Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

As someone who grew up reading the Harry Potter series and later watched the movies, I have to admit that there are certain aspects of the books that didn’t quite make it to the big screen. One such aspect is the profound redemption arcs of some of the supporting characters, which add depth and richness to J.K. Rowling’s magical world.

The Harry Potter collection of books and films delve into multiple topics, such as the harmful impacts of bigotry and bias, as well as the profound influence of love and camaraderie. Additionally, these stories bring attention to the significant dilemmas that the characters encounter and the devastating results of their incorrect choices at times.

In the world of Harry Potter, certain characters may seem irredeemable at first, but many witches and wizards manage to make amends for their past mistakes. The most compelling redemption stories in this series prove that it’s possible to start anew, even if you have a checkered history – all it takes is a sincere will to change.

7 Draco Malfoy

Draco Refuses to Confirm Harry’s Identity to Bellatrix

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

Despite Draco Malfoy’s despicable nature, there appear to be boundaries he won’t breach. He fails to kill Dumbledalle during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and despite his deep-seated hatred for Harry, he refrains from revealing Harry’s identity when Harry and his companions are brought to Malfoy Manor.

It’s arguable whether Malfoy’s actions truly make up for his past transgressions, but there’s no denying that his choice not to summon Voldemort significantly influenced the storyline. Similarly, Narcissa’s love for her son caused her to deceive Voldemort in the Forest, a lie that had considerable consequences.

6 Dudley Dursley

Dudley Shows Concern for Harry’s Safety and Wellbeing

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

In the Harry Potter films, several book storylines were left out, including Dudley Dursley’s potential redemption. A deleted scene set outside Number 4 Privet Drive revealed why this subplot was excluded, as it came across as uncomfortable when contrasted with its original portrayal in the books.

It’s questionable if a few instances of kindness from Dudley can truly balance out a lifetime of physical and emotional harm. However, these acts do reveal that Dudley has some good qualities within him. Sadly, it was only after Harry saved his life from Dementors that this change occurred. Given how harshly Harry was raised by Petunia and Vernon, it’s not shocking that Dudley turned out the way he did.

5 Rufus Scrimgeour

Scrimgeour Dies to Protect Harry and His Friends

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

Rufus Scrimgeour is a practical man who prioritizes the well-being of the Wizarding World. However, his perspective on certain matters is limited, leading him to clash with Harry and his companions multiple times. While it’s not unwarranted for readers to feel antipathy towards the Minister for Magic, he is by no means an evil character.

When Voldemort seizes power at the ministry, his followers attempt to interrogate Scrimgeour in an effort to discover the hiding place of Harry and his companions. Yet, even though Scrimgeour was privy to this information, he kept it concealed until his death. It’s unclear whether he understood Harry’s significance at the end or was just following his own principles.

4 Horace Slughorn

Slughorn Owns His Past Mistakes and Overcomes His Cowardice

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

Introducing Horace Slughorn to series fans initially presents him in an unfavorable way. He is depicted as a cowardly figure, taking advantage of people when they’re vulnerable, and favoring certain students with seemingly self-serving motives. What makes matters worse is that his negligence contributes to the rise of one of the most formidable dark wizards in history.

At the Battle of Hogwarts, things have changed drastically for Horace Slughorn. Yes, I can relate as a gamer, understanding the fear that grips him. But unlike in previous situations where I might have fled, Horace decides to stay and fight. He feels deeply regretful about past mistakes and is determined to make amends. If not for his timely arrival with reinforcements, countless lives would have been lost. In the heat of the battle, he even faces Voldemort in a duel, moments before the Dark Lord’s demise.

3 Severus Snape

Snape Has Nothing Left to Lose After the Loss of Lily

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

During the storyline of Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling went to great lengths to make readers dislike Snape. The unappealing potions master, with his greasy hair, repeatedly belittled Harry and, in the end of “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince,” fatally struck down Dumbledore. Consequently, Snape’s subsequent salvation carries a more profound impact. However, there are layers to Snape’s transformation that aren’t immediately obvious.

It’s widely accepted that Snape was once an evil person. He welcomed Voldemort’s killing of James and Harry, provided Lily was spared. His lack of regret for James’ death is clear. However, when Voldemort broke his promise to spare Lily, Snape changed allegiance. This switch, coming after Lily’s death, leaves some questioning the significance of his later actions. Snape appeared to be living a miserable life with nothing left to lose.

2 Regulus Black

Regulas Gave His Life so that Voldemort May One Day Meet His Match

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

One less-known redemption story in the Harry Potter universe unfolds decades prior to the books and films. Contrary to what many people believe, this compelling arc of transformation is associated with Regulus Black, rather than Snape. This shift in allegiance occurs not due to suffering, fear, or anger, but instead from a deep sense of righteousness. The climax of his selfless act unfolds within a humble cave nestled along the Cliffs of Moher. While Snape’s redemption is undeniably significant, Regulus’ stands out for its purity and unwavering commitment to justice.

As a gamer, I can rephrase that in this way: I came to realize that my actions were not right and that I had to put an end to the Dark Lord’s tyranny. Regulas was not just a good person, but also incredibly brave, even giving up his own life for the greater good. Sadly, Sirius never got to discover the truth about his brother’s allegiance. Instead, he died believing that he was the only Black family member worthy of trust.

1 Kreacher

Kreacher Rewrites Centuries of Negative Programming

Which Harry Potter Character has the Best Redemption Arc?

In the beloved “Harry Potter” stories, House Elves significantly contribute to the plot. Regrettably, hefty CGI expenses resulted in numerous scenes and subplots featuring these creatures being omitted from the films. Sadly, fans of the Crouch family’s House Elf Winky didn’t get to see her at all, and several key moments involving Kreacher and Dobby were significantly altered or removed altogether.

In the movie adaptation of “Deathly Hallows,” viewers may unfortunately miss out on a significant transformation in the character of Kreacher. Although they observe a slight softening of Kreacher during part one, this change is much more evident in the book. Surprisingly, all it takes to bring about this shift in Kreacher’s behavior is some basic respect – an aspect that Sirius apparently struggled to provide.

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2024-07-16 19:34