8 Quick RTS Games Perfect for Busy Gamers


  • Real-time strategy games like C&C: Remastered are great for short play sessions with short missions.
  • Northgard and Iron Harvest offer mission completion within an hour, ideal for quick gaming.
  • They Are Billions provides deep gameplay but still allows players to progress in short sessions.

Not everyone has the luxury of lengthy gaming hours. Some individuals can only spare brief moments for gaming yet crave experiences that are satisfying within their limited timeframes. Quick-play strategy games, which are renowned for their short, swiftly resolved mission stages, could be an ideal choice for these types of gamers.

All the real-time strategy (RTS) games listed here share a characteristic: they can provide satisfaction when played for brief periods. Some follow a traditional path, with missions guiding the player to the game’s completion. Others offer a more open experience by incorporating survival elements and unique themes such as a zombie apocalypse.

8. Command & Conquer Remastered Collection

Classic RTS Featuring Short Missions

The Command & Conquer Remastered Collection reintroduces two of the most cherished Command & Conquer games ever made: Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. These classics have received upgrades to their textures and art, but the gameplay remains unchanged from the original releases.

The reason why older real-time strategy games are fantastic for quick gaming sprees is because the missions tend to be brief. Contemporary RTS games typically offer longer, immersive missions that come with tough challenges, but these classic C&C games remind us of a period when campaigns consisted of shorter, episodic missions. That’s why the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection has made it onto this list.

7. Northgard

Viking Themed Strategy Game

Drawing inspiration from Norse mythology, Northgard represents a contemporary Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game that blends elements from various other genres. Beyond the traditional RTS gameplay, Northgard integrates survival mechanics and city construction. This involves not just engaging in RTS action, but also managing resources, ensuring their security, and safeguarding valuable territories to maintain access to these essential resources.

In the strategic game, Northgard, the campaign structure is clear and straightforward, making it easy to grasp. However, what truly sets this game apart for quick gaming sessions is that each mission or match typically lasts no longer than approximately 45 minutes. This means players can complete a session within an hour without compromising on fun.

6. Iron Harvest

Alternate-History World War 1 Combat

Iron Harvest can be thought of as a game set in a dieselpunk universe, which aligns well with its World War I-inspired backdrop. As a real-time strategy (RTS) title, it emphasizes combat and conflict above other features, making it ideal for brief gaming sessions due to this focus.

As a busy gamer, I appreciate the convenience of both campaign and skirmish modes. The campaign missions are designed for quick play, each one compact yet strategically sound. In fact, most skirmishes can be completed in just 15 minutes or less, making them perfect when time is scarce.

5. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2

Frantic Space Battles

In the universe of Warhammer 40K lies Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, a remarkable representation of how real-time strategy (RTS) games should depict space combat. Players engage in colossal space battles requiring both strategic acumen and deft skill to emerge victorious.

For time-constrained Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 players, either the skirmish or multiplayer gaming modes could be ideal options, given their relatively brief duration. Although the campaign missions tend to be more extensive, a significant number of them can typically be finished in less than an hour.

4. Homeworld: Deserts Of Kharak

Where It All Started

Platforms PC, macOS
Release Date January 20, 2016
Genre Real-Time Strategy

In contrast to all other games within the Homeworld series, which are set among the stars, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak breaks this pattern. The entire gameplay unfolds on the planet of Kharak as the player embarks on a journey to reach a crashed mothership. This mothership served as the blueprint for the player’s mothership in later Homeworld games.

The “Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak” stands out as an excellent real-time strategy game for those with limited free time. Notably, the campaign is concise and divided into numerous brief, swiftly accomplished missions. Moreover, its online multiplayer aspect shines in quick gaming sessions, as matches typically last less than an hour.

3. StarCraft 2

Fast-Paced Sci-Fi RTS

StarCraft 2 stands among the all-time greats in the Real-Time Strategy (RTS) genre and has found its place in the world of esports as well. This indicates that it remains a widely played game today. Despite the fact that the campaign mode might not cater to those with limited playtime, the arcade mode certainly does.

In the arcade mode, StarCraft 2 games typically take place on compact maps, reminiscent of brief mini-games. Moreover, these multiplayer sessions tend to be quite short, rarely lasting over half an hour, and frequently concluding in significantly less time.

2. Rise Of Nations

RTS Meets Turn-Based Strategy

Platforms Microsoft Windows, macOS, Classic Mac OS
Release Date May 20, 2003
Genre Real-Time Strategy

In a nutshell, Rise Of Nations stands out as a fast-paced Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game, even though certain aspects of its gameplay unfold in turns. The quick-fire skirmish mode is ideal for players with limited time, although it may mean foregoing the intricate mechanics that make up the heart of the game.

Rather than engaging in lengthy gaming spells, players have the option to conquer the World mode in brief play intervals. The turn-based system allows for minimal time gaps between quick real-time skirmishes. Each of these conflicts is swiftly resolved and can be finished within 45 minutes at most.

1. They Are Billions

Zombie Survival RTS

Occasionally, a game emerges that significantly alters the status quo, demonstrating that even well-trodden genres can accommodate fresh ideas. They Are Billions is one such game, masterfully blending engaging zombie survival mechanics with fast-paced real-time strategy (RTS) elements. This unique blend proves to be remarkably effective. The game offers both campaign and survival modes, allowing players to customize their gaming experience to fit shorter play sessions.

In simpler terms, “They Are Billions” is perfect for brief playtimes because, although it’s a complex game, significant advancements can be made in a short span of time. This means that even if you need to save your game after half an hour, you’ll still have made progress that feels impactful and rewarding.

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2025-03-08 18:55