Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord – Should You Execute Lords

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Should You Execute Lords

As a fan of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, I strongly advise against executing lords, no matter how tempting it may be after winning a hard-fought battle. The consequences of such an action are far-reaching and can lead to irreparable damage to your character’s reputation and relationships with other lords in the game.

In the aftermath of a victorious battle in “Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord,” you’ll have the opportunity to capture a significant number of soldiers, including the enemy commanders. Prisoners comprise both common troops and high-ranking lords. While basic soldiers can be later utilized as recruits or kept in dungeons for ransom or sold at taverns, lords present unique possibilities.

When considering your alternatives, you have the option to eliminate enemy lords rather than welcoming them into your ranks. This action is at odds with the chivalry and honor often displayed in battles throughout the realm. Is it worth deviating from the usual course and carrying out such a deed?

Should You Execute Lords In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

In this realm, conflict perpetually rages amongst the different factions, with some realms frequently at odds with one another. Lords are frequently captured during these battles, yet they usually regain their freedom after a while. This is considered honorable in all kingdoms, contrasting starkly with the stigma attached to outright executions. As players, you have the power to seize and execute any lord, be it a king or queen; however, such actions will be met with disapproval.

Killing a lord in another kingdom significantly deteriorates your character’s connection with most other lords, leading to long-term strains and potential unrest. This action often triggers extended conflicts and frequent declarations of war. Should you eliminate the monarch of a kingdom, their successor usually steps up, creating an endless line of potential contenders for the throne.

From a strictly tactical standpoint, executing a lord in another kingdom will have little impact on their military capabilities. However, carrying out such an action comes with significant consequences for your character. You may acquire the Dishonorable trait, which could result in your expulsion from the kingdom or the departure of your allies due to your perceived cruelty. The advantages of executing lords are negligible compared to the potential long-term harm.

Relationship Explained In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The connection your character maintains with each lord in the game carries significance. Although the lords within your allied kingdom hold prime importance, the overall rapport with lords from other realms can influence their propensity to engage in hostilities against you and your dominion. It’s prudent to avoid straining relationships with lords of neighboring kingdoms, as circumstances may lead you to join forces with them in the future.

In your own kingdom, your relationship with lords can determine:

  • The influence cost to call them to your army.
  • The odds of you being selected to obtain a Fief, and the support behind you.
  • If they will support your declarations of war or peace.

Maintaining friendly relationships with every powerful figure in your kingdom can be quite a challenge, if not impossible, especially if you take sides in disputes or cast votes. To increase your chances of gaining support from the influential clans, consider aligning yourself with the stronger factions that wield significant power and influence. Their backing can prove invaluable in securing votes and election victories for new fiefs.

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2024-07-14 16:03