Flintlock: Siege of Dawn Dev Discuss Making a Flintlock Fantasy Game

Flintlock: Siege of Dawn Dev Discuss Making a Flintlock Fantasy Game

I, Nor Vanek, have lived through the horrors of a war that has torn apart my beloved city of Dawn and taken everything from me: my family, my home, and my innocence. But amidst the chaos, I found purpose in the Coalition army, where I honed my skills as a soldier and became a respected member of the elite Sapper unit. My past is filled with loss and heartache, but it has also shaped me into the strong-willed and focused individual I am today.

As a fan of the captivating world in A44 Games’ Action RPG, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, I’m thrilled to share my perspective on this richly layered experience. In this intricately woven narrative, guns and gods intertwine with magic as the looming threat of the Door opening threatens to merge the overworld and underworld.

In an interview with Game Rant, Daniel Baider, the lead narrative designer for “Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn,” shared insights into the game’s world creation process. He discussed the team’s choice to incorporate gods reminiscent of Mesopotamian mythology, the role of coffee shops in accessing additional content, background information on the player character Nor Vanek, and other intriguing aspects. (Edited for clarity and conciseness.)

The Gods of Flintlock: Mesopotamian Inspiration

A: In what way does the fictional land of Kian resemble a pseudo-historical fantasy? From where did its creators draw inspiration for building the world and developing the characters and lore?

In the realm of creation for “Flintlock,” Baider drew inspiration from a rich tapestry of mythologies, cultures, and historical eras. This diverse blend shaped numerous facets of the game. Some of the initial concepts that later bloomed into “Flintlock” were influenced by the following sources:

  • Napoleonic Era (Uniforms, battlefields, firearm technology level)
  • Mesopotamian Mythology (Gods, underworld, ancient environments)
  • Flintlock Fantasy Literary Genre (“Gods vs Guns” thematic inspiration)

As a team based in New Zealand with a modest size, we drew inspiration from our surroundings for the breathtaking locations in Flintlock. We blended this real-life influence with imaginative elements, resulting in an entirely distinctive experience.

A: Ten years prior to the game’s events, the Door to the Great Below was unlocked. What was the condition of the world then, and how did this event transformationally impact it?

Before the door creaked open, Kian was embarking on a new era, spurred by the recent unearthing of black powder. With advancements in technology and increasing global connections, ancient fears lost their grip. Deities transformed into intriguing mythological beings from past tales, revered only by a few skeptics.

The unfathomable appearance of the Door caused the inhabitants of Kian to question their reality. The inexplicable return of the deceased challenged their understanding of the world, and matters grew even more ominous when it was discovered that the Deities had passed through the Door as well.

Q: What can you tell us about how Uru factors in those changes?

Uru the Ravager, referred to as both the Ravager and the Guardian of the Door, holds the greatest power among the gods, responsible for managing the threshold between life and death. The notion that the deceased could have re-entered the realm of the living without his intervention appears unfathomable. However, a full account of this intriguing tale requires the background of subsequent events in Flintlock to be disclosed first, so as not to prematurely reveal any surprises.

A: As a passionate gamer and creator of the immersive world of Flintlock, I’ve always been fascinated by the rich tapestry of mythologies that have shaped our collective imagination. However, when it came to choosing which mythology would serve as the foundation for Flintlock’s gods, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the captivating tales of Mesopotamia.

Like us, it occurred to you that the rich mythology of Mesopotamia is seldom depicted in media that draw inspiration from various sources. We believed this ancient culture’s perspective on the underworld as a dark and ominous realm where souls encounter trials similar to those they faced in life would make an excellent backdrop for Flintlock‘s setting, particularly for its gods.

Q: How did you approach the design of each god? How many should players expect to face?

During your adventure in the game, you’ll come across four primary deities: Rammuha, Dukmar, Inaya, and Uru. It’s also important to note that Enki plays a significant role in the narrative, but his connection and function contrast those of the other gods you’ll meet.

Rammuha is a Goddess of Order who takes control of the Knights of Three Peaks by preying on their piety. Rather than brute force, Rammuha accomplishes her goals using finesse and manipulation. To reflect this, she was given a regal appearance meant to reinforce awe in her followers.

Dukmar considers himself the All-Knowing One, drawing his worldview from grand tales told by souls dwelling in the Depths. He dons a complete armor suit, emulating the figures in these myths. His appearance is markedly angular, conveying power, discipline, and order with its rigid lines.

Inaya is the Goddess of Life, who works tirelessly in her role to keep the natural order of the world intact. Unlike the other Gods, she is devoted to her duties and has no interest in the invasion of the Above. As the Goddess of Life, Inaya has a more organic design, pulling from body horror references.

As a devoted gamer immersed in the intricacies of Mesopotamian mythology, I can’t help but be awestruck by Uru’s formidable power. Other Gods, including Enki, quiver at the mere mention of his name. The sole constraint that keeps Uru from unleashing chaos is the Door itself – a boundary he cannot cross. Myth and legend have it that Uru’s physical form was inspired directly by Mesopotamian mythology and sculptures. When I gaze upon depictions like the lamassu, those fearsome winged bulls, I can almost feel the raw, compelling force they exude – a testament to Uru’s unmatched might.

The Gods and Humanity Are At War

A: Could we delve into the intriguing connections between the deities and the undead in the world of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn?

As a devoted follower of Flintlock’s divine pantheon, I can tell you that all of these Gods dwell in the profound depths of the Great Below. This is where souls journey after they depart from our world. In the Great Below, every deity possesses their unique domain and wields power over the souls confined within it. Consequently, the Door to the Great Below acts as a boundary between our mundane existence and the extraordinary realm of the gods.

Q: What can you say about the war between gods and humanity? What is each side’s motivation?

The driving force for humanity is their will to survive. They face the imminent destruction of their world by hordes of the undead. The Coalition is determined to repel this army and find a means to securely close the Door once it’s been pushed back.

As a gamer, I’ve come to realize that each deity in this game has its unique objectives. However, being secluded in the Great Below has given us all a skewed perspective of the living world. We base our understanding on tales told by the souls who have visited our domains. Consequently, we’re determined to reshape the world according to our twisted sense of perfection, no matter how much devastation it causes.

Q: What are hosts and how do they factor into lore and gameplay?

Baider: Hosts are ancient Dead that escaped the Great Below in isolated incidents long before the events of the game, finding their place among the living as community elders thanks to their long memory of the world.

In the game, these characters serve a comparable role by providing essential clues for side missions and obstacles, as well as rewarding the player for safeguarding their respective communities. To add intrigue, we wanted to demonstrate that not all Undead follow a destructive path, and the reasons behind the inhabitants of the Underworld’s actions can be complex.

During our global travels, we stumbled upon Turkish hot sand coffee and made coffee shops, including those in Wellington, our gathering spots around this wonderful beverage. These spaces serve as communal hubs where conflicts, such as wars and petty disputes, take a backseat – except, perhaps, during a lively game of Sebo.

Flintlock: Siege of Dawn Dev Discuss Making a Flintlock Fantasy Game

A: In the intricately woven lore of Flintlock, there exists a rumor of a remarkable capability that can reportedly bring back to life fallen players. This raises the question: how does such an event fit into the established worldbuilding of this fantastical realm?

“Shadow Self” is a capability that can be acquired later in the skill development, which grants players an opportunity for revival during battles. Once defeated, Enki intervenes to bring Nor’s health back to its maximum.

During the course of the game, Nor is unable to obtain other formidable God magics from Enki’s link, and these magics come with distinctive gameplay features that players can enjoy exploring. Our game includes several late-game perks in the talent tree which significantly alter the gaming experience, but they require a substantial Reputation points accumulation to be unlocked. Consequently, players must vanquish numerous adversaries, grasp the intricacies of the Reputation amplifier mechanism, and complete an array of side tasks to access each one.

Protagonist Nor Vanek, Fashion, and The Coalition Army

As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you from my personal experience that the “Fashion Souls” community plays a significant role in Flintlock’s gaming scene. While developing the game, I realized that incorporating this aspect was essential for creating an immersive and engaging experience. Coffee shops served as perfect hubs where players could showcase their unique styles and connect with one another. So, I made it a priority to ensure that fashion remained an integral part of Flintlock’s development process.

Baider: This aspect strikes a chord with us as creators as well, and we’re excited to witness the unique ensembles Flintlock‘s gaming community will come up with. Unlike most fashion items purchasable in coffee shops that help players express their individuality, the equipment and weapons you uncover possess distinct personalities and contribute significantly to showcasing a player’s flair.

Players have the freedom to take and share snapshots of their characters using the game’s built-in photo mode. Let’s hope the gaming community will get creative with this feature and delight us with impressive results!

Q: What can you tell us about the history of the Coalition army?

The Coalition came together in haste during wartime, with soldiers from various countries forming an impromptu military force. Despite great sacrifices, they managed to halt the advance of their enemies, the Dead, but were unable to make any significant headway beyond fortifying Dawn’s borders. After a decade of conflict, resources have dwindled, leaving the Coalition dependent on conscripts rather than volunteers. With growing urgency, Field Marshall Sama, the military leader, seeks a definitive solution to close the Door permanently. The game’s narrative unfolds from this point.

A: I’d be happy to talk about Nor Vanek’s background and the design behind her character, as well as the reasons that have led her to her current role in Flintlock.

Nor hails from the radiant city, yet she’s forever haunted by the memory of the day the Undead breached the fortifications and shattered her peaceful existence. Fleeing from her destroyed hometown, Nor endured the tragic loss of her parents due to sickness and warfare-induced turmoil. By chance, Baz, a brave new soldier in the Coalition army, encountered the forlorn orphan girl near the battlefield’s edge. Compassionate towards her plight, he adopted Nor as his own charge.

Baz had greater knowledge of gunpowder than fatherhood, and for the following decade, Nor’s life was marked by trenches, tunnels, and an unending battle against the dead. Remarkably, she took pleasure in this unconventional circumstance. Her unique situation brought forth a skilled soldier from Baz, and it wasn’t long until Nor accompanied him on missions. The young Nor displayed courage repeatedly, gaining numerous allies and rewards, culminating in her promotion to the Coalition’s elite Sapper team. There, she met Luca, Johara, and Haalin – the main characters at the game’s start.

In the game, Nor’s character is portrayed as determined and steadfast, a trait essential for players to experience her sense of self-rule in the narrative. We meticulously designed various pivotal instances in Nor’s journey to help her evolve and confront the shifting world around her. Our intention was to make these aspects of her development resonate with players. As they navigate the game environment, players will have the opportunity to delve deeper into Nor’s background and gain new insights from her interactions with Enki. We believe these additional layers to Nor’s story will captivate fans.

As a devoted fan, I believe having a named and voiced protagonist adds a deeper level of connection to the game. It allows us, as players, to identify with a specific character and become invested in their journey. With a customizable character, while we can shape them to our likeness, it’s harder to form an emotional bond since there’s no pre-existing narrative or personality attached.

To create an engaging story centered around Nor and Enki’s connection in “Flintlock,” we felt it essential to introduce a named and expressive character. As developers, we aimed to challenge ourselves while staying committed to our objective of crafting a Souls-inspired game that caters to a wider audience. Introducing a character with a captivating backstory was vital for us. We’re eagerly anticipating player responses to the intricacies of Nor and Enki’s relationship, including their heartfelt conversations and character growth.


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2024-07-16 16:05