8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum

As a veteran Mechabellum strategist with countless hours spent in the heat of battle, I can confidently say that each unit has its unique strengths and weaknesses, much like the people we encounter in our daily lives.

In this game named Mechabellum, it showcases a vast array of giant robots and vehicles, making them the main attraction. Similar to auto chess, the strategy lies in understanding each unit’s characteristics and devising strategies to maximize their potential.

As a seasoned gamer, let me share some insights about Mechabellum – it’s not just about wielding the strongest units in every battle, but rather, it’s about mastering adaptability, much like strategy games often require. The selection here may not always be the top-tier picks, but they offer an impressive degree of flexibility that can turn the tables and make you the one dictating the pace of the game, instead of your opponents setting the tempo.

8 Crawlers

Inexpensive Chaff For Screening Attacks

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum

  • Cost: 100
  • Role: Cannon Fodder
  • Targets: Ground only

As a dedicated game enthusiast, I can confidently say that Crawlers are an exceptional choice when it comes to the foundational units every army needs. They’re economical, abundant, and versatile, proving their worth in almost any matchup. They may not be the toughest units, but their ability to inflict damage on the enemy bots they encounter can swiftly turn the tide of a fight in their favor, making them a potential threat that no one wants to face.

Swap Crawlers out for Fangs if the enemy starts with aerial units.

7 Sledgehammer

Reliable Main Battle Tanks

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 200
  • Role: General Purpose
  • Targets: Ground only

Sledgehammers are the basic infantry you often find in an army, known for their robustness and ability to deliver a good punch. Initially, they might not seem extraordinary, but once upgraded, they make excellent frontline defenders. A well-prepared starting force of Sledgehammers can drive opponents towards choosing Phoenixes or Wasps, so expect encounters with airborne units.

6 Stormcaller

Long-Range Rocket Batteries

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 200
  • Role: Artillery
  • Targets: Ground Only

In many auto battler games, Stormcallers function as powerful backline characters who inflict heavy damage. They launch rockets from a distance, causing destruction on both lightly-armored and heavily-armored targets. However, due to their slow firing rate and vulnerability in close combat, they require significant support. Stormcallers can be effectively neutralized by Mustangs equipped with Missile Interceptors, so it’s advisable not to overuse them excessively.

5 Mustang

Versatile Light Tanks

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 200
  • Role: General Purpose
  • Targets: Air and Ground

Mustangs function as versatile battle tanks, inflicting significant damage on common enemy units. In groups, they can effortlessly overpower even massive units. They’re particularly effective against overwhelming air unit and rocket artillery attacks. However, when faced with heavily armored opponents, they may struggle. Countering Mustangs are specialized anti-swarm units such as Arclights, Fire Badgers, and Vulcans.

4 Phoenix

High-Damage Strike Craft

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 200
  • Role: Anti-Unit
  • Targets: Air and Ground

Phoenixes are great when enemies start with Sledgehammers, Steel Balls, or any other units that can’t attack aircraft. These work similar to Marksmen, in the sense that they’re mostly for killing high-health targets. They suffer against chaff, even more so against masses of Mustangs and Wasps. However, they can turn even giant units into scrap if they make it past the initial scuffles.

3 Steel Ball

Fast-Moving, Heavy Unit Killers

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 200
  • Role: Anti-Unit
  • Targets: Ground Only

In the event that your opponents begin using tough units such as Arclights and Rhinos, opt for Steel Balls. These can swiftly destroy tanks and mechs, and they themselves are challenging to eliminate. Steel Balls are a thorn in the side of tanks and large units, but since they don’t cause splash damage, hordes of Crawlers, Mustangs, or even Fangs can easily dispose of them, making it unwise to mass-produce a single unit type in Mechabellum.

2 Marksman

Affordable And Effective Snipers

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 100
  • Role: Anti-Unit
  • Targets: Air and Ground

Marksmen are designed to fight high HP units from a distance. They’re great if the enemy starts with Sledgehammers, Steel Balls, and Arclights, but they need anti-swarm units to keep chaff off their crosshairs. The Assault Mode tech upgrade can convert Marksmen into close-range anti-swarm units with high speed and strong splash damage.

1 Arclight

Cheap, Medium-Sized Swarm Killer

8 Best Starting Units In Mechabellum
  • Cost: 100
  • Role: Anti-Swarm
  • Targets: Ground Only

Arc lights seem to have been lifted directly from a “MechWarrior” game, and they are unrivaled when it comes to handling lesser enemies such as Crawlers, Fangs, and Mustangs. With an upgrade, they can even tackle Sledgehammer tank formations. Starting with an Arclight is generally a sound choice, but beware of potential Marksman, Wasp, or Steel Ball counterattacks that may come your way.

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2024-10-04 13:43