15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips


  • Follow the golden trail to progress quickly and efficiently in Black Myth: Wukong.
  • Break jars to collect Will and rare materials for upgrades and items.
  • Don’t be afraid to grind for XP and resources to make tough boss fights easier.

As an old-timer who’s traversed through countless open-world games, let me tell ya, dear traveler, I’ve seen the tricks and traps these developers like to lay out for us. But fear not! For I’ve sifted through the White Mist Marsh and scaled the highest peaks, so you don’t have to.

Black Myth: Wukong has surpassed predictions by setting new records on Steam and offering intense, difficult gameplay along with stunning graphics. This combination makes it a strong contender for Game of the Year. Despite being an outstanding experience, it doesn’t hold back and offers a steep learning curve to players.

To excel and embody the elegance and finesse required for the Monkey King character, you’ll likely benefit from any assistance that comes your way.

Hey there fellow gamer! Here’s a short and snappy rundown of some crucial tips I’ve gathered for newbies like us diving into the world of Black Myth: Wukong. These pointers should help us get off to a flying start!

1 Follow The Golden Trail

No Map, No Problem

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

As a newcomer to Black Myth Wukong, I initially thought the absence of an in-game map could be a significant flaw. However, I’ve come to appreciate the clever navigation system that guides me without needing a traditional map.

The system will continually provide the most efficient path for advancing forward, marked by a radiant, shimmering gold trail. If you ever find yourself uncertain of your direction, simply follow this illuminated route.

2 Don’t Sweat Dying

Dying Is A Learning Opportunity

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

During Game Science’s promotional campaign for their new game, they emphasized that it was not a typical Souls-like game. This has proven to be true because, although the game shares similar levels of difficulty, death doesn’t result in severe penalties like those found in traditional Souls games.

In this game, there’s no permanent loss of characters or items upon death. This gives you the liberty to explore more fearlessly and take on greater risks. Additionally, the compact zones between each boss ensure minimal progress is lost when you meet your demise. So, if you find yourself defeated, don’t worry too much about it.

3 Explore Each Area Thoroughly

Uncover Those Secrets

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

If you haven’t already learned, Black Myth Wukong is essentially a game focused on boss battles, and the spaces between these encounters aren’t particularly expansive. This implies that it doesn’t require significant extra time or energy to fully explore each part of the map, and should you choose to do so, you’ll frequently discover valuable items and resources hidden within.

In your exploration, you might come across items useful for crafting, an additional enemy boss (optional) that can be defeated to acquire their Spirit, or hidden areas related to side quests which are typically worth completing. Therefore, whenever you notice an optional route, take a moment to investigate it as it usually offers rewards.

4 Destroy Jars To Get More Will

Smashy, Smashy!

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

As you traverse the world, you’ll observe numerous broken vessels scattered about, and if you have a habit of shattering objects on sight, as if they were crates in a game like Crash Bandicoot, then you’d recognize that these shards are actually Will, an in-game resource used to purchase items and secure upgrades.

Typically, the proposed will is small, but consistently breaking down what seems insignificant can quickly accumulate into a substantial amount.

Incidentally, there are occasionally scarce resources hidden within these containers, making it justified to shatter a few while delving into new realms.

5 Spend Your Sparks Wisely

Pick Skills That Suit Your Playstyle

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

In contrast to Souls games, Black Myth Wukong features a conventional skill tree system. As you progress and gain experience points (XP), you’ll accrue Sparks which can be utilized to unlock fresh skills and powers. Upon beginning your journey, it’s wise to consider spending your initial Sparks on these newly available abilities.

  • Robust Constitution
  • Rampant Vigor
  • Simian Agility
  • Pillar Stance
  • Force Unbound (Smash Stance)
  • Stagnation

Feel free to choose the abilities that align best with your gaming style. If you frequently cast spells, focus on enhancing that aspect, or if you prefer long-range combat, boost your engagement range. Regardless of your chosen approach, ensure you select skills that maximize your unique strengths.

Worry not about your decisions being set in stone, since you can easily modify them whenever you want, without any penalties or requiring additional items for this adjustment. This flexibility also means you can swiftly tweak your character’s abilities and skills according to your needs.

6 Don’t Be A Hero

Fight Or Flight

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

In the initial phases of ‘Black Myth Wukong’, those who’ve met the Roaming Wight learn that it’s often wiser to retreat than engage in a battle.

In some instances of the game, particularly mini-bosses or specific stages, it might be wiser to steer clear of confrontation and instead adjust your strategy to ensure you make it through.

You might find it less challenging to postpone some battles until a later stage in the game, especially when you’ve acquired additional skills, items, or powers.

Furthermore, using the Cloud Step Spell, the game subtly nudges you to move quietly and evade conflicts in crowded places. In essence, it’s better to stay under the radar and keep yourself safe rather than taking on unnecessary risks.

7 Remember To Rest

Slow Down, Stay A While

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

In Dark Souls, taking a break by the campfire causes an immediate reset of the game world, restoring both your health and stamina automatically. On the other hand, that’s not how things work in Black Myth Wukong.

Each time you reach a Shrine as part of your journey, the game demands that you intentionally choose the ‘Rest’ option. This allows you to mark a checkpoint, continue walking, and potentially stumble into a new area with reduced health and mana levels unintentionally.

When visiting a Shrine, remember to check your Health Points (HP) and Mana levels before venturing forth, as it’s not ideal to find yourself in a boss battle without the ability to cast spells, transform, or summon spirits.

8 Unlock Transformations Early

Become The Boss

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

Hey there fellow gamer! Let me tell ya about a boss you don’t wanna miss – General Guangzhi. You can find him nestled near the ‘Outside The Forest’ Shrine. Now, unlike the Wandering Wight who might be more trouble than he’s worth if you tackle him too soon, General Guangzhi is a fight I’d recommend diving into right off the bat! Trust me on this one!

Besides being connected to the Three Bells side mission, it’s also crucial to consider that eliminating these foes grants you access to a potent fire-altering metamorphosis technique.

With this ability, you momentarily assume the role of the boss you vanquished, and for spells like Red Tides, it enables you to unleash attacks that cause burn accumulation and potent chain dashes.

The initial battle is quite challenging, but it sets the stage for smoother victories later on.

9 Don’t Be Too Proud To Grind

Farm All That Tasty XP

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

No matter how skilled you are at challenging games, it’s hard to argue against the fact that Black Myth Wukong will present difficulties multiple times, and there’s nothing wrong with stepping away from a tricky boss fight to boost your character’s abilities instead.

As a gamer, leveling myself up, enhancing my abilities using Sparks, and putting in countless hours of gameplay to earn Will and resources for better equipment truly transforms the playing field.

At the beginning of play, finding a good farming location with powerful enemies that provide a substantial amount of XP and Will upon defeat could be advantageous. Afterward, you can easily eliminate them, recharge at a Shrine, and then repeat this process until you feel more prepared to confront the challenging boss that was causing trouble for you.

10 Upgrade Your Armor and Staff

Never Hurts To Have Better Gear

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

On my journey, exploring each Shrine in the opening chapter, I’ll gradually uncover a powerful ability – the crafting of weapons and armor. It’s crucial to take advantage of this feature if I aim to deplete those pesky enemies’ health bars swiftly and efficiently.

To accomplish this task, you’ll need certain essential items and a substantial amount of effort and determination. However, if you meticulously delve into all the additional material and actively participate in it, you should accumulate enough resources to purchase these enhancements.

Players ought to strive to acquire the “Twin Serpent Staff” at the earliest opportunity, and then aim to upgrade it to the “Wind Bear Staff” once it is made accessible in the game.

Initially, the Pilgrim’s Armor serves well as an early choice for protection. However, it’s advisable to eventually swap it out for either the Serpentscale armor or the Ebongold Set as you progress through the game.

11 Sell Your Gold Pieces

Wheeling and Dealing

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

If you find it tough to afford these armor and weapon enhancements, think about offloading a few of your belongings as an option. You can do this at any shrine in the Shop section, or you could also trade items with the Shen Monkey found near the White Mist Marsh shrine.

During your journey, you’ll find several items that can be sold, but there is a specific category of items whose sole function is to generate income. As you progress through your adventure, you’ll accumulate gold coins. It’s advisable to sell these when you find yourself in need of Will points for enhancing your equipment.

Gold Pieces are often found in chests, or can be gained from enemy drops.

12 Upgrade Your Gourd

It’s a Really Gourd Idea

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

The Gourd upgrade is another vital upgrade that players should utilize as soon as it becomes available. Your Gourd is the resource players use to heal during battle, and it begins with four charges as standard.

At the White Mist Marsh, be sure to provide the Shen Monkey with some Luojia Fragrant Vine. In return, they’ll boost the charge in your Gourd.

During your journey, the Luojia Fragrant Vine may not be abundant, yet it’s easily locatable as there’s a tree growing nearby the Shen Monkey’s den.

To your left, past the White Mist Marsh sanctuary, there is a tree adorned with some vibrant orange feathers. Collect something from this tree and give it to the Shen Monkey; in return, you will receive an additional health boost.

13 Make Use of Soaks and Brews

Become a part-time mixologist

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

Once you successfully rescue Shen Monkey and unlock its store and features, you’ll additionally have the ability to utilize Brews and Soaks. These benefits are automatic enhancements that take effect whenever you apply a healing item.

As a long-time role-playing game enthusiast, I’ve found that the most engaging characters often have unique abilities that set them apart from the rest. For instance, in my gaming experience, I’ve come across characters who can heal themselves and others, but also possess additional benefits like poison resistance or passive healing over time. This not only makes the character more versatile, but it adds a layer of strategy when deciding which “active brew” or “soak” to use in different situations. It’s these types of intricate mechanics that keep me coming back to these games and immersing myself in their worlds.

At first, your choices may be limited, but soon enough, you’ll discover several excellent ones available.

As a dedicated wellness enthusiast, I can’t help but sing praises for two remarkable remedies that have been a game-changer in my journey towards holistic health. The first one is the Celestial Lotus Seeds Soak, a potent choice for gradual healing over time. This gem offers a gentle yet impactful approach to wellness.

Additionally, you might want to explore the selection of drinks and soaking products offered by the Shen Monkey as well.

14 Use Medicines To Enhance Abilities

Is All Of This Prescription?

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

Until you finish a specific mission in Chapter 2, you won’t have the ability to brew your own potions. However, don’t worry, you can still buy medicines at the shrine store and discover some remedies in the wilderness during this time.

These can easily be overlooked by new players, but some of these medicinal products have amazing effects.

Specifically, the Amplification Pellets and the Tiger Subduing Pellets are valuable assets during the game’s early stages. They become particularly beneficial when you’re having trouble defeating a specific boss. The former increases your chances of critical hits, while the latter boosts your overall damage output.

So, if you have some Will burning a hole in your pocket, be sure to stock up on these items.

15 Activate Your Relics

Powerful Perks of Old

15 Essential Black Myth Wukong Beginner Tips

At the end of every chapter in this grand saga, you’ll find yourself with a Relic that offers several power-ups for you to select.

However, these buffs do not activate on their own, so you must navigate to the relics tab in the in-game menus and select the option that best suits you.

By the close of the initial chapter, I’ll find myself in possession of the Craving Eyes Artifact, granting me a choice between the Opportune Watcher, Eagle-Eyed, or Keen-Minded bonuses.

To enjoy a complimentary boost, remember to select one of the available options as failing to do so means forgoing this benefit.

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2024-08-22 13:10