10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

As someone who’s been around the gaming block a few times, I can’t help but notice how much things have changed since the good old days. Take the original Dark Souls, for instance. It was a game that demanded patience and skill, but compared to the masterpieces like Elden Ring or Lies of P, it feels rather janky and basic these days.

As I reminisce about the games of my youth, a warm nostalgia often washes over me, thinking to myself, “I wonder if these classics still hold up?” Thankfully, many do, but there’s usually a catch or two.

Games that could have been treasures back then are quite challenging to enjoy in today’s gaming era. From outdated graphics, awkward controls, poor storytelling, or dreadful voiceovers, many aspects that were once forgiven can now become significant factors that make a game nearly impossible to play.

Their brilliance isn’t diminished because everything is a reflection of its era, yet we can still strip away the rose-tinted lenses and scrutinize games that might be challenging to enjoy nowadays with a critical perspective.

10 Goldeneye 007

Shaken Not Stirred

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

Writing about it now is tough since when Goldeneye 007 debuted in 1997, it wasn’t just one of the top games of the year, but also a game that significantly revolutionized the gaming industry. In essence, it almost single-handedly ushered in the era of the 3D first-person shooter.

In the realm of gaming, the level of fidelity to the blockbuster film and the accurate portrayal of characters by the actors was unprecedented, offering an aesthetically pleasing experience from every angle.

As a dedicated fan, I must say the multiplayer aspect of this game was simply unforgettable back then, and if brought up in a social gathering now, it would still undoubtedly draw a crowd. However, regrettably, its outdated controls and graphics make it difficult to enjoy today, which is quite an obstacle for modern-day gamers like myself.

9 Duke Nukem 64

It Was Acceptable in the 90’s

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

What’s our starting point? Today, experiencing this game feels entirely distinct from its debut in 1997, whether it’s the intense first-person shooter mechanics or the character of Duke himself.

Just as Goldeneye was a remarkable sensation upon its release, attracting both children and adults to its mature spin on the First-Person Shooter (FPS) genre, so too did Duke Nukem captivate audiences when it debuted, offering an over-the-top, adult-oriented perspective within the FPS realm.

However, that same ‘mature’ content is the main issue today. Nonstop sex jokes and offensive jokes with zero wit behind them make playing through this today a chore, to say the least.

In essence, Duke Nukem was essentially a replica of Doom, but it failed to introduce anything fresh or innovative, and lacked the enchanting appeal that has kept the Doom series a timeless classic up until now.

In an attempt to make a resurgence, the iconic character Duke Nukem released Duke Nukem Forever, yet it was met with legendary failure. This demonstrated that interest in this artifact from a past era of gaming had waned significantly, leading to the apparent demise of both the game and its protagonist.

8 Legend of Dragoon

Epic But Repetitive

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

Regrettably, “Legend of Dragoon” finds itself on this list, but rest assured, it’s by no means the only one in its category, specifically Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs), as you’ll soon discover.

Back then, this game was among the rare non-Square releases from the late 90s that achieved mainstream success, and I’ve always held it dear. Yet, revisiting it lately hasn’t been as smooth a journey as I’d hoped.

Despite the fact that the narrative, ambiance, and speed of the game have proven timeless, the combat mechanism seems to be outdated.

Initially, the constant use of similar moves was fresh, but quickly became monotonous, leaving you to repeat them endlessly until more diverse options are available. This tedium is exacerbated by the continuous barrage of random battles that occur repeatedly before you can access the more engaging aspects of the game.

Fortunately, you can enjoy this game through the PlayStation Network, featuring enhancements such as swift save options and graphical improvements, making your gaming experience smoother. Nevertheless, it must be said that the game might not have aged quite as elegantly as some others.

7 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Beats Oblivion By a Whisker

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

While some might consider it blasphemous, it’s important to acknowledge what requires attention or criticism when necessary.

In modern gaming terms, the battles in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind can feel incredibly challenging and frustrating. Engaging in combat is more a test of patience than skill, often leading to frequent deaths that force you to restart the fight.

Another area of debate is the graphics. While it’s not entirely accurate to compare graphics from 2002 with modern games, even at its peak, it didn’t stand out visually. Today, it appears even more dated.

To be frank, I find myself yearning for more immersive gameplay these days, and while there are several modifications that enhance the experience significantly, merely enjoying the original version without any add-ons no longer quite hits the spot.

6 Grand Theft Auto III

Back When GTA Was Finding Its Feet

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

Without a doubt, one could argue that Grand Theft Auto III, considered the defining game of the 2000s, doesn’t hold up as well today. The disappointing attempt at remastering, an experience shared by many including myself, is evidence of this.

On our initial visit to Liberty City, this version plunged us straight into a crime family storyline. However, it’s important to note that the game’s success isn’t primarily due to its narrative.

The game was widely regarded as a triumph thanks to its groundbreaking open-world design. Yet, with nearly every latest AAA title adopting the open-world concept, this one seems remarkably outdated, and significantly smaller in scale.

Additionally, the strict gunplay mechanics and repetitive, highly linear missions in this game aren’t as captivating compared to those found in later installments of the series. Despite its historical significance as the precursor to open-world games like Grand Theft Auto, playing it today can feel quite tedious indeed.

5 Final Fantasy VII

Chunky Polygons Galore

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

Initially revolutionary, revisiting Midgar with Cloud and their group doesn’t turn out to be the heartwarming trip down memory lane one might anticipate.

Although the pre-existing backdrops remain visually appealing, the characters appear as grotesque, featureless boxes with no distinct characteristics. This stark contrast between these simplistic, unnatural figures and the detailed, realistic backgrounds is quite jarring.

The fight sequences in this game are quite old-fashioned compared to modern turn-based games, featuring a very basic, stripped-down system. While the Materia menu helps to mitigate some of the monotony associated with the combat mechanics, you’ll have to spend countless hours progressing through the game before you can even utilize this feature.

To put it another way, even though there are modifications available to enhance the experience, the original version of “Final Fantasy VII” doesn’t seem as engaging or enjoyable to play compared to modern standards.

4 Dragon Age: Origins

A Dated Origin Story

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

Although it was highly acclaimed as a role-playing game (RPG) classic, the initial installment of BioWare’s fantasy series struggles to maintain its appeal over time.

Initially, it may not have been the highest quality product available, but its rich selection of choices and consequences, along with its fast-moving, strategically deep combat reminiscent of massively multiplayer online games, made up for that shortcoming.

Today, however, the graphics seem quite unpleasant, more akin to games from the early PlayStation 2 period instead of the graphical capabilities of the Xbox 360/PS3 generation they were launched in.

Despite the old-fashioned visuals being overlooked, the gameplay experience significantly deteriorates when it comes to combat, particularly on consoles.

Back in the late 2000s, this game was truly a visionary with its innovative combat system. However, fast-forward to today, I find myself yearning for more excitement as it feels quite monotonous and repetitive. As the game advances, there’s a noticeable lack of effort to keep the action engaging and fresh.

Compared to the intense MMO combat found in games like Final Fantasy 14, playing Dragon Age: Origins today feels less enjoyable. However, we’re optimistic that Dragon Age: Veilguard could mark a comeback for the series and bring back the fun we once had with it.

3 Dark Souls

Respected, But Dated

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

In 2011, the game Dark Souls revolutionized the gaming industry by introducing a level of difficulty, atmospheric dread, and demanding boss battles that have since served as a model for other successful games in the Souls series. Yet, despite the subsequent release of even more impressive Souls games, going back to the original Dark Souls can feel like a bitter pill.

The fighting is sluggish and clunky, and the scarcity of distinct abilities, equipment, character customization options, and adaptability becomes quite apparent, particularly when contrasted with the sophisticated combat mechanics found in games such as Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Lies of P. It seems rather simple and rudimentary by comparison.

In terms of starting your journey through the Souls series, Elden Ring is a more suitable choice compared to the original game, as it offers a fresher experience due to significant advancements over the past decade, while still maintaining the love for the pioneer in this legendary series.

2 Fallout: New Vegas

The Game Was Rigged From The Start

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

It’s often claimed that “Fallout: New Vegas” is the finest game in the series, yet it’s possible that those who say so may not have revisited the game recently.

Initially, this game wasn’t the most visually appealing compared to others, but it offered a rich role-playing experience with numerous dialogue options, multiple paths to traverse, characters to ally or deceive, and an abundance of side missions that kept the adventure engaging, even with its noticeable flaws.

However, the achievement was quite surprising given that the game was developed using an outdated engine from Fallout 3, and under a strict time constraint. In truth, considering these limitations, it shouldn’t have been nearly as impressive as it turned out to be.

Yet, these problems are less easy to ignore today, as trivial glitches such as growing save files causing frequent crashes, and a continuous chain of bugs associated with any game produced by Bethesda, have become more apparent.

If you found Fallout 4 seeming outdated, give it another go. Despite being somewhat dated, it remains one of the most well-crafted Fallout role-playing games in terms of writing and RPG mechanics. However, its gameplay is notably tougher compared to modern standards.

1 Resident Evil

A Very Stale Jill Sandwich These Days

10 Games That Have Aged Like Milk

How much have horror video games progressed can be easily understood if we take a look at the original “Resident Evil.” The early emergence of the horror genre within gaming is still fondly remembered for its influence on the gaming industry, but interacting with it closely today feels as unsettling as encountering the zombies that are characteristic of this terrifying game.

Initially, the controls are so poor that they would barely pass muster by early 2000s standards. Actions as basic as aiming a gun correctly feel impossible. The difficulty is purposefully high to build tension and anxiety, but the game could have done a better job of striking this balance.

Additionally, the voice-overs, which were criticized for being poor when initially launched, still carry a low-budget film feel today. While some appreciate its quirky charm, many, like myself, believe it detracts from the overall production value even more.

In its original form, ‘Resident Evil’ possesses a timeless charm, yet it’s not a game for the sensitive or easily startled, as what makes it truly terrifying is its alarming rate of decay over time.

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    2024-09-16 16:39