Has The Bear Market Begun? 5 Indicators To Confirm

As a seasoned crypto investor, I’ve witnessed my fair share of market fluctuations, from bull runs to corrections and even bear markets. The current market condition is causing uncertainty among investors, with the recent crash leaving many questioning whether we’re on the brink of a bear market. Let’s examine five indicators that can help us identify the beginning of a bear market.

A bear market signifies a prolonged downturn in the financial markets, distinguished from day-to-day corrections. The phases of a bear market include progressive declines over extended periods, contrasting the short-term market adjustments. Although corrections may share similarities with bear markets, their durations significantly differ. The current crypto market crash, affecting all cryptocurrencies, might initially appear as just a correction but could potentially evolve into a full-blown bear market depending on its duration and intensity. Investor sentiment, influenced by fear, further complicates the situation as they may hesitate to engage in the volatile market.

In this blog, let us discuss whether this is the start of the bear market or not.

5 Indicators To Identify The Beginning of Bear Market

Starting from the new year, the financial climate has been relatively favorable for growth, with investors eagerly awaiting an extended period of upward trends, particularly in light of the Bitcoin halving event. Yet, recent market instability has raised doubts about whether we’ve shifted into a bear market.

Several elements can signal the onset of a bear market, and here are five noteworthy signs:

1.Market Sentiments

As a market analyst, I believe that sentiments hold significant weight in deciphering the crypto market’s current status. In simpler terms, sentiments reflect the emotions and attitudes of investors towards their crypto holdings. Are they bullish, bearish or neutral? This emotional temperature gauge provides valuable insights into buying or selling tendencies, giving us a hint about the market’s potential direction.

Just prior to the crypto market downturn, the mood of users shifted from eagerness to apprehension according to the fear and greed index. This suggested that investors had grown wary and were exercising caution with their investments. However, this sentiment could be influenced by various economic and geopolitical factors.

Currently, the market atmosphere remains anxious, yet there’s a shift indicated by updated figures. The previous low reading was 37, but it has now risen to 40, suggesting a potential enhancement of consumer sentiment.

2.Yield Curve

As a researcher studying the financial markets, I would describe the yield curve as a valuable economic tool that illustrates the connection between various investment instruments, such as digital assets, bonds, and interest rates, and their corresponding maturities. By analyzing the shape of this curve, we can gain insights into the current market climate and make informed predictions about future trends.

During a bear market, the yield curve inverts and short-term interest rates surpass long-term ones, signaling investor caution and preference for safer investments. Consequently, investors become more risk-averse, favoring fewer and smaller risks, which may influence crypto prices. Nevertheless, an inverted yield curve does not automatically signal an imminent bear market, as this transition can take considerable time – months or even years.

Has The Bear Market Begun? 5 Indicators To Confirm


Liquidity refers to how easily assets can be bought and sold on the market without significantly impacting their price. In other words, it’s about the accessibility of these assets for trading. When there’s a lot of buying and selling activity, with many buyers and sellers participating in the market, liquidity is high. This results in smooth transactions and can lead to rising prices or a bull market. Conversely, when there are fewer buyers or sellers, it becomes harder to complete trades, leading to lower liquidity, potential complications, and increased volatility as supply and demand can shift rapidly.

Has The Bear Market Begun? 5 Indicators To Confirm

4.Government Regulation and Economy

As a market analyst, I can assert that government regulations and economic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment rates, significantly influence the crypto market’s behavior.

The US Federal Reserve has kept the interest rates at 5.5% throughout the year so far, causing a minimal detrimental effect on the cryptocurrency market, but the damage hasn’t been substantial enough for the time being. However, the Fed had initially proposed three rate cuts in 2023, which haven’t materialized yet. If these cuts do occur, they could potentially have a more significant influence on the crypto market.

An alternative interpretation suggests that previous data pointed to a rise in US job vacancies, potentially leading to economic growth enhancement.

5.Frequent Price Correction

As a market analyst, I’ve observed that a bear market is defined as a significant decline in the market value exceeding 20%. The crypto market, unlike traditional markets, experiences continuous fluctuations. These price corrections can impact the overall crypto market capitalization substantially. While we often refer to such corrections as mere market adjustments when they amount to around 10%, if they surpass this threshold and approach the 20% mark, there’s a strong possibility that a bear market is underway.

The past two days witnessed a significant market correction following the recent market crash, causing the market capitalization to drop from $2.15 trillion to $1.97 trillion. Yet, this downturn has been reversed, with the market capitalization returning to its previous level. However, it’s essential to note that frequent price corrections can serve as a warning sign. This may indicate that investor enthusiasm is waning and that short sellers are increasingly active in the market.

Technical indicators such as Bollinger Bands, Relative Strength Index, MACD, among others, can provide valuable insights when assessing the behavior of cryptocurrencies and market trends. By examining these indicators together, you can enhance your understanding of potential bear markets and their approaching likelihood.

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2024-07-10 15:42