Craig Wright Referred To UK Prosecutors For Alleged Perjury In Bitcoin Authorship Case

As a long-time crypto investor with a keen interest in Bitcoin’s history and development, I have closely followed the Craig Wright vs. Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) case with great anticipation. The latest ruling by Judge James Mellor in the UK is a significant turn of events, and it’s hard not to feel a sense of relief that justice might finally be served in this long-running saga.

In the ongoing Bitcoin authorship controversy, a UK judge has ordered Craig Wright’s case to be handed over to British prosecutors for potential perjury and document forgery allegations. This decision comes following the recent court ruling in the dispute between Wright, an Australian computer scientist, and the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA).

COPA Vs. Wright Bitcoin Authorship Case

For more than a decade, Craig Wright has been embroiled in various lawsuits due to his efforts to copyright Bitcoin’s whitepaper and assert himself as the creator of Bitcoin, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. This declaration, first made public in 2016, has been met with significant skepticism from the crypto community and its key players.

As a researcher studying the origins of Bitcoin, I’ve come across numerous efforts to challenge the authorship claim of an Australian computer scientist by the organization COPA. In their most recent attempt, they took him to court in the UK. According to the ruling by Judge James Mellor, after reviewing the “overwhelming evidence” presented by the plaintiff, I concluded that the Australian computer scientist was not Bitcoin’s creator.

Furthermore, Judge Mellor issued a global asset freeze order worth $7.6 million against Wright’s assets based on the significant risk that he might attempt to evade the financial repercussions of losing the trial by concealing or disposing of his assets. Suspicious actions and financial transactions from the defendant prompted such concerns.

As a crypto investor following the latest developments in the court case between COPA and Craig Wright, I can tell you that COPA presented a compelling argument to receive a substantial reward based on the judge’s ruling. However, considering Wright’s history of not fulfilling monetary orders and his tendency to lie, the judge deemed it necessary to issue a Warrant for the Seizure (WFO) to secure any potential assets.

In May, Judge Mellor issued his ruling on the case with a written explanation. In this judgment, it was determined that Wright had deceived extensively and repeatedly in both written and verbal testimonies. Furthermore, there are suspicions that he fabricated numerous documents to bolster his argument.

Craig Wright Referred To UK Prosecutors For Alleged Perjury In Bitcoin Authorship Case


UK Judge Directs Wright’s Case To CPS

On Tuesday, the court authorized COPA’s petition to forward the documents to the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Judge Mellor expressed that if this situation didn’t call for CPS involvement, it would be challenging to imagine one that did.

A UK judge considers Wright’s deceitful and suspicious efforts to support his argument as warranting an unusually strong reaction.

Craig Wright Referred To UK Prosecutors For Alleged Perjury In Bitcoin Authorship Case

Due to the discovered deceit, the matter was forwarded to the Criminal Prosecution Service to evaluate if charges against Wright would be appropriate for “perjury and forgery of documents on a large scale.”

Without a shadow of a doubt, it is essential that I bring the pertinent documents relating to Dr. Wright’s alleged perjury and forgery of documents to the attention of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The CPS will then determine whether a prosecution against Dr. Wright should be initiated for these offenses, as well as consider the possibility of issuing a warrant for his arrest or seeking his extradition from his current location. These decisions are within the jurisdiction of the CPS.

Additionally, the document discloses that the whereabouts of the Australian computer scientist are a mystery. The evidence provided by COPA indicates that Wright departed from his former dwelling in Wimbledon and appears to have exited the United Kingdom.

Wright appears to be journeying through countries observing UTC +7 time, encompassing regions in Russia’s Siberia and Southeast Asia. The court has determined that Wright allegedly misused the legal procedures of the UK, Norway, and US courts in an attempt to bolster his contentions of being Satoshi Nakamoto and the creator of Bitcoin.

Craig Wright Referred To UK Prosecutors For Alleged Perjury In Bitcoin Authorship Case

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2024-07-16 21:42