Exact Reason Behind Bitcoin (BTC) Drop Finally Revealed

As a researcher with extensive experience in the cryptocurrency market, I believe that the recent unexpected drop below $65,000 in Bitcoin’s price can be attributed to the significant reduction in exposure to Bitcoin by cryptocurrency hedge funds. Over the past 20 trading days, hedge funds have decreased their investment in BTC to just 0.37, which is the lowest level since October 2020.

The sudden decline of Bitcoin’s value beneath $65,000 took many by surprise, leaving the cause for this drop somewhat enigmatic. Unraveling the intricacies behind this event may prove to be a complex task. Nevertheless, there are some possible explanations that have emerged.

Over the past 20 trading days, cryptocurrency hedge funds have significantly reduced their holdings in Bitcoin, bringing their exposure down to only 0.37%. This is the smallest percentage since October 2020. The price chart of Bitcoin from 2019 to 2024 is illustrated, highlighting major price peaks and valleys.

Exact Reason Behind Bitcoin (BTC) Drop Finally Revealed

As a crypto investor, I’ve noticed that the recent steep decline in Bitcoin‘s price could be partially attributed to hedge funds reducing their exposure to the cryptocurrency. The chart below, showing the rolling one-month beta of global crypto hedge funds to Bitcoin, offers insight into how significantly their performance is influenced by Bitcoin’s price fluctuations.

As a researcher studying the relationship between hedge fund performance and Bitcoin prices, I’ve discovered an intriguing finding. A hedge fund’s returns mirror Bitcoin’s when its beta value equals one. However, if a hedge fund’s beta is less than one, it implies that these investment vehicles have reduced sensitivity to Bitcoin price fluctuations.

As a researcher, I’ve observed that hedge fund exposure to Bitcoin reached a low point in October 2020, right before the notable bull run began. Hedge funds are renowned for their strategic moves and possess valuable industry insights. They might have anticipated further declines or market turbulence based on their decision to exit Bitcoin positions.

Several factors have contributed to this cautious stance, including adjustments to internal investment plans, unfavorable macroeconomic situations, and regulatory uncertainties. The reduced market presence may have intensified selling pressures, causing Bitcoin’s price to dip below the significant $65,000 threshold.

Due to the large amounts of money they manage regularly, hedge funds carry substantial market clout. Market sentiment and price fluctuations significantly impact the direction of funds moving in and out.

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2024-06-19 15:05