TikTok Ban: US House of Representatives Approves Outlaw Move

The passing of a new bill in the US House of Representatives may lead to a ban on popular social media app TikTok.

TikTok Outlaw Bill Heads To The Senate

On Saturdays, the US House of Reps approved a bill potentially banishing TikTok countrywide by 2025. If enacted, the app might vanish from national App Stores.

The bill was approved with a vote of 360 for and 58 against, granting its provisions which include $60.8 billion in funding for Ukraine as a loan, and authorizing the use of confiscated Russian assets towards Ukraine’s war efforts.

Amid increasing worries about potential national security and privacy threats linked to TikTok, the video-sharing app must sell off its Chinese ownership by ByteDance within the following 270 days. Otherwise, a countrywide ban on the platform will be enforced.

The new legislation seems more favorable than the earlier House-approved version, which required ByteDance to offload their assets within just six months.

Senator Maria Cantwell from Washington State, a Democrat, advocated for extending the initial six-month period to twelve months. Her rationale was that an extra six months would provide ample time for potential buyers to finalize transactions.

Significantly, the legislation is now moving to the U.S. Senate for potential approval based on news reports. If President Joe Biden chooses, he has the power to extend this timeframe by an additional 90 days. Nevertheless, Biden had previously expressed certainty that he would sign the bill once it reached his desk.

Top Leaders Speak Against TikTok Ban

Many high-profile figures across different sectors have spoken against the TikTok ban. 

Four years ago, Donald Trump, who was then the U.S. President, attempted to prohibit TikTok by issuing an executive order. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Trump now disagrees with the recent decision to ban the video-sharing platform, while still expressing concerns about its potential threats to national security.

It seems that Trump’s apparent shift on the issue could be an attempt to bolster his Republican campaign for the November elections. However, this view is not universally held by others.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and X, spoke out against a potential TikTok ban in the US during Congressional debates on related legislation. He emphasized his support for free speech while also pointing out the substantial economic advantages that TikTok offers to the United States annually.

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2024-04-21 00:25