7 Days To Die: Best Food

7 Days To Die: Best Food

Key Takeaways

  • Eating regularly is crucial in
    7 Days To Die
    to avoid serious consequences.
  • Early-game meals like bacon & eggs can be cheap and easy to make.
  • Late-game dishes like Gumbo Stew can offer great benefits but require more effort.

As a seasoned survivor of many apocalyptic winters, I can confidently say that these dishes have been a game-changer for me in my journey to thrive in this harsh world. The Shepard’s Pie and Gumbo Stew, with their stamina bonuses, are lifesavers when it comes to those grueling mining sessions or tireless tree chopping. I must admit, the thought of reading 70 or even 100 Home Cooking Weekly magazines might make some groan, but remember, knowledge is survival in this world!

In the game 7 Days To Die, it’s crucial for players to maintain a regular eating schedule. Failing to do so could lead to severe repercussions, even death. Therefore, staying well-nourished is vital for survival. In the initial stages, finding enough canned food might be challenging, and hunting animals with rudimentary weapons may prove difficult. However, as the player progresses through the first few days, they will gradually adapt to managing their food and drink requirements more effectively.

As the game progresses towards its end, characters will start revealing various edible items. These dishes not only sustain their energy and hydration but also offer special advantages that significantly boost their chances of surviving.

8 Bacon And Eggs

A Nutritious Early Game Meal

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 36
  • Health: 18
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 10

A hearty meal of bacon and eggs isn’t the best food in the game. However, during the early days, it is among the best foods that the player will have access to. It’s cheap to make, and it doesn’t require any particularly costly resources.

As a keen enthusiast, I’ll have to get my hands on a full set of 10 Home Cooking Weekly magazines to master this delectable dish. With a crackling campfire and a trusty cooking pot at hand, I’ll also require 5 pieces of raw meat and 2 eggs for the recipe. It’s worth noting that by putting some points into the Master Chef perk, I can reduce the cost of preparing any food item. And let me tell you, this bacon and eggs dish is a lifesaver during the initial weeks as I navigate my survival journey!

7 Spaghetti

Costly Yet Effective

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 122
  • Health: 61
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 40

To prepare this recipe, gamers need to invest some time by thoroughly reading an accumulated total of ninety issues from the Home Cooking Weekly magazine series. Once they’ve achieved this milestone, they can finally cook the dish. Although it offers a generous amount of food and restores 61 health points, it comes at a relatively high cost to produce.

To prepare a single serving, you’ll require one large canned beef ration, one canned pasta, one mushroom, three quick-moving animals (presumably small game), and one bottle of water. The costlier items in this recipe are the canned foods, as they cannot be crafted by the player. Instead, these ingredients must be acquired through looting or by purchasing them from traders or vending machines.

6 Meat Stew

A Relatively Simple Early Game Meal

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 50
  • Health: 25
  • Water: 20
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 20

Preparing a hearty meat stew is an achievable recipe that you’ll gain access to after reading 22 issues of the Home Cooking Weekly magazine. The components required for this scrumptious dish are quite accessible. Regardless of any bonuses in Master Chef, this meal will set you back 5 raw meats, 2 potatoes, 2 ears of corn, 1 piece of animal fat, and 1 water. You can procure all these ingredients through farming or hunting animals.

Instead of many initial game meals, this dish not only replenishes players’ hunger levels but also their thirst meters. Consequently, it eliminates the need for players to store water in their inventory while embarking on quests or exploring Points of Interest, since they can now satisfy both needs with a single item.

5 Sham Chowder

A Questionable But Nutritious Meal

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 53
  • Health: 80
  • Water: 10
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 30
  • Fortitude: +1 (10 Minutes)

In this game, you can unlock Sham Chowder once you’ve read 59 issues of Home Cooking Weekly magazine. This dish not only provides food, health, water, and an energy boost for the player, but it also temporarily increases their strength by +1 for a duration of 10 minutes, known as Fortitude.

This dish is relatively inexpensive to prepare as it uses just one can of sham (which can be made yourself), along with 2 potatoes, 2 ears of corn, and water. Learning to make cans of sham adds to its cost-effectiveness, making it an economical and beneficial option for most players.

4 Vegetable Stew

Cheap To Make, Great For Both Thirst And Hunger

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 31
  • Health: 15
  • Water: 20
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 20

In the game, you can make a vegetable stew recipe fairly quickly. To do so, you need to read 22 issues of the Home Cooking Weekly magazine first in order to acquire the skill to craft this dish. Although it doesn’t provide as many benefits as other dishes, its affordability makes it a great choice for farmers.

Preparing one serving of vegetable stew requires 2 potatoes, 2 corn ears, 2 mushrooms, and 1 unit of water. You can gather all these ingredients from your player’s base with the help of a few dew collectors and farm plot blocks. If you have farmer armor equipped and perhaps a skill point in Living Off The Land, you can establish a self-sustaining food production system right within your base.

3 Shepards Pie

A Classic Dish

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 104
  • Health: 52
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 40

In the course of the game, one of the recipes the player will eventually unlock is Shepherd’s Pie. To prepare this dish, the player needs to accumulate a total of 70 issues of the Home Cooking Weekly magazine. This recipe is somewhat expensive as some of its ingredients can’t be crafted by the player. Each serving of Shepherd’s Pie calls for 1 lamb ration, 1 can of peas, 1 ear of corn, 3 units of animal fat, and 1 potato.

Although this meal doesn’t contain water or restore much health relative to certain other dishes, it significantly boosts your maximum stamina by an impressive 40 points. This added endurance can prove quite beneficial for activities such as mining and tree felling.

2 Gumbo Stew

A Late-Game Delicacy

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 112
  • Health: 56
  • Water: 20
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 40

Similar to the last recipe, this one increases a player’s maximum stamina by 40 points. But unlike the previous, it also quenches their thirst. Unfortunately, mastering this dish requires reading 100 issues of Home Cooking Weekly magazines first.

This Gumbo Stew is a standout dish in the game, ideal for late-game scenarios as it provides comprehensive nourishment to sustain players while exploring Points of Interest (POIs). Preparing this stew requires one large beef ration, one can each of peas and stock, two pieces of animal fat, and one water. It’s a costly dish to prepare, but the investment pays off. By reading 100 issues of Home Cooking Weekly magazines, players will accumulate a substantial supply of canned goods, enabling them to cook multiple batches of Gumbo Stew.

1 Pumpkin Cheesecake

Great For Saving Dukes

7 Days To Die: Best Food
  • Food: 42
  • Health: 21
  • Max Stamina Bonus: 20
  • Bartering (Buying): +5% (5 Minutes)

After reading 18 issues of Home Cooking Weekly, you can prepare a delightful Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe. Although this dessert doesn’t offer significant advantages in terms of nutritional benefits or stamina, it does provide players with a beneficial increase in their bartering skills when purchasing items from traders.

At the beginning of the game, amassing a significant number of Dukes might prove challenging. Gathering enough Dukes to purchase specific items from traders could require some patience. However, consuming a piece of pumpkin cheesecake prior to interacting with a trader grants a 5% discount on all purchases. To prepare this dish, you’ll need 1 pumpkin, 1 egg, 1 cornmeal, 1 animal fat, and 1 beer. This delicious treat is an excellent choice for players aiming to build wealth in 7 Days To Die.

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2024-09-02 17:55