7 Days to Die: All Console Commands

7 Days to Die: All Console Commands

As a seasoned game designer with years of experience under my belt, I find this list of commands to be quite comprehensive and versatile. It’s like having a Swiss Army Knife for your game development needs!

In a post-apocalyptic setting filled with hordes of zombies, the game titled 7 Days to Die tasks players with enduring and thriving by scavenging for resources and safeguarding themselves from the threats lurking in the world.

These threats can often escalate and become increasingly difficult to overcome. However, these issues may be easily resolved by using specific console commands and cheats, as can additional changes to multiplayer and single-player servers.

How to Use Console Commands

7 Days to Die: All Console Commands

To open the console in the game “7 Days to Die“, press the “F1” key on a US or EU keyboard. Other keyboard layouts may assign different keys for this action, such as the “, @, Ö, Ø, F2, and Ñ” keys.

After you’ve opened the command window, simply type any desired console commands and then hit the ‘Enter’ key to execute them. The “help” command will display all available commands for the game. For more information about a specific command, utilize the format: “help [command]”.

All Console Commands

7 Days to Die: All Console Commands

In the game 7 Days to Die, there’s a variety of commands that can be utilized. These commands were primarily designed for developer purposes, but they can also be used by players to customize certain aspects of the server setup or even introduce cheats to ease gameplay.

To activate cheats like God Mode or Invisibility, utilize either the “‘debug menu’ or ‘dm’” command. Once enabled, you can access these cheats by simply pressing “Esc” and then choosing the desired cheat from the menu that appears.

Command Use
help <command> Explains the command’s function.
clear Clear all text on the command console.
shutdown Closes the game.
creativemenu Toogle Creative Menu On/Off
cp add/remove/list <command> <0-1000> Add, remove or list a command with a specific permission value.
debugmenu Enables the debug menu.
exportcurrentconfigs Exports the configurations of the server.
getgamepref Shows the current gameplay preferences.
getgamestat Shows the current game stats.
gettime Shows the current time.
listents Shows all entities in the game.
listlandclaim Shows all the active land claim blocks with the owner’s name.
listplayerids Shows all the player IDs.
listplayers Shows all the active players on the server.
listthreads Shows all the threads.
shownexthordetime Shows the next horde attack time.
saveworld Saves the progress of the server.
say <text message> Sends the text to the connected players in the server.
gfx af <0/1> Toggles Anisotropic Filtering Off (0) and On (1).
damagereset Damage of all active blocks is reset.
admin add <name/entity id/steam id> <0-1000> Adds the player to the admin list.
admin remove <name/entity id/steam id> Removes the player from the admin list.
ban add <name/entity id/steam id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason] Adds a player to the ban list for a specific duration. For example: ban MrCantShoot 2 months
ban list Views the ban list.
ban remove <name/entity id/steam id> Removes the specified player from the ban list.
whitelist Shows the white list.
whitelist add <name/entity id/steam id> Add the player to the white list.
whitelist remove <name/entity id/steam id> Remove the player from the white list.
kick <name/entity id/steam id> Kicks the player from the server.
kickall Kick all players from the server.
kill Kill the player/zombie near you.
killall Kill all active entities on the server.
buff Shows the list of available buffs.
buff <name> Applies the specified buff to the player.
debuff <name> Removes the specified buff from the player
buffplayer <name/entity id/steam id> <buffname> Applies the specified buff to the specified player.
exhausted Exhausts the players.
starve Player becomes hungry.
thirsty Makes the player thirsty.
givesquest Gives the player a quest and shows the list of available quests.
removequest Removes a quest and shows the list of available quests.
giveself <itemname> <1-6 level> Gives the player the specified item.
giveselfxp <amount> Increases the XP by specified amount.
spawnsupplycrate Spawns a supply crate.
spawnairdrop Spawns a new airdrop.
spawnwh Spawns a horde.
spawnscouts Spawns zombie scouts.
teleport <x , y, z> Teleport to specific co-ordinate.
teleportplayer <name/entity id/steam id> <x, y, z> Teleport specific players to the co-ordinate.
water Shows water settings.
weather Shows weather settings
weathersurvival <On/Off> Enables or Disables weather survival.

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2024-08-21 11:03