8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters


  • Boromir’s selfish desire for glory led to the breakup of the fellowship, showing his flawed nature despite his sacrifice.
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins was cruel and selfish, but was eventually redeemed after facing real evils in the Shire.
  • Grima Wormtongue’s lust for power and hatred led to devastating consequences in Rohan, proving his selfish nature.

As someone who has spent countless hours delving into the intricacies of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy world, I can confidently say that the most selfish and destructive characters in Middle Earth are Sauron, the Ring, and Saruman.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a cherished franchise, is brimming with an abundant history of intriguing characters. From the elves who lived before Middle Earth’s time, to the heroes of Tolkien’s fellowship, there are numerous remarkable and dreadful figures that have graced his stories throughout the years.

Although some of these “Lord of the Rings” characters have struggled against the evil and fought for what is right, others have strayed from this path, prioritizing their own self-interest above all else. None of these characters can be deemed entirely unselfish, despite their past achievements on behalf of others.

8 Boromir

Only Redeemed At The Last

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Sean Bean
  • Selfishly Wanted All The Glory

Boromir stood out among the Fellowship as one unwilling to align with Sauron for personal benefit, contrasting those who didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their souls and others for a taste of the Dark Lord’s might. Nevertheless, Boromir struggled with an excessive desire for power within the Fellowship more than any other member.

At the Council of Elrond, Boromir expressed a hidden desire to seize the One Ring from Frodo, revealing his intention to claim the fame and recognition for defeating Sauron instead of allowing Frodo to do so. This act led to the disbanding of the Fellowship. Throughout their battles for Gondor, Boromir craved the accolades bestowed upon him, neglecting his brother Faramir in the process. However, he demonstrated selflessness in sacrificing himself to shield Merry and Pippin from harm, yet his actions were tainted by his selfish tendencies.

7 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins

The Ultimate Annoying Neighbor

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Elizabeth Moody
  • Selfishly Irritating For Decades

In the extended editions of Peter Jackson’s films, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins stands out as an unremarkable yet selfish character. Unlike the grandiose heroes and villains of Middle Earth, she was merely cruel, self-centered, and petty throughout her life.

I’ve always found Lobelia to be an intriguing hobbit character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s books. For years, she tried to seize control of Bag End, making my experience as a reader quite uncomfortable. Yet, towards the end of her life, something remarkable happened. She came around and relinquished Frodo’s property back to him. This was after she had spent much time grumbling against Saruman’s rule over the Shire following the War of the Ring.

6 Denethor

Couldn’t Accept His Own Failings

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By John Noble
  • Couldn’t Relinquish Power

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, there were several challenging figures who sided with the good cause. Denethor, Gondor’s Steward, was one such character. Doting on Boromir, his older son, while favoring Faramir less, Denethor was driven by self-interest to devise disastrous plans to thwart Mordor’s advancing forces. These strategies came perilously close to costing Boromir his life.

Denethor’s self-centered behavior and craving for power were evident to onlookers as he clung to his position as ruler of Gondor, refusing to acknowledge any potential new claimants to the throne despite the passage of time. He anxiously sought to maintain control over the kingdom for himself and his family.

5 Grima Wormtongue

Sought Power At Any Cost

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Brad Dourif
  • Ruled By Lust And Hatred

In the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, Grima Wormtongue is a character who appears to be driven primarily by a craving for power. Although he may not surpass villains like Sauron in terms of hatred from fans, Grima effectively earned this disdain through his sinister whispers to King Theoden and grotesque proposals to Eowyn to marry him.

I, Grima the cunning, manipulated events in Rohan to gain power for Saruman through dark and deceitful means. However, Gandalf eventually exposed my treachery, but not before lasting harm was done. Rohan barely made it in time to join the battle, and in the chaos, Theoden’s beloved son and heir, Theodred, met his untimely demise due to my manipulations. My only remaining shred of dignity compelled me to finally challenge Saruman, determined to set things right.

4 Gollum

Selfishness Enhanced By The Ring

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Andy Serkis
  • The Ring Enhanced His Greed & Selfishness

Smeagol, influenced greatly by the ring and transformed into a self-centered being driven by greed, does not hold the title of most selfish character in “Lord of the Rings.” Despite his weakness and inability to withstand the allure of the ring, even powerful figures like Aragorn and Gandalf have been warned of its danger.

Smeagol’s friendship with his alter ego Gollum was quickly corrupted by the ring’s influence, revealing his deep-seated greed and selfishness that ultimately led him to take the life of his friend. The fact that Gollum has clung onto the ring for centuries, regardless of its detrimental effects on his psyche, is a tragic yet disturbing thought. However, it is questionable whether or not this character deserves the empathy some fans extend towards him due to his numerous failures. Although these flaws were not fully explored in Gollum’s latest game adaptation, they are, unfortunately, abundant.

3 Sauron

The Dark Lord Desired Dominion

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Sala Baker, Benedict Cumberbatch & Charlie Vickers
  • Was Ready To Destroy The World For Power

An insatiable craving for power is among the most self-centered pursuits. His thirst for genocide demonstrates an alarmingly high level of selfishness and avarice. Sauron wasn’t the first malevolent influence to torment Middle Earth, but he was certainly one of the most devastating. He instigated numerous conflicts under his banner, resulting in the tragic loss of countless lives.

From my gaming perspective, it all boiled down to my insatiable thirst for power and self-centeredness as Sauron. The intricacies of Middle Earth’s history might explain the conflicts between good and evil, but the bottom line is that I was an unadulterated force of wickedness. My greedy nature compelled me to shatter the world around me and bend it to my will.

2 The Ring

An Entity Of Pure Evil

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By N/A
  • Controlled Everyone Around It

In the epic tale of “Lord of the Rings,” one of the most egocentric and malevolent entities is undeniably the One Ring. Crafted by the deceitful Sauron (presumably towards the end of the upcoming “Rings of Power” series), this ring has demonstrated its own consciousness and intentions numerous times throughout the storyline. Among all beings, the ring holds an exceptional ability to manipulate people and taint them with corruption.

The Ring, a malevolent force from “The Lord of the Rings,” exerts a profound evil greater than its master Sauron. It manipulates all it comes into contact with, causing destruction without concern. From Gollum’s tormented decades under its spell to Isildur and Frodo’s corruption, this selfish entity outshines most other self-centered beings in the story.

1 Saruman

The Worst Betrayer

8 Most Selfish Lord Of The Rings Characters
  • Played By Christopher Lee
  • A Paragon Of Good Destroyed

Saruman may not have been the chief antagonist throughout the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but he was a significant source of evil and came close to shifting the balance of power towards Sauron by joining his cause with that of Isengard. Despite being one of the wizards who upheld the light in Middle Earth, Saruman held a leadership role within the Istari, a band of wizards dispatched by the Valar (the divine beings) to confront Sauron directly.

Saruman’s betrayal is the most disheartening among all the characters. Originally appointed by the gods to aid the forces of good against their foe, he instead abandoned this righteous path. Already in power over Isengard and admired by many, Saruman’s ambition knew no bounds. He transformed into a monstrous figure, seeking control for himself. In defeat, he retreated to Isengard or even tried to conquer the Shire, revealing his sinister nature until the very end. His unquenchable thirst for power surpassed that of any other character in the series.

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2024-07-24 09:34