outcomes. For instance, neglecting to clean up even a small puddle of urine in a corner could potentially trigger a chain reaction that devastates the entire colony.

The learning process requires a significant effort, yet the delightful style and daily feelings of achievement make it truly exceptional.

5 STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl

Roadside Picnic, Anyone?10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

According to STALKER, what’s even more disastrous than a single radioactive incident?

Despite the fact that Shadow of Chernobyl may reveal its age in gameplay, the captivating atmosphere and world-building are so compelling that they effortlessly draw your attention away from any minor flaws.

What sets STALKER apart is its dynamic world, which continues even when you’re not playing. To put it simply, the game doesn’t pause just because you step away.

In this setting, mutants prowl and prey upon weaker beings, groups set up guards, structures are taken over only to be deserted later, but what stands out is that stalkers congregate near a fireplace for comfort, music, and laughter.

Many survival shooter games launched since 2007 have been influenced by the grim setting known as The Zone, which was initially presented by GSC Game World. And guess what? Its successor is nearly here (provided there are no more delays in the release schedule).

4 Fallout 4

A Fortress Made Of Junk 10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

In a different setting, STALKER presents an ominous Eastern European nuclear fall season, whereas Fallout 4 gives off a festive Fourth of July vibe for the post-apocalyptic era.

Initially, Fallout 4 had a satisfactory launch, but its community of modders has elevated the game beyond what Bethesda might have envisioned. Whether you prefer harder challenges, easier settings, more realistic scenes, or goofier elements, Fallout 4 can accommodate with a swift visit to your preferred modding station.

Apart from being popular among modders, Fallout 4 holds its ground independently. Compared to Fallout: New Vegas, it may not have the same atmosphere or narrative, but it effectively creates a sense of personal importance for the player.

The key feature that sets this game apart lies in constructing communities, and it truly shines in this aspect. The joy derived from creating a small piece of civilization amidst desolate landscapes compensates for its relatively basic storyline.

Notably, the combat mechanics in Fallout 4 have been completely revamped, sparing players from the troublesome gunplay akin to what was experienced in both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

For those encountering it for the first time, it might be beneficial to watch the Fallout TV series as a prelude to dive into the experience more immersively.

3 Frostpunk

Wear A Few Extra Layers10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

A volcanic winter is an extremely unwelcome occurrence, but should it transpire, The Captain will need to adapt accordingly.

In Frostpunk, I’ve experienced chills like no other game. It’s not just my characters’ fingers that feel the bite of the harsh winter; the entire city seems to shudder with the cold, making every decision a struggle against the elements.

In the game ‘Frostpunk’, keeping your society thriving demands significant effort. However, that effort can only be sustained if your citizens possess sufficient resilience and mental fortitude to endure each challenging day.

A less than satisfactory building structure in essential locations often leads to workers developing frostbite. One possible solution could be to enlist additional labor or extend working hours for current staff. However, this might be considered inhumane, yet it’s a choice between such hardships and the risk of losing lives.

In Frostpunk, not only do you have the option for noble paths, but it’s also about making difficult decisions calmly and thoughtfully, a chilly play on words indeed.

Making these choices steers your city down various trajectories, resulting in entertaining yet concerning consequences such as intense fervor that demands harsh punishment of dissenters. It’s crucial for maintaining the city’s harmony and balance, which we refer to as Feng Shui.

2 Subnautica

Not Better Down Where It’s Wetter 10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

In Subnautica, an alien world is explored in a way that feels familiar, as it underscores the idea that the greatest dangers often lie hidden deep beneath the water’s surface.

In the aftermath of a shipwreck on an unfamiliar planet, you’re compelled to adapt swiftly for survival. Subnautica excels at delivering a sense of urgency and pleasure all at once.

In this Life Pod you’ve chosen as your residence, figuring out methods for living, such as eating, creating, and even surviving by breathing, mirrors the atmosphere of the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon Sealab 2020 (or its Adult Swim follow-up, Sealab 2021).

In the game Subnautica, what makes it standout is that you gradually adapt to the circumstances. Initially, you’ll find yourself battling one crisis after another. But as time passes, it starts feeling comfortably familiar – that is, until another crisis or terrifying wild animal encounter arises.

1 Kenshi

Adapt, Or Die Trying10 Best Survival Games With Unique Mechanics

In Kenshi, you often get a sense of being utterly insignificant. Yet, this sensation of powerlessness paradoxically brings about a unique kind of liberty, since a character without a predetermined fate has no boundaries to hold them back.

In a post-apocalyptic world, the initial stage of playing Kenshi is as close as an adult could feel to what a baby experiences. If that baby happened to be dropped into a desolate wasteland instead of a cozy nursery.

Despite its combative elements, Kenshi isn’t primarily focused on triumphing in battles; instead, it revolves around enduring the skirmishes.

If you manage to survive the initial stages, with all your limbs intact if possible, Kenshi gives you free rein to chart your own course. You might choose to become a freedom fighter, a stealthy thief, a commanding leader, a shrewd trader, or even a humble farmer aiming to avoid conflicts.

Even if you avoid becoming a messiah or a legendary warrior, other people in the world may not have the same ideas.

The impact of their lives and demise significantly shifts the political equilibrium within the world of Kenshi, potentially leading to unforeseen difficulties for those unaware.

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2024-10-01 14:09