How To Get Influence Fast In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

How To Get Influence Fast In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring the vast landscapes of medieval Europe in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, I can confidently say that influence is the lifeblood of every ambitious player’s journey to power and prosperity. The game’s intricate systems require dedication and strategic planning, and understanding the importance of influence is crucial for success.

In the game Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, managing your party and expanding your clan involves dealing with numerous systems. To build reputation swiftly and develop a thriving clan, consider identifying your preferred kingdom and aligning yourself to start accruing influence.

As a gamer, I can tell you that influence is an essential currency I’ll accrue as I build my reputation within the game world. By making a name for myself, whether it be through military prowess as a mercenary or other means, I’ll gain the power to shape decisions in my new kingdom. Once promoted to the rank of Vassal, my influence becomes a significant force. I can use it to steer the future of my domain in various ways and leave an indelible mark on this virtual realm.

How To Get Influence In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The most effective method for gaining power is through victory in battles. The greater the number of enemies defeated, the greater your influence. This approach yields significantly more power than boosting morale. By aligning yourself with a kingdom, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in larger conflicts during wars. When you command an army, you reap all the power derived from that force in every engagement, regardless of how many soldiers under your command truly belong to you.

Another means to accrue influence is by contributing troops to the fortification of a city or stronghold under your monarchy’s jurisdiction. The level of influence gained depends on the caliber of soldiers you provide, but this approach may entail greater expense than just vanquishing adversaries. Summoning an army will involve a significant influence outlay; however, commanding that army for several days to engage other forces and assault enemy fortifications will soon restore your influence and potentially yield additional gains.

What To Use Influence For In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

After joining a kingdom as a Vassal, your influence becomes fully functional. You’ll have the power to own fiefs, participate in votes, and command armies. There’s no compulsion to utilize your influence immediately; you can choose to abstain from voting and save it up for future strategies. Influence offers several applications:

Use Of Influence


Call An Army

Invite nobles from your realm to join your military forces. The price of their allegiance depends on the strength of your bond with them.

Increase Army Cohesion

Over time, the level of army cohesion will gradually decline, and once it reaches zero, the army will disintegrate. Enhancing your army’s cohesion extends its durability.

Vote On Fiefs

In the event of a fief being captured during warfare, certain nobles will be chosen to become its new masters. The degree of power you wield when casting your vote will dictate the extent of its effect on the final decision.

Vote On Policies

As a gamer, I have the power to suggest or veto policies in this game as a lord. Additionally, I get the opportunity to cast my vote when other lords decide to propose or abolish policies.

Declare War Or Peace

A declaration of war is required, and it’s usually difficult to initiate one without significant existing conflict. Above the button for proposing war or peace, you’ll find the probability of a favorable outcome. Take this figure into account before expending your influence.

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2024-07-15 11:04