5 Games Where You Are The Only Person In The World

5 Games Where You Are The Only Person In The World

Key Takeaways

  • The Solus Project – Astronaut struggles solo to survive on a mysterious planet full of remnants of an ancient civilization.
  • Subnautica – Players may be the only humans left on a dangerous oceanic planet with fearsome creatures.
  • The Witness – Solitary exploration on a beautiful tropical island filled with vibrant puzzles provides a lonely yet refreshing experience.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I must say that these games are truly masterpieces in their own right. Each one offers a unique and immersive experience that leaves an indelible mark on the player’s memory.

The ‘survival genre’ may not appeal to all gamers due to its need for considerable patience, farming resources diligently, and managing them effectively to avoid hunger, thirst, and potential dangers like hostile individuals, monsters, or wild animals. In many survival games, players engage in interactions with other characters to barter valuable goods or converse, helping to keep their mental health in check.

In my opinion, numerous survival games don’t offer the same level of camaraderie, instead, they drop you off in isolated landscapes with no one else to connect with. Some gamers might even claim that these solitary survival experiences are the epitome of the genre, as they challenge the protagonist against a ruthless and unforgiving world designed for the toughest survivors. Here are some titles where you’re the last person on Earth.

5 The Solus Project

An Otherworldly Adventure That Pits Players Against Harsh Conditions

  • Platform(s): PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
  • Released(s): June 7, 2016
  • Developer(s): Teotl Studios, Sjoerd De Jong, Grip Digital
  • Genre(s): Adventure game, Indie, game, Simulation game
  • The game features storms and unforgiving humidity conditions
  • Players are the lone survivors of their exploration crew

Introduced in 2016, “The Solus Project” is a solitary, first-person survival game where players assume the role of an astronaut embarking on a noble quest to save mankind. After their spaceship meets with disaster on an enigmatic planet, the player must employ every resource at their disposal to endure and navigate this desolate landscape. Initially, the planet appears barren and lifeless, but as players delve deeper, they’ll uncover evidence of artificial structures, hinting at the possible existence of life on the planet in the past.

In The Solus Project, you find yourself as the lone survivor from your exploration team, stranded on a foreign planet after a crash landing. Alone, you traverse the planet’s surface, uncovering the vestiges of an extinct civilization that once thrived here.

4 Subnautica

Players Might Be The Only Humans Alive On An Oceanic Planet

  • Players are stranded on an oceanic planet looking for survivors
  • There are many dangerous creatures on the ocean floor

In the 22nd century, the game titled “Subnautica” finds you right amidst humanity’s endeavor to colonize the universe. You are dispatched on a mission to find a missing spaceship called the “Degasi,” but your ship gets hit by an energy surge, causing it to crash-land on the enigmatic ocean planet named 4546B. As you delve into the planet and strive for survival, you’ll encounter distress signals from escape pods that you must locate in an attempt to rescue those trapped inside. These cryptic signals, however, conceal many secrets for you to unravel.

On planet 4546B, it appears there might be other humans based on a received distress signal, but we can’t confirm if the message is current or if the senders are still alive. This implies that the players could be the only remaining humans on the planet, offering a solitary yet engaging adventure. In addition to typical survival challenges found in games, players will need to watch out for 4546B’s formidable marine creatures, which make Earth’s scariest sea-dwellers seem harmless by comparison.

3 The Last Guardian

An Old Man’s Tale About His Youth And His Giant Best Friend

  • The game has many elements reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus
  • Trico and the Boy can interact to progress through the game

The Last Guardian is an exceptional game, blending action-adventure and puzzle-solving into a captivating journey that strongly echoes Shadow of the Colossus. In this game, players assume command of a boy who can blend with his surroundings to evade detection and attack many in-game adversaries. Throughout the narrative, players encounter Trico, a colossal mythical creature, with whom they can interact, ride, and form a bond as they advance through the game and gain a sense of camaraderie.

The tale of “The Last Guardian” opens with an elderly man reflecting on his past exploits, shared with a griffin-like creature reminiscent of his adventures in his younger days. Essentially, the game unfolds from the perspective of these memories, interspersed with flashbacks from the old man’s life. In summary, this game is another impressive creation by Team Ico, featuring mechanics comparable to the “Shadow of the Colossus” series that gamers will find engaging. Though there are no other humans during the boy’s youth, the creature named Trico provides enough companionship to create a challenging yet non-lonely gaming experience.

2 The Witness

Puzzle-Solving Is Key To Dealing With The Loneliness Of Being The Only Human Around

  • Players must solve puzzles throughout the game
  • The Witness is set on a beautiful tropical island

In the captivatingly designed survival game known as The Witness, you find yourself cast as the lone human resident of a deserted island teeming with vibrant flora, an expansive, bustling ocean, and greenery so vivid it appears almost synthetic. Following the emergence of your character from an underground shelter, your mission becomes one of exploration across the island, which boasts numerous structures and geological formations. The Witness presents a generously spacious map divided into 11 distinct areas, each characterized by unique vegetation and brain-teasing puzzles. Although some challenges are essential to advance through the game, others are elective, offering players significant leeway in selecting the challenges they wish to conquer.

Although it’s uncertain if there are people elsewhere in the world beyond this island, it’s evident that players are the only humans within a 100-mile vicinity, leading to a solitary experience that echoes the film Castaway. However, on the positive side, unlike other survival games where isolation is also prevalent, the game The Witness takes place on a stunning tropical island. This might make spending time alone seem more like an extended holiday rather than an unwelcome predicament.

1 Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture

Players Get To Experience The Vanishing Of Humanity

  • Set in a village where its inhabitants are slowly disappearing and turning into pure light
  • Beautiful area design and great exploration mechanics (aside from the slow walking pace)

In 1984, nestled within the fictional English village of Yaughton, the narrative of Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture unfolds. As individuals around our protagonists vanish, transforming into radiant beams of light, the game subverts the notion of solitude as more townsfolk gradually disappear into nothingness. This emptiness allows players to delve into various game areas, each growing progressively devoid of life.

In contrast to most survival games where the player is alone in a world that’s already empty, what makes Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture unique is its story unfolds as humanity begins to disappear from Earth. Players can delve into a vast and intricate world, uncovering pieces of information about their neighbors’ mysterious disappearances. The design of each area, house, and park in this game is exceptional.

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2024-10-12 13:33