Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a long-time Pokémon GO trainer with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but appreciate the intricacies of the Buddy System and its various benefits. Having gone through numerous evolutions and battles myself, I’ve come to truly value the companionship and boosts that my Pokémon provide me on this journey.

Due to Pokemon Go, the excitement of the Pokemon series is now portable for fans. This innovative augmented reality game enables trainers to capture Pokemon in their own neighborhoods or during travels. The integration of Pokemon into our daily lives through smartphones adds a unique and engaging spin on the classic franchise. Consequently, allowing players to select a companion Pokemon as they explore is a thoughtful feature that enhances the overall experience.

In the world of Pokemon Go, a Pokemon designated as your buddy enjoys several perks, especially when you engage with them extensively. One significant advantage is an increase in CP or Combat Power, a crucial figure in Pokemon battles. The more time you invest in nurturing a Pokemon friendship, the closer you come to achieving the coveted status of Best Buddies. But why strive for this elite bonding experience in Pokemon Go? And how can it be attained?

Back To Basics: What Is A Buddy?

A Representation Of Pokemon-Trainer Bonds

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

To fully grasp the concept of Buddy CP Boosts in Pokemon Go, it’s essential to recall how the Buddy System functions initially. In essence, this feature enables players to select a preferred Pokemon, which appears next to their avatar as they explore the game environment.

Players have the flexibility to switch out their Buddy Pokemon whenever they please. The relationship between a player and their Buddy Pokemon determines the perks bestowed upon the trainer. Buddy Pokemon progress from being Good Buddies to achieving the coveted Best Buddy status. This transition comes with several advantages and complexities, culminating in the Best Buddy rank granting CP (Combat Power) Boosts for an edge in Pokemon battles.

How To Add And Change Buddies

Players Can Switch Buddies Up To 20 Times A Day

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

To effectively raise your Buddy’s level in the game, it’s essential first to grasp how the Buddy System is initiated. Fortunately, selecting a Pokemon as your Buddy is quite straightforward within the game.

As a devoted Pokémon Go fan, I’d describe the process of assigning a Buddy in this way:

Enter The Heart System

Hearts Are The Centerpiece Of Buddy Growth

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

To advance in Buddy Levels and achieve the esteemed title of Best Buddy, your Buddy must accumulate Hearts. Players can earn Hearts by engaging in different activities with their Buddy, with each level up requiring a set amount of Hearts.

How Many Hearts Are Needed Per Buddy Level?

Players will observe that advancing a Buddy’s status from “Good Buddy” to “Best Buddy” requires more effort and Hearts than before. For your convenience, here is a summary of the number of Hearts required for each level upgrade:

  • Good Buddy: 1 Heart
  • Great Buddy: 70 Hearts
  • Ultra Buddy: 150 Hearts
  • Best Buddy: 300 Hearts

How Do Players Get More Hearts?

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

Just like in other pet simulation games, reaching new Buddy Levels is achievable by performing specific tasks that earn Hearts for your Buddy in this game. Essentially, to amass Hearts, players must consistently engage in these activities.

  • Visiting a New Place: 2 Hearts are earned when a player and their Buddy visit a Gym or a PokeStop they haven’t visited before.
  • Taking a Snapshot with the Buddy: 2 Hearts are earned when players take a snapshot of their Buddy.
  • Battling Together: 2 Hearts are earned when players use the Buddy to fight in Trainer Battles, Gyms, Raids, or even in Team GO Rocket Events. Thankfully, Leader Training also counts as a Trainer Battle!
  • Playing Together: 2 Hearts are earned when players go to AR Mode and tap their Buddy for a few seconds. Called petting, this move is successful once the Pokemon spins and jumps in happiness.
  • Giving Buddy a Treat: Up to 4 Hearts can be earned whenever a Buddy is given a treat. If a Buddy starts at 0 Treats a day, it would take around 12 Berries to reach the 4 Hearts bonus.
  • Walking Together: Up to 4 Hearts can be earned when players walk together with their Buddies. Take note that replacing Buddies will be resetting the step count to the next Heart!

Consider Some Tricks First!

Use Berries And Excitement To Maximize Hearts

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a dedicated player, I’d recommend exploring some strategies to enhance my Heart gain with my Buddies before diving into the activities suggested above. By employing these tricks, I can maximize my Heart acquisition rate and accelerate my progress towards earning the elusive Best Buddy badge. Some effective techniques to consider include:

A Berry Instantly Grabs The Good Buddy Award

Players can earn the Good Buddy Award for their Pokemon by giving them a Berry right away, particularly if this is their designated buddy. Alternatively, using a Poffin to feed them will extend the duration of time their buddy remains on the map, providing players with additional opportunities to interact with them.

Get Your Buddy Excited

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

One effective method to earn the “Best Buddy” accolade is by putting your Buddy Pokemon in an elated state. When your Buddy Pokemon is joyful, it offers several advantages that can be beneficial when preparing your Pokemon for a challenging fight:

  • Find Candies at half the time and half the distance.
  • Double the Hearts earned for every action.
  • Trainers can earn bonus Hearts on top of what they earn.

To put your Buddy in an excited state, players can accumulate a sum of 32 points by performing any of the following actions:

  • Visiting a New Location (1 Point)
  • Taking a Snapshot (1 Point)
  • Battling in any way (1 Point)
  • Playing with the Buddy (1 Point)
  • Feeding the Buddy (1 Point)
  • Walking at least 2km (3 Points)
  • Opening a Souvenir/Present (3 Points)
  • Visiting a Location the Buddy found (3 Points)

Check Easy Ways To Get Poffins

Aside From 100 PokeCoins, Consider Other Tasks

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

Players have another option to reward their Buddies: feeding them Poffins. This action not only satiates their Buddies but also provides players with bonuses. However, Poffins can be shared with a Buddy only when its hunger gauge is full, and the next Poffin can be given once the previous one has been consumed.

What Happens After Eating The Poffin?

After eating a Buddy, you’ll notice an increase in its excitement level, resulting in the reward of six Hearts from the daily feeding task. Additionally, providing a Poffin to your Buddy not only keeps it active on the map for up to six hours, but also doubles the Hearts earned from other tasks.

How Do Players Get Poffins?

Sadly for gamers, finding Poffins in the game is quite a challenge. These rewards pop up seldomly through Special Research and Timed Research tasks, as well as AR Mapping Field Research missions. It’s essential for players to exercise caution during PokeStop scanning to avoid account bans from Niantic due to frequent submission of incorrect scans.

What’s The Fastest Way To Get Poffins?

A surefire method to obtain a Poffin is by purchasing it from the Store for the cost of 100 PokeCoins. Nevertheless, players don’t always need to spend real money to get PokeCoins; they can also earn them by defending Gyms within the game.

As a dedicated Pokemon Go player, I’ve found that maintaining my Gym defenders is an essential part of my daily routine. Each time one of my Pokemon guards a Gym for ten minutes, I receive a reward of one PokeCoin. This system can yield up to 50 PokeCoins per day, which is quite a significant amount for a dedicated trainer.

Watch For The Guaranteed Zorua In The Wild

Simply Look For A Buddy’s Doppelganger

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

In my gaming experience, I’ve come across this cool Pokemon named Zorua. Debuted in Generation 5 and originally from the Unova Region, you can easily spot Zorua with its small fox-like figure and intriguing purple-grey-red coloration. Known for being timid, Zorua uses illusions to safeguard itself and intimidate adversaries. Unlike other Pokemon in the wild, Zorua isn’t commonly found in the Pokemon GO world. Instead, it’s a rare catch that adds an exciting element to the game.

Players should look for their Buddy Pokemon showing up in the wild instead of on the radar. If they come across a Pokemon resembling their Buddy that isn’t marked on the map, it could potentially be a Zorua. The likelihood becomes even greater when players choose a Legendary, Shadow, or Shiny Pokemon as their buddy, as these creatures don’t typically appear in the wild.

Secure Daily Battles Quickly

Quitting Works Against Trainers

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

Players can earn Hearts with their Pokemon GO Buddies by engaging them in battles. This includes using your Buddy Pokemon in fights against Team GO Rocket, other trainers, gyms, and raids.

Players seeking a swift victory in Hearts may want to try out Training Battles instead. In this mode, you face off against your selected Team Leader, honing your abilities in the process. Notably, your Buddy Pokemon only needs to be included in your team for this to work. It doesn’t have to engage in battle itself, and here’s the catch: even if you lose, it doesn’t matter. Consequently, you can easily challenge your Team Leader and exit as soon as the fight starts.

Swap Buddies For A Larger Buddy List

Take Advantage Of The Swap Count

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a dedicated Pokemon GO player, I’ve discovered that I can switch out my Buddy Pokemon up to 20 times a day in my journey towards reaching the coveted Best Buddy status. At first glance, this may seem like an excessive number of swaps, especially considering all the tasks we have to complete with our Buddies. Nevertheless, we should make the most of this feature, even if we’re just raising Buddies casually.

  • Step 1: Give Buddy 1 three Berries. In the same instance, play with them and take a picture. This can provide three (3) Hearts and should only take a minute or two.
  • Step 2 (Optional): Use the Buddy in a Battle for one (1) Heart. If possible, take a walk with them. One (1) additional Heart is earned for every 3km walked.
  • Step 3: Swap Buddy 1 with Buddy 2 and repeat Step 1. Repeat with up to six (6) other Buddies, for a total of seven (7) Buddies to interact with.
  • Step 4: Do Step 1 and Step 3 for two (2) cycles. This should give them two (2) extra Hearts for giving them Berries.

Each friend will receive six (6) Heart points as a reward, and they may earn an extra three (3) Heart points for every walk of nine (9) kilometers you take together. Consistently engaging in this activity can help your friend reach the “Best Buddy” status within fifty (50) days, with the exception of double Heart day bonuses.

Unlock That Best Buddy: Go On A Buddy Adventure!

The Journey To Best Buddy Begins With The Buddy Adventure

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a dedicated Pokemon fan, I’m thrilled when I choose a Pokemon to be my Buddy. We then set off on an exciting journey I like to call a “Buddy Quest.” During this quest, my goal is to help my Buddy grow and reach its maximum potential – the coveted Best Buddy status. Here’s what each Buddy Level brings:

What Is A Good Buddy?

The First Stages Of A Buddy’s Journey

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

At the outset, the initial stage is referred to as the “Good Buddy” level, which is the simplest to achieve and grants the least requirements for monitoring a player’s buddy closely. Almost all buddies start at this level, and players must engage in some gameplay to elevate it enough and reach the “Great Buddy” level.

  • Hearts: 1
  • Benefits: This will let players see their Buddy follow them around the map. This also unlocks the ability to view the Buddy’s Mood on their Profile Page. Moods range from Tired to Happy to Smile to Excited.

What Is A Great Buddy?

Building Up Hearts Through Play

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

Achieving the Great Buddy status in Buddy Levels is seen as a moderate step, making it an attractive option for players who put in around 4 hours of gameplay daily. The rewards that come with having a Great Buddy are noteworthy, as these buddies assume a more significant role during Pokemon capturing activities.

  • Hearts: 70
  • Benefits: Buddies at this stage can help players catch Pokemon. Moreover, Buddies can find presents, which have items that can help Trainers in their journey.

What Is An Ultra Buddy?

More Proactive Role Even When Passive

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a dedicated Pokémon Trainer, reaching the elusive Ultra Buddy status with one of my beloved companions is a significant milestone. This level goes beyond the ordinary Buddy system, allowing my Pokémon to be more engaged and active during our adventures. The bond between us grows even stronger as we near Best Buddy status. Plus, all the perks from the previous Buddy Levels continue to enhance our journey together.

  • Hearts: 150
  • Benefits: Buddies now let players know if locations of interest are nearby. Moreover, Buddies can now get Souvenirs that players can track off. These are knick-knacks that definitely spice up overall exploration.

What Is The Best Buddy?

The Highest Buddy Level

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

As a dedicated gamer, I can tell you that reaching the pinnacle of bonding with my Buddy Pokemon is an unparalleled experience. When we hit the Best Buddy Level, it’s not just about earning a shiny new Badge to flaunt – oh no, this friendship transcends that. Our connection deepens, and in the heat of battle, our teamwork shines brighter than ever. The synergy between us grants an additional mechanical edge, making us a formidable force to be reckoned with.

  • Hearts: 300
  • Benefits: Buddies of the Best Buddy status can now wear a “Best Buddy Ribbon,” and they also get a CP Boost when used in combat!

Buddy Up To Power-Up In Matches

Boost Available Power-Ups Pre-Evolution

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

A effective method to utilize the Buddy CP Boost is by enhancing the power of specific Pokemon during battles. This feature becomes particularly useful for Pokemon that are still in their early evolution stages, as players can make the most of this benefit and strengthen them prior to evolution. By doing so, the maximum potential of your Pokemon can be reached, ensuring they’re at their strongest when they evolve.

In the Pokemon meta, these are some Pokemon that players could consider making their Buddies to excel in battles:

  • Snorlax: At its core, a fully powered-up Snorlax can become a beast of a tank in a PVP match, especially when at the maximum Buddy Level.
  • Chansey: When evolved into Blissey, Chansey can grow up to become one of the most potent Defenders in the game.
  • Machop: When evolved into Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch, a Buddied Up Machop can lead into one of the earliest raid-ready Pokemon.
  • Dratini: Gaining access to Dragonite via Buddy Up and evolutions can transform Dratini into one of the most potent Dragon Types in the early part of the endgame.

Buddy Up For Evolutions

Certain Pokemon Need To Buddy-Up For Evolutions

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

An effective alternative method of utilizing the Buddy system is to power up Pokemon to prepare them for evolution. By enhancing their CP (Combat Power), these Pokemon will amass the necessary Candy to evolve, eliminating the need to find a separate evolved version. This strategy benefits players who frequently travel or encounter rare Pokemon in their vicinity, as securing sufficient Candies through catching similar species can be challenging.

For this specific issue, Pokemon trainers could benefit from forming alliances with the following players to amass a substantial amount of Candy for efficient evolution processes:

  • Togepi: Adorable Togepi can become Togetic thanks to Candies and constant companionship, which is similar to how Misty evolved her Togepi in the anime.
  • Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile: Generation Two starters Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile can evolve into their second and final evolution through the Buddy Up system. With enough patience, players can get these Pokemon to their states as Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr very quickly instead of waiting for copies of them to appear.
  • Mareep: One of the most efficient Electric Types in the game come in the form of Amphoros, which is unfortunate as he’s not a frequent Pokemon to appear in the game. Thankfully, securing a Mareep could be more than enough, as getting Mareep to evolve via Buddy Up can make Amphoros an easy acquisition.

How Much Is The CP Boost?

Take Note Of Power Ups

Pokemon Go: Best Buddy CP Boost

When a Buddy advances to the rank of Best Buddy, one perk they gain is an enhancement, or boost, to their Combat Power (CP) during battles. The mechanics behind this CP Boost might seem complicated initially, but in essence, it’s quite simple. Here’s an explanation:

  • CP Boost Equivalent: When a Best Buddy is used in combat, it gets a CP Boost that is the equivalent of two extra Power-Ups, or a single-level up. For instance, if a Best Buddy Pokemon is at Level 50, its CP Boost will put it at a CP equivalent to a Level 51 Pokemon.
  • Only Applies To The Buddy: However, it’s important to understand that this CP Boost only applies if the Pokemon in question is assigned as the Buddy. As such, players can’t have a team that they’re Best Buddies with and with all CP Boosts. They need to choose only one Pokemon to receive the said boost.

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2024-07-18 00:25