The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked

The Fabled Swords of Westeros: A Deep Dive into Blackfyre, Ice, Oathkeeper, Widow’s Wail, and Longclaw

One noteworthy aspect of George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series is that he has bestowed names upon the legendary swords wielded by renowned characters and Houses. Several noble Families continue to possess their Valyrian steel blades, while others have regrettably had theirs confiscated or misplaced. According to “Game of Thrones,” House Tarly’s sword Heartsbane is believed to be in Samwell’s care, and the rest are variously located.

In the captivating world of “Game of Thrones,” the most superior swords stand out for their deadliness, crafted from the scarcely found Valyrian steel. However, it’s essential to note that not all swords in this epic saga are made of Valyrian steel. Some possess legendary histories, while others originate from castle forges. The upcoming series, “House of the Dragon,” introduces two ancestral swords belonging to House Targaryen, which are nothing short of magnificent to behold.

9 Dawn (Game of Thrones)

Forged From The Heart Of A Fallen Star

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked

  • Ned Stark Handed Over Dawn To Ser Arthur Dayne’s Sister Ashara

One intriguing aspect of House Dayne’s ancestral greatsword, Dawn, lies in its exclusive usage. This formidable weapon has been yielded only by select knights from the lineage worthy of bearing it. Each wielder earned the esteemed title “Knight of the Morning.“, with Ser Arthur Dayne, a member of Aerys II Targaryen’s Kingsguard and an adversary of Ned Stark and Howland Reed near the Tower of Joy, being one such illustrious bearer.

When Ser Arthur takes a fall, Ned journeys to the Dayne stronghold of Starfall to restore Dawn. In the annals of A Song of Ice and Fire, it is recounted that Dawn’s blade derives from a fallen star, bestowing upon it an ethereal, milky-white sheen. This metal possesses the same sharpness as Valyrian steel, and when skillfully employed, can slice through obstacles with minimal effort.

8 Lightbringer (Game of Thrones)

The Magical Sword Forged By Azor Ahai

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • Mentioned By Melisandre in Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 1: “The North Remembers”

In the world of “Game of Thrones,” the role of Lightbringer is deeply connected to the prophecy surrounding Azhor Ahai. The Red Priestess, Melisandre, makes this clear in the narrative.

According to old texts, a warrior is prophesied to retrieve a flaming sword from the flames. This sword will be known as the Radiant Blade. Stannis Baratheon, the valiant warrior, is called upon. Your sword lies in wait for you.

As a passionate follower of the Faith of the Seven, I strongly believe Melisandre is mistaken in her conviction that Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai reborn and that the sword she enhanced for him is the Lightbringer. According to the ancient tales, Azor Ahai, the chosen one of R’hllor, the Lord of Light, crafted Lightbringer countless years ago. This legendary weapon came into existence when Azor Ahai sacrificed his beloved wife, Nissa Nissa, infusing it with her life essence. As a result, Lightbringer emanated intense heat and light to aid Azor Ahahi in his heroic battle against the encroaching darkness.

7 Heartsbane (Game of Thrones)

Forged From Valyrian Steel

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • Last Wielded By Ser Jorah Mormont In The Battle Of Winterfell

For five hundred years, the venerable Heartsbane sword, a cherished heirloom of House Tarly, stayed within their lineage. However, during Samwell Tarly’s homecoming night, an unexpected event transpired: he took the sword from his family’s possession.

It’s Valyrian steel. Only a handful of them left in the world.

Randyll Targaryen determined that his scholarly eldest son, Samwell, was unsuitable for his titles and inheritance, opting instead to give his prized sword, Heartsbane, to his second son, Dickon. Before departing Horn Hill with his lover, Gilly, and their newborn son, Sam, Samwell clandestinely took the Valyrian steel weapon. He subsequently presented it to Jorah Mormont prior to the Battle of Winterfell for use against the undead. During the conflict, Jorah wielded Heartsbane effectively against the White Walkers and their kind, but ultimately succumbed to his injuries. The sword’s current whereabouts are believed to be with Samwell, who now holds the position of Grand Maester under King Bran.

6 Dark Sister (House of the Dragon)

Forged From Valyrian Steel

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • In Daemon Targaryen’s Possession In House of the Dragon

The Dark Sister longsword is currently wielded by Daemon Targaryen, the King Consort. Previously, this weapon belonged to Visenya, Aegon the Conqueror’s elder sister-wife, who used it to eliminate Dornish assassins in the crowded streets of King’s Landing.

Visenya employed her sharp sword to inflict a gash on Aegon’s cheek as a reminder of his need for the Kingsguard. She later handed the sword over to her only son, Prince Maegor, but he opted for Blackfyre instead. Dark Sister remained at Dragonstone until Visenya’s demise. Subsequently, Alyssa Velaryon, who was Visenya’s hostage and widow of King Aenys, fled with her children while taking the sword. Jaehaerys claimed the Iron Throne with Dark Sister in hand, then bestowed it upon Prince Daemon. The notorious Daemon wielded Dark Sister to execute Craghas Drahar, and now it serves as a symbol of nobility among the Blacks within House of the Dragon.

5 Blackfyre (House of the Dragon)

Forged From Valyrian Steel

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • In Aegon II’s Possession In House of the Dragon

The Blackfyre is a renowned sword that was formerly used by Aegon the Conquered. Forged from Valyrian steel, it’s the larger of the two ancestral swords belonging to House Targaryen. Initially passed down to King Aenys, Aegon’s heir, he later gave it to his younger half-brother Maegor, intending for him to brandish it in his stead and loyalty.

I’m a fan of this intriguing tale of swords and Targaryen dynasty power struggles!

4 Ice (Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon)

Forged From Valyrian Steel

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • Melted Down At The Orders of Tywin Lannister

The historical Valyrian steel greatsword belonging to House Stark, named Ice, had been passed down through generations until the clash between the Starks and Lannisters arose. During this time, Ned Stark utilized Ice in slaying a deserter and subsequently brought it with him when he assumed the position of Hand to King Robert Baratheon in King’s Landing. Unfortunately, after Robert’s legal successor, Joffrey Baratheon, declared treason against Ned and ordered his beheading, Ice was seized as plunder from the fallen Stark leader.

It’s an ironic twist of fate that Ilyn Payne, the King’s Justice, now wields Ice to behead Ned, who had once used it himself for years. Originally too large and seldom used by men from the South, Tywin Lannister had Ice reforged into two swords. As a wedding gift, he presented one sword to his favorite son, Jaime, and the other to Joffrey Baratheon.

3 Oathkeeper (Game of Thrones)

Obtained From Melting Down Ice

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • King Bran’s Lord Commander Brienne Of Tarth Wields Oathkeeper

The first longsword, meticulously reforged from Ice, is named Oathkeeper by Brienne of Tarth. Tywin, Lord of Casterly Rock, intends to present it as both a ceremonial object and weapon. However, Jaime declines his father’s offer but manages to keep the newly crafted sword for himself. Later, he bestows the sword upon Brienne, granting her the responsibility to locate Sansa Stark and ensure her safety.

The sword, now yours, was once forged from Ned Stark’s blade. With it, you will protect Ned Stark’s daughter. You made a vow to bring the Stark girls back to their mother. Sadly, Lady Stark and possibly Arya have met their end. Yet, there remains hope in locating Sansa and ensuring her safety.

Brienne remains faithful to her promises, and Oathkeeper, her trusted sword, stays with her throughout the entirety of “Game of Thrones.” She wields it during Sansa’s service, engages in battle against the undead, and ultimately uses it as her preferred weapon when she becomes King Bran’s Lord Commander in the final scenes.

2 Widow’s Wail (Game of Thrones)

Obtained From Melting Down Ice

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • Jaime Lannister Fights The Dead With Widow’s Wail

At the breakfast preceding Joffrey’s wedding ceremony, his sister blade, presented by their grandfather Tywin as a wedding gift, ends up in Joffrey’s lap. For the boy king, it holds no practical significance; instead, he brandishes it as a symbol of his power to spite Sansa Stark, naming it Widow’s Wail in defiance.

Jaime has honed his combat skills with his left hand and employs this expertise during pivotal battles. In the Sack of Highgarden, he wields Widow’s Wail to protect himself against a surprise Dothraki attack. He also uses it effectively during the Loot Train Attack and in the fierce battle against the Dead at Winterfell.

1 Longclaw (Game of Thrones)

Forged From Valyrian Steel

The Best Swords In The Game of Thrones Universe, Ranked
  • In Jon Snow’s Possession In Game of Thrones

Longclaw didn’t just drop into Jon Snow’s lap because he was a heroic character meant to wield it for the greater good. Instead, he proved his mettle, and it was bestowed upon him by Lord Commander, Jeor Mormont of the Night’s Watch. Jeor chose Ned Stark’s bastard, Jon, as his personal steward and gifted him Longclaw after being saved from a Wight.

As a dedicated gamer, I’d recount it like this: I, being the bearer of Longclaw, switched out its original grizzly bear pommel for one resembling a white wolf. This was my tribute to Jon, the proud Stark of Winterfell. Since his father, disgraced Ser Jorah, had abandoned us all, there seemed little reason to keep the sword saved for him, a slave trader in distant lands with an expensive wife named Lynesse. Longclaw, the blade I wielded in every epic fight throughout Game of Thrones, was no longer his. It had traveled with me to Hardhome, witnessed the Battle of the Bastards, and stood by my side at King’s Landing. Now, it remains a steadfast companion as I continue my exile.

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2024-07-14 15:37