Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human


  • Acid is crucial for crafting Tier 3 Aluminium in Once Human and can be farmed by killing Stardust-corrupted enemies like Jellyfish.
  • Sutherland Chemical Plant & Monolith of Greed Danger Zone offer good Acid farming routes with high yields and elite enemies.
  • Greywater Industrial Zone is the best spot to farm Acid, offering high yields, useful scrap items, and greater resource yield enemies.

As a seasoned survivor of the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Once Human, I’ve learned to scavenge every inch of this harsh world for valuable resources. And let me tell you, my dear reader, that the Hearst Industries in Broken Delta is a prime spot for farming those precious Acid units.

Players using the human faction in the game should collect a large quantity of Acid for creating different recipes, such as Tier 3 Aluminium. Obtaining this valuable resource can be achieved primarily by defeating Stardust-contaminated enemies, with Jellyfish being a notable source.

Six distinct areas in the game offer optimal Acid farming for players. Each location is detailed below, including recommended paths, encounters with enemies, enemy spawn frequencies, and instructions for activating defense events that increase Acid yields. Don’t forget to pack plenty of ammunition before embarking on your quest!

1 Dayton Hospital

Between 20 To 30 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: South> Center> East> North > West – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:55 (Normal) 3:55 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 7

As a fan, I’d describe my experience of reaching Dayton Hospital in the northeastern part of the Dayton Wetlands zone this way: To begin farming Acid here, I suggest entering via the Southern gate. Make your way towards the heart of the area, passing through the fountain square and clearing out the eastern wing of buildings. Then, walk along the northern parking lot, take down the Elite, and proceed westward. Once inside the hospital, go south and eliminate the nurses and the Elite on the first floor. Exit via the parking lot and retrace your steps to the Southern entrance.

Traveling this path regularly will net players an average of 40 to 55 Acid units each trip. However, be cautious on PvP servers as numerous structures serve as prime locations for sniping.

2 Sutherland Chemical Plant

Between 30 To 45 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: South> Center> East> North > West – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:55 (Normal) 3:55 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 14

As a gamer, I’d describe my experience exploring the Broken Delta area this way: In the heart of this zone lies the Sutherland Chemical Plant. Upon approaching from the southern entrance, I suggest players start collecting resources by farming in that direction. Reach the eastern building and take down its Elite guardian. Continue your journey along the pipes, defeating Jellyfish enemies as you go. Once you reach the oil tanks to the north, enter the main building located to the west. Inside, eliminate the Furnace Elite. Lastly, proceed south through the western buildings.

Should players locate the Sutherland Chemical Plant Access Card Version 1, they can initiate the Refinery incident in the plant’s central structure. This entails fending off three successive waves of adversaries and Elites to protect the machinery. Upon successful completion of this mission, players will be rewarded with a quantity of Acid between 50 and 75, along with other valuable loot.

3 Monolith Of Greed Danger Zone

Between 30 To 50 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: South> East> North > West – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:20 (Normal) 2:35 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 10

At the heart of the Broken Delta lies the Gaia Monolith Peril, situated on the tallest summit. This compound has two access points, north and south. However, it’s advisable to choose the southern entrance and ascend until you reach the Monolith (Dungeon) sector. Once there, descend using the same path.

As players traverse the path, they may encounter several Elite opponents. These foes yield approximately three to four units of Acid and gunpowder upon defeat. This area is beneficial for obtaining additional resources, but be mindful as enemies can mass quickly due to shorter respawn intervals in this zone. Additionally, take caution against rival players as this is a contentious region.

4 Hearst Industries

Between 20 To 40 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 2 units (Normal) 4 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: Center> East> North > West – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:55 (Normal) 3:55 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 11

Hearst Industries is located on the southeastern part of Broken Delta, close to the border with Dayton Wetlands. Farming in this region can be challenging, so I suggest heading towards the central area near the oil refinery as your starting point. Once there, proceed eastwards alongside the pipes. You’ll encounter elite enemies on your path, so make sure to take them out. After dealing with them, turn northward towards the warehouses.

As you progress through the structures, keep an eye out for an elite enemy guarding the entrance to the main warehouse. If you find one, engage in combat. Then, head west and descend toward the building’s center before repeating this path.

5 Eastern Railway Junction

Between 30 To 45 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 3 units (Normal) 5 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: South> Center> East – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:55 (Normal) 3:55 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 14

At the northernmost tip of the Broken Delta lies the Eastern Railway Junction. Go southward along the train tracks from the junction’s entrance until you reach the central deposit area. Once there, eliminate Jellyfish, ordinary adversaries, and Elites. Afterward, head east towards the warehouse. Be cautious as fog reduces visibility, increasing the risk of enemies ambushing you near fans.

After finishing off the foes, make your way towards the eastern area and take down another Elite enemy. Subsequently, return to the southern entrance. If you possess the Eastern Railway Junction Access Card Version 1, initiate the Refinery event. Similar to the Sutherland Chemical Plant event, successful completion results in rewards of 50 to 75 Acid units.

6 Greywater Industrial Zone

Between 40 To 70 Per Run

Best Places To Farm Acid In Once Human
  • Avg. yield per kill: 3 units (Normal) 5 units (Elite)
  • Best Route: South> Center> East – Repeat
  • Avg. respawn time: 1:45 (Normal) 3:25 (Elites)
  • Zone Level: 23

In the northern part of Iron River lies the Greywater Industrial Zone, an ideal spot for cultivating Acid in “Once Human.” Starting from the southern entrance, make your way to the center and eliminate some opponents. Afterward, veer towards the east and trace the building outlines to reach the warehouse district. Here, players can collect a substantial amount of valuable scrap materials essential for creating their initial vehicle.

In this region, eliminate both common and elite foes. Be cautious as well against the concealed Jellyfish enemies nestled among the Oil Tanks and Pipes. These adversaries generally provide more resources than other locations, but their reappearance intervals are standard. Players need to reach level 23 before attempting to harvest in this zone.

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2024-07-18 01:04