7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

As someone who has spent countless nights fending off hordes of relentless zombies in the post-apocalyptic world of 7 Days To Die, I can’t stress enough the importance of being prepared for the horrors that lurk outside. With my heart pounding in my chest and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that could save your life.

In simpler terms, 7 Days To Die is a game with intricate underpinnings that are not immediately apparent. Regardless of the chosen level of difficulty, staying alive in this game requires effort. On standard settings, players will encounter hordes of zombies every seven days within the game.

In simpler terms, the zombies are swift, powerful, and unyielding. The relentless onslaught of zombie hordes during a Blood Moon can be overwhelming. But fear not, survivors of 7 Days To Die can employ some strategies to endure their first encounter with the Blood Moon.

Have Plenty Of Ammunition

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

During a Blood Moon event, it’s essential to be well-prepared with an ample supply of defensive items. Whether you prefer bullets or arrows, the more you have on hand, the better. For your initial Blood Moon encounter, you might discover that bullets are scarce. Fortunately, producing arrows is an affordable and simple process. Therefore, manufacture as many arrows as possible to boost your supply and help you endure the night.

When shooting at zombies, make an effort to hit their heads. Your simple bow and arrows may not be powerful, but a precise headshot can still eliminate a zombie with just one strike. For optimal results, guide the zombies towards a narrow passageway or hallway. By concentrating them in a compact space, you’ll increase your chances of accuracy as they will cluster closely together.

Have Multiple Weapons Ready For Action

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

In the initial stages of playing “7 Days to Die,” it might be challenging to locate superior weapons. But don’t let that deter you! Having a diverse selection of weapons, even if they are just the essentials, is beneficial. Keep a club, spear, bow, and knife on hand in your inventory. By doing so, you’ll have the ability to easily switch between different types of weapons, which could prove vital during your nighttime encounters.

Having spent countless hours surviving in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, I can confidently say that having a diverse arsenal of weapons is essential for combat effectiveness. The longbow is my trusted companion when engaging zombies from a safe distance – its power and accuracy never fail me.

Hatches Can Be A Life Saver

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

Although hatches don’t offer as much utility as before in the game’s newer versions, they still serve the purpose of hindering zombie progress. In tight passages, a strategically placed hatch or two can buy you some valuable time by momentarily obstructing the horde, enabling you to take out a few with a ranged weapon.

With sufficient resources on hand, you can mend the hatches to save them from zombie damage. Don’t forget to keep an axe handy in your inventory for efficient switching between hacking down zombies and fixing up the hatches.

Understanding Zombie AI Is Critical

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

Zombies tend to choose the simplest route when moving towards their target. Utilize this knowledge to strengthen your defenses. For instance, if you establish a refuge within an existing structure, zombies will likely attack the entrance due to ease of access. Consequently, fortify that path with obstacles such as spikes and hatches to obstruct their progress.

Another point to consider is that if there isn’t a straight route, zombies may attempt to damage your fortification in order to reach you.

Should you choose to climb up on a building’s roof and remove all ladders, the zombie horde will attempt to destroy the walls, leading to the building collapsing.

Hiding Doesn’t Help During A Blood Moon

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

On an ordinary night, you can safely seek shelter and elude any passing zombies. However, on horde nights or during a Blood Moon, your hiding place will be exposed. The zombies will have an uncanny ability to detect your whereabouts. Thus, attempting to conceal yourself would be futile.

To ensure your safety during a zombie apocalypse, choose a strongly built shelter as your refuge. But be prepared to defend yourself against the relentless attacks of the undead. Although hiding in an underground hideout might offer some respite, this isn’t the best option. While you may evade the zombies, they can still inflict substantial damage to your hideout.

Carry Repair Equipment To Fix Fortifications On The Fly

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

In my experience playing this survival game, fixing up structures like walls, doors, and hatches on a routine basis is essential for keeping the hordes of zombies at bay. It’s not just about fortifying your base, but also maintaining your weapons. Trust me, you’ll be thanking yourself during those intense horde nights when your arsenal is in top shape.

Should your weapons malfunction without a viable solution for repair, your chances of making it through the night become slim.

During horde nights, it’s beneficial to carry some essential resources such as plant fibers, wood, stone, and iron with you. This will help ensure that things continue to function efficiently.

Build A Structurally Sound Base

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

In the game “7 Days To Die, the mechanics of constructing bases are intricate.” To defend against assaults, your structure must be robust. “Zombies instinctively zero in on vulnerable spots.” Hence, if you opt to erect a base with just one anchoring point, expect zombies to focus on that area and potentially destroy the entire construction.

To ensure the continuity of your operations, it’s essential to establish a solid foundation for your base that can withstand partial damage from enemy assaults. Securely anchor your base to the ground in various spots. Moreover, prioritize upgrading your support blocks before enhancing other structures. Upgrading blocks adds weight, so strengthening your foundational elements first will prevent unintended base collapse when other sections are improved.

Have A Plan B For When Things Go South

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

It’s important to have a backup solution even when you’re completely certain about your primary plan. For instance, if an unexpected zombie attack breaches your fortified base with no escape route, your situation could turn dire rather swiftly.

Having a backup solution or alternative location is essential for ensuring survival. For instance, keeping a hay bale as an emergency exit at the back of your shelter, or constructing an underground tunnel to another site, can save lives in critical situations.

Keep Food And Aid Items On Your Toolbar

7 Days To Die: Tips & Tricks To Survive Your First Blood Moon

It’s essential to have bandages, medications, sustenance, and beverages readily available at all times. Accessing these items promptly during horde nights is crucial for your survival. Unfortunate incidents, such as injuries, can occur, potentially hindering your speed. Given that zombies move swiftly during the night, maintaining optimal health is imperative.

In the game, it’s common knowledge that not taking care of your basic needs, such as hunger and thirst, can negatively impact your stamina and health. Consequently, this may hinder your performance in battles. Therefore, remember to keep yourself nourished and energized for optimal combat readiness.

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2024-07-25 13:04