Binance Accused Of Illegally Selling Genesis Claims, Implicating $70 Million

As a crypto investor with experience in this market, I find the allegations against Binance deeply concerning. The reports of mishandling victims’ assets and the unauthorized sale of Genesis’ claims are alarming, and the potential transfer of debt burden onto the victims is not only unfair but also potentially illegal.

Based on news articles from local sources, Binance, the globally recognized leader in cryptocurrency exchanges, is under fire for reportedly mishandling victims’ funds and selling Genesis Global Capital’s claims without authorization.

I’ve come across some accusations claiming that Binance employed those digital assets for covering up the debts of Gopax, a South Korean cryptocurrency exchange. If true, this could mean concealing substantial losses worth billions of won.

Binance Accused Of Transferring Debt Burden To Victims

As a Binance user who had funds invested in GoFi, I’ve heard rumors that the platform initially promised to make things right by reimbursing us for any losses suffered due to the halted withdrawals from their virtual asset deposit service.

Binance allegedly obtained Gopax shares at a reduced cost instead of utilizing its resources, making it the largest shareholder of the company. Later on, it was disclosed that Binance reimbursed the affected parties by purchasing their asset claims for less than their actual worth. Essentially, Binance shifted the debt obligation onto these individuals.

According to local news sources, the fallout from these deals has led to substantial harm for the affected parties. After they sold their asset holdings, there were notable price increases in virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, making the losses sustained by Gopax even more severe.

Based on present calculations, Gopax’s remaining debt amounts to approximately 100 billion won, which is equivalent to around $73 million.

As a researcher examining the situation, I’ve discovered that Binance initially pledged to make good on losses through its Industrial Recovery Fund (IRF). However, it seems that only part of the damages have been reimbursed so far, while the remaining compensation has been postponed until the completion of the Gopax acquisition.

Money Laundering And Illegal Activities Suspected

The purchase of Gopax by Binance in February 2023 has come under close examination, with concerns over its fairness and lawfulness. South Korean financial regulators have initiated probes into this deal, primarily focusing on possible money laundering issues and other unlawful activities.

As a crypto investor, I’m keeping a close eye on the ongoing review process by the Financial Services Commission regarding Gopax’s management change report and proposed acquisition. I’m eagerly waiting to see how this development will affect the transaction and ensure it adheres to all regulatory standards.

Thus far, there has been no comment from Gopax regarding the sale of Genesis claim rights, keeping the details under wraps and avoiding any formal announcements.

As a researcher examining the situation between Gopax and GoPay investors, I’ve come across an argument that raises some concerns. Critics suggest that Gopax’s proposal for investors to convert their debt into stock investments could be an attempt to pass on the burden of the debt to the investors instead of keeping Binance responsible for the issue at hand.

As the investigation progresses, Binance is under growing scrutiny to provide clear explanations regarding the reported mishandling of victims’ assets and the selling off of Genesis claims.

Financial regulators are firmly committed to stopping unlawful actions and safeguarding investors’ rights in the cryptocurrency sector. The results of ongoing probes into Binance, Gopax, and the wider South Korean market may bring significant consequences for these platforms and the industry as a whole.

Binance Accused Of Illegally Selling Genesis Claims, Implicating $70 Million

As of the current moment, I observe that the native token of this exchange, BNB, is priced at $598 on the market. However, there has been a 2% decrease in its value over the last day and a 3% decline during the past seven days. Despite efforts to rebound above the $600 mark, these attempts have proven unsuccessful.

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2024-05-29 00:11