12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

Key Takeaways

  • Some of the biggest gaming franchises still have lackluster titles with flaws, inconsistencies, and glitches.
  • Games like Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, Sonic 06, and Star Fox Zero attempt to revitalize the franchise with new elements that don’t work.
  • Others wipe clean any credit a series had, with Duke Nukem Forever and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 becoming a stain on an otherwise fantastic series.

As a veteran gamer who’s seen the rise and fall of many beloved franchises, I must say that some of these game reboots or spin-offs have left me scratching my head in disbelief. Let me take you on a trip down memory lane to when I first laid eyes on the infamous Banjo Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge.

Everyone has their preferred video game series, yet even the finest among them may contain a single disappointing title that we all dislike playing, though it’s often a source of amusement when we mock it.

Regardless of whether it was because of delays in production or a change in direction that didn’t work as planned, the lesser-known installments of a successful series often get overlooked: people prefer not to recall the missteps while watching an unparalleled streak of success.

This list includes several games that marked the downfall of certain video game franchises for some players, while others are games that series enthusiasts might choose to skip. However, any game on this list is eligible, as long as it’s a poorly received title within an otherwise successful or respected gaming franchise.

12 Dead Space 3

Too Much Action, Not Enough Horror

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

The worst criticism any horror game sequel can earn is that it’s just not scary anymore. Sadly, this is likely the most significant reason Dead Space 3 landed on our list.

In truth, Dead Space 3 did come up with some intriguing concepts, like an innovative approach to cooperative play and impressive new mechanics and sequences. However, when blended with the methodical survival gameplay that was characteristic of its predecessors, it all seemed somewhat out of place.

Although many might find it different, we still endorse Dead Space 3 to fans, understanding that it leans more towards an action-adventure style of play. It places a greater emphasis on the main storyline and action compared to the survival gameplay that made the earlier games so captivating.

11 Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

A Wildly Incoherent Mess, Even For Sonic

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

Many individuals who aren’t fond of the 3D versions of Sonic might bring up games like “Sonic and the Black Knight,” “Unleashed,” “Lost World,” or “Forces” as examples, but it’s important to note that these games still have their dedicated fanbases. Nevertheless, there seems to be a consensus among Sonic fans that almost universally dislike one game: Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, often referred to as Sonic 06.

Several aspects contribute to Sonic 06 being seen as the pinnacle of poor performance within the Sonic series. The gameplay feels unrefined and falls short in numerous ways, there’s an unexpected romantic subplot between Sonic and Princess Elise, and it’s plagued by a multitude of bugs and lengthy loading times.

As a devoted Sonic fan, I have to admit that Sonic 06 falls short of expectations. Coming from a series that has produced both incredible highs and disappointing lows, Sonic 06 stands out as the game that missed the mark the most. It’s become nearly unplayable due to its numerous flaws, making it hard for fans like me to find enjoyment in it.

10 Star Fox Zero

A Barrel Roll Right Into The Trash Can

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

Star Fox, a highly cherished franchise from Nintendo, seems almost symbolic that alongside the underperformance of the Wii U, we experienced the substantial letdown of Star Fox Zero as well.

A significant point to note about this title is that while there have been some less impressive Star Fox games in the past, these titles tend to be subpar due to their age. However, Star Fox Zero stood out as something distinctly inferior upon its launch.

The game seems excessively reminiscent of earlier titles such as Star Fox 64, which can be enjoyable, but lacks innovation and perpetuates many problems from past games. Conversely, the novel content appears overly focused on Nintendo’s Wii U accessories, making it difficult for it to establish its own distinct character.

Initially, Star Fox Zero appeared as a promising sign for the revival of the series, but it left us yearning for a complete, standalone Star Fox game instead.

9 Dead Rising 4

Frank May Be Back, But We Wish He Weren’t

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

While Dead Rising 4 provided an enjoyable experience for those seeking uncomplicated zombie-slaying action, many devoted Dead Rising enthusiasts felt that something essential from past games seemed to be absent.

The developer was determined to rekindle the unique charm of the initial “Dead Rising”. Although there were character nods like the “Frank returns” online initiative and numerous other allusions, there was a significant gap in gameplay similarities and an excessively sarcastic tone that lacked the original’s wit and endearment.

The gameplay veered more distantly from the original series’ themes than anticipated, offering an experience that felt familiar and classic, rather than the narrative-focused survivor stories and tactical survival combat we were accustomed to. Instead, it opted for a more traditional approach to zombie slaughter.

Despite attempting to recreate the brilliance of its predecessors, Dead Rising 4 unfortunately fell short and failed to leave a lasting impact on the already impressive franchise.

8 Mass Effect: Andromeda

The Failed Followup Of An RPG Legend

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

Reflecting on my experience with Mass Effect: Andromeda, I can’t help but feel a sense of empathy for its creators. They were tasked with the monumental challenge of continuing one of the most revered RPG trilogies in gaming history. In retrospect, it seems like the game was perhaps set up to fall short from the start.

While many players continue to appreciate and play through Mass Effect: Andromeda, it’s fair to say that it doesn’t quite live up to the grandeur of the original trilogy. To put it simply, where the first series was a captivating space exploration saga, its sequel didn’t quite reach the same level of impression.

In comparison to the original versions, the narrative and quality of writing aren’t as strong, which significantly impacts the overall gaming experience, particularly elements like exploration and combat, making them seem less enjoyable in contrast. (Since it is a Role-Playing Game, or RPG.)

It’s also hard not to mention the copious bugs that plagued this game at launch, and many of the horrific facial animations felt straight out of the uncanny valley.

7 Fallout 76

Fallout’s Biggest Bomb Since Megaton

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

After its debut, Fallout 76 has significantly improved, addressing initial issues like bugs and incomplete content. Yet, due to several factors, it continues to be seen as a less impressive game compared to others in the series, almost like an outsider in a remarkable franchise.

Some individuals, such as myself, might not be fond of certain aspects related to writing and gameplay in Bethesda’s newer titles when compared to the originals or New Vegas. However, these games have consistently maintained a focus on narrative-driven gameplay, which is a stark contrast to the multiplayer chaos of Fallout 76.

Open-world MMOs can be a blast, but truthfully, introducing this format into the Fallout series might not have been the best choice. The popularity of The Elder Scrolls Online seems to have influenced this decision, but unfortunately, it didn’t enhance the gameplay that Fallout enthusiasts cherish.

Although it wouldn’t be accurate to claim that Fallout 76 is completely devoid of enjoyment, it’s worth noting that even the modifications for Fallout 4 offer a more rewarding gaming experience.

6 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5

A Crash Landing For The Birdman

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

Looking back with rose-colored lenses, it’s possible to forget the significant negative impact Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 had on the series. However, let me bring your attention to the fact that this game was indeed a massive flop in the gaming world.

In its initial release, Pro Skater 5 fell short of expectations, offering gameplay that felt less polished and enjoyable compared to other entries in the series. The levels, while easy to navigate, lacked creativity and inspiration, failing to meet the high standards set by the rest of the franchise. In contrast to the engaging and swift gameplay experienced in previous games, Pro Skater 5 failed to deliver the satisfying experience that fans craved.

By examining the gameplay of this latest release, it becomes apparent that it lacks innovation and depth compared to classics like Pro Skater 3 or the Underground series. In contrast, these older games added significant value to the franchise, whereas this new title seems to detract from it by not offering anything fresh.

5 Postal 3

Even The Devs Are Apologetic

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

As a gamer, I’ve had the unfortunate experience of diving into “Postal 3,” a game that left its creators, Running With Scissors, in utter dismay. They openly admit that this title was a massive letdown for them, labeling it as “completely shattered.” In an extensive statement, they expressed that the game is beyond repair and have no intentions of mending it. To add to the disappointment, at one point, it was even removed from Steam.

it’s prone to technical issues, lacks a clear goal or significance, and appears incomplete in many aspects, including its gameplay mechanics, AI behavior, and control system.

Regrettably, what sets the franchise apart – its unique, hilarious humor – seems lacking in Postal 3. While there are plenty of zany moments that might typically elicit laughter, the subpar quality makes it difficult to even manage a weak giggle.

The Postal series has a reputation for being bizarre, disjointed, and chaotic, with crude humor and irritating AI characters that seem to invite destruction. Regrettably, Postal 3 lost the entertaining aspect of its madness, an event that everyone associated with it would rather forget.

4 Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness

Leave That Relic In Its Tomb!

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

We strongly advise against playing Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, as it represents an unmitigated catastrophe in the otherwise successful series.

For the first time on the PlayStation 2, Tomb Raider took a step, but unfortunately, it wasn’t among the brilliant games that graced this era. Regrettably, Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness didn’t make it onto the list of PS2 gems due to its poor control scheme, making gameplay a tedious experience.

The story may be a decent feature for Tomb Raider fans, but it’s hard to judge whether a story is good when the controls make Laura feel like a tank, not a nimble acrobat.

Among numerous titles, more than twenty in total, and countless edits and adjustments, “Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness” stands out as the most disappointing.

3 Banjo Kazooie Nuts And Bolts

The Platformer Turned Vehicle Editor Game

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

It’s tough not to be enamored with a fantastic 3D platformer, particularly one as endearing and full of character as Banjo Kazooie. However, Nuts & Bolts bears only a superficial resemblance to the original, using its name as the sole connection. At first, it seems like a faithful continuation of the series, stirring up nostalgia in fans. But then, unexpectedly, the game takes an entirely different direction, leaving you feeling that you’ve been playing something quite different from what was initially promised.

It’s as if the developers had an ingenious, yet unconventional idea – “What could make a vehicle customization game stand out like Banjo Kazooie?” The answer they came up with was surprisingly offbeat: They transformed their cherished 3D platforming series into an unusual vehicle-focused platformer game.

frankly speaking, the main part of the game isn’t terrible; it’s got a touch of childlike charm and innovative concepts that keep young players engaged. However, what’s unfortunate about this game is that it capitalizes on our nostalgia for Banjo Kazooie, rather than showcasing its own fresh and captivating features.

We’re eagerly waiting for the comeback of Banjo Kazooie at an early date, as it seems that the ending it received might have been one of the least satisfying for a series of such prominence.

2 Metal Gear Survive

It’s Just Not MGS Without Kojima

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

After Hideo Kojima’s departure from Konami, Metal Gear Survive became the initial original Metal Gear title to hit the market, and let’s hope it remains so. The entire game appears more like an aimless money-making scheme instead of a sincere successor to the series.

Survive is generally considered a simplified spin-off of Metal Gear, with little connection to the series beyond sharing the main game title and the engine used in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which made it such an engaging experience.

The mix of zombie survival gameplay and Metal Gear’s story works as well as a fork in a wall socket. The story itself is so far removed from what people expect from the franchise that it is just a huge embarrassment that Konami ever released this mess.

Without a doubt, Hideo Kojima stands among the finest craftsmen in video game development, weaving tales brimming with rich subtext, compelling narratives, and an unmistakable style. Unfortunately, Survive failed to capture that distinctive essence, setting it apart as an apparent outlier in a lineage of exceptional works.

1 Duke Nukem Forever

Forever The Worst Game In The Franchise

12 Bad Games In Amazing Franchises

As a hardcore gamer, I’ve got to say, the chatter about Duke Nukem Forever’s rocky development has overshadowed the game itself for me. After a grueling 15-year journey through “development purgatory,” this game felt like a cake that was barely cooked, overcooked in places, and had a bit of char on top.

As someone who grew up playing the original Duke Nukem games, I must admit that revisiting Duke Nukem Forever leaves me with a bittersweet feeling. The game seems like a loving tribute to the classics, but it also feels outdated and lacks the polish of modern AAA shooters. It’s as if they tried too hard to incorporate everything that had evolved in gaming during its development, resulting in a muddled experience that doesn’t quite capture the magic of the originals. I can’t help but feel like Duke Nukem Forever is a missed opportunity.

Moreover, numerous gamers found themselves disappointed by Duke Nukem’s aggressive macho demeanor, a persona that appears outdated and grating rather than cool or self-aware, thereby suggesting that the character has not aged well.

Duke Nukem Forever will always be seen as a blemish in the gaming industry. Despite its immense potential, it almost completely tarnished the reputation of a franchise that was once highly respected.

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2024-09-10 14:39