5 Best Mega Swampert Counters

Pokemon GO Mega Swampert Raid winners get a guaranteed Swampert encounter. Mega Pokemon possess extremely powerful stats which increase significantly as a Mega Raid Boss. You must have strategically selected powerful counters to defeat the monster.

Mega Swampert is a dual Water and Ground-type Pokemon with a maximum Combat Power of 4975 CP. The Mega Monster’s maximum CP and damage output increases significantly as a Mega Raid Boss. Regarding its stats, they comprise 283 ATK, 218 DEF, and 225 HP. Winning against it in Mega Raid requires powerful counters and a team of trainers. That said, this guide details the best Mega Swampert Counters in Pokemon GO by studying its weaknesses and resistances.

Pokemon GO Mega Swampert – All Weaknesses And Resistances

Mega Swampert’s dual typing equips it with several resistances but weakens it to only 1 typing. Once you study its type-weaknesses and resistance, you can select powerful Mega Swampert Raid counters in Pokemon GO. Remember that Mega Raids are challenging, so you must avoid solo gameplay, and team up with 3 to 4 trainers.

Pokemon GO: Mega Swampert Weaknesses

  • Grass-type moves

Pokemon GO: Mega Swampert Resistances

  • Electric-type moves
  • Fire-type moves
  • Poison-type moves
  • Rock-type moves
  • Steel-type moves

In regions where it’s both raining and sunny, you should find that Mega Swampert gains a boost. However, be careful to avoid using Mega Raid battles in places with identical weather conditions.

Pokemon GO Mega Swampert: Best Raid Counters

In the popular game Pokemon GO, Mega Swampert is weak against attacks from Grass-type Pokemon. To effectively counter Mega Swampert in a raid, choose Grass-type Pokemon with strong Grass-type moves. When a Pokemon uses an attack that matches its own type, it triggers a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) effect, which increases the damage inflicted on the Mega Raid Boss.

Best Mega Swampert Counters And Moves In Pokemon GO

  • Mega Sceptile – Bullet Seed (Grass) & Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
  • Mega Venusaur – Vine Whip (Grass) & Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
  • Kartana – Razor Leaf (Grass) & Leaf Blade (Grass)
  • Sky Forme Shaymin – Magical Leaf (Grass) & Grass Knot (Grass)
  • Zarude – Vine Whip (Grass) & Power Whip (Grass)
  • Shadow Tangrowth – Vine Whip (Grass) & Power Whip (Grass)
  • Shadow Venusaur – Vine Whip (Grass) & Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
  • Shadow Torterra – Razor Leaf (Grass) & Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
  • Shadow Sceptile – Bullet Seed (Grass) & Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
  • Rillaboom – Razor Leaf (Grass) & Grass Knot (Grass)

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2025-03-17 14:15