Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

As a seasoned Pokémon Go trainer with years of battling under my belt, I can’t stress enough the importance of mastering the art of effective and strategic Pokémon battles. It wasn’t always this way for me, though. I used to be like many other players, blindly tapping away on my screen, using Protect Shields haphazardly, and relying solely on my strongest Pokémon without considering the nuances of type matchups or the power of multiple moves.

Niantic’s Pokemon Go game features a new Battle League, allowing trainers to engage in random match-ups and strive for higher league ranks. Based on a trainer’s rank, they may face CP limits per Pokemon or join the Master League with no restrictions, enabling the use of any Pokemon. However, the Master League is the most challenging option unless trainers have reached level 40 and maximized their Pokemon’s CP values.

In the intense Battle League of Pokemon Go, where trainers fiercely tap on their screens to gain power, it can be quite a challenge. However, by keeping some useful strategies in mind, trainers can come out on top.

Remember The Basics

Get The Right Foundation To Know How To Improve

Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

To excel in Pokemon GO Battle League, it’s essential for players to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of the AR game’s Player vs. Player (PVP) modes first. This foundational knowledge will help them enhance various elements of their gameplay in the long run.

How To Win Pokemon Go Battles

In a Pokemon Go battle, you get to use three different Pokemon to engage in combat with another player. If all three of your Pokemon become unable to fight (faint), then you have lost the battle. Some additional factors to keep in mind include:

  • Attacks work by tapping on the screen or holding, depending on if players want to use a Fast Attack or Charged Attack (which requires many Fast Attacks first!).
  • Players are also given three Protect Shields which you can use to protect your Pokemon from a Charged Attack but once they’re gone, they’re gone. When the other Pokemon is using a Charged Attack, they’ll be warned, and will be given the option to protect their team if they have shields left.

How Pokemon Go League Battles Work

  • The game has a Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. Players will start off at Rank 1 in whichever league they choose and can go as high as rank 10.
  • By completing battles, players will also be given rewards. Players take on battles in a set of five, and their reward depends on how many of the battles they win.
  • Each league, except the Master League, has a capped Pokemon CP: 1500 for Great and 2500 for Ultra.
  • Players will want to pick a balanced team when entering league battles.

Train In Specific Leagues

Consider Building A Roster Via Great League And Ultra League

Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

In Pokemon GO’s GO Battle League, Pokemon are grouped together based on the particular team lineup they belong to, similar to how weight classes work in other competitions.

  • Great League: No Requirement, Max 1,500 CP per Pokemon
  • Ultra League: 1,500 CP per Pokemon Requirement, Max 2,500 CP per Pokemon
  • Master League: 2,500 CP per Pokemon Requirement, No CP Limit

For those looking for more challenging PVP battles in Pokemon GO, it’s recommended to aim for Master League encounters. However, fielding a team of three 2,500 CP Pokemon might come as a shock, as these top-tier creatures may not stand a chance against experienced Master League players. This is due to the fact that a Pokemon’s Combat Power can only be boosted up to ten levels above a player’s current level. Consequently, a Pokemon can reach a maximum level of 50 when its trainer reaches level 40.

In simpler terms, to succeed in a Master League Battle without using popular strategies (meta), trainers need advanced Pokemon with high stats, typically at level 40 and above. It’s recommended for trainers to build a strong team in the Great and Ultra Leagues first before attempting Master League, especially if they haven’t reached level 40 yet.

Tank For Easy Wins

Start From Scratch For More Casual Fights

Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

As a Pokemon GO enthusiast, I’ve noticed that some players are drawn to the game’s competitive side by diving straight into Ultra League or Master League battles. However, facing powerful meta builds time and again can be disheartening and may even deter players from participating in Player vs Player (PVP) battles altogether. To avoid this disappointment, I suggest trying a more relaxed approach: tanking.

  • Days 1-3: Lose all sets of PVP matchups, which would likely be 25 battles. For faster results, players can immediately forfeit the match.
  • Day 4 Onwards: Win four (4) out of five (5) matches, every other set. This 4/0/4/0/4 streak should give players Encounters, nine (9) Rare Candies, and a lot of Stardust for Pokemon progression.

In Pokemon GO’s PVP rewards system with a streak-based progression, creating a solid team can help you advance faster and receive better prizes. Additionally, it’s more effective to “tank” or intentionally lose battles during the later stages of the season. This approach allows players to avoid facing extremely strong opponents early on since those trainers have likely secured their top spots earlier in the competition.

    Remember Type Advantages

    More Damage Based On Type Means Defeating Enemies Faster

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    Just like the classic Pokemon games, it’s important to keep in mind that Pokemon Go comes with its pros and cons when Pokemon of a specific type engage in battles with other Pokemon. Moreover, don’t forget that since Pokemon can have two types, their strengths and weaknesses can interplay.

    In simpler terms, a Pokemon with a type stronger than its opponent’s will inflict twice the damage. Conversely, an opponent with a stronger type deals double damage to the first Pokemon. But beware, when two Pokemon have opposing types, their strengths and weaknesses may neutralize each other. However, if two Pokemon share the same weakness, they could potentially absorb four times as much damage from that specific type.

    Be Careful With Energy

    Conserve Energy Whenever Possible

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In the exciting world of Pokemon GO, preparing for Charged Attacks is essential in player versus player (PVP) battles, particularly when these attacks make up significant damage in clashes. Instead of immediately unleashing your Charged Attacks as soon as they’re ready, consider employing strategic tactics to maximize their benefits. Before engaging with specific Pokemon, be aware of the types of your Moves and the Pokemon you’ll be facing. By doing so, you can gain an edge in battles and enhance your overall gameplay experience.

    As a seasoned Pokemon Go trainer with years of battling under my belt, I’ve learned that timing and strategy are key to coming out on top. If I know my current Pokemon is capable of countering an opponent’s type, I don’t feel the need to rush in with a Charged Attack right away. Instead, I prefer to keep it saved for when my enemy unleashes their next Pokemon. By doing so, I can assess the situation and decide if it’s best to conserve my Charged Attack or use it immediately and save the next one for later. The ability to understand how quickly a Charged Attack can be prepared gives me an edge in battle, allowing me to adapt and outmaneuver my opponents.

    Get Another Charged Attack

    More Charged Attacks Ensures Counters Against Opponents

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In the world of Pokemon Go, unlike other games, every Pokemon acquires a swift “Quick Attack” and a more powerful, gradually charging “Charged Attack.” To maintain an edge in battles, trainers might consider teaching their Pokemon an additional Charged Attack.

    Due to the high cost of Charged Attacks, it’s crucial to choose wisely which Pokemon will learn them. A common suggestion is to teach a second Charged Attack of a type that complements their existing one. Additionally, prioritize teaching this ability to Pokemon you expect to use frequently in battles such as Trainer Battles, Gyms, and Raids.

    Charged Attack Choice Matters

    Find Charged Attacks That Build Up Faster

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In the world of Pokemon GO, battles aren’t just about a Pokemon’s IVs and types determining move strength. Timing plays a significant role as well. Each Pokemon generally has only one Fast Attack and either one or two Charged Attacks at their disposal. However, not all moves are created equal in the realm of competitive PVP. To gain an edge over other trainers, it’s essential to equip your Pokemon with Charged Attacks that charge more rapidly than the norm.

    The primary strategy behind utilizing a swift Charged Attack is to make opponents fear using their Shields against an attack that causes minimal damage. This tactic is effective because it leaves enemies vulnerable before more powerful combos, like Mud Shot (Fast Attack) followed by Hydro Cannon (Charged Attack), can be employed. To excel in PVP, players should identify which of their Pokemon can execute their attacks most rapidly and understand how these combos fit into their overall synergies.

    Both Attack And Defense Matter

    Timing The Activation Of Shields Can Secure A Player’s Survival

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In a Pokemon Go battle, the goal is for your Pokemon to outlive your opponent’s, but there are intricacies behind the scenes. Players must consider both defensive and offensive strategies. Besides using attacks, it’s essential to keep track of the number of Protect Shields and the frequency of Charged Attacks.

    As a long-time Pokemon Trainer with years of battles under my belt, I’ve learned that Protect Shields are valuable tools to have in your arsenal. However, not every Pokemon needs one. In my experience, it’s essential to use these shields wisely and reserve them for the monsters that truly matter to my strategy and success in the game.

    Pay Attention To Other Stats

    Compute Hidden Stats To Get Better Insights

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In essence, the combat power (CP) of a Pokemon in Pokemon Go is a crucial measure of its overall strength, particularly when facing other Pokemon and Raid Bosses. Nevertheless, it’s essential to keep in mind that CP is derived from a Pokemon’s three fundamental attributes: attack, defense, and HP or stamina. Yet, there are hidden stats that players should also consider.

    As a gamer, I can tell you that each Pokemon has a “level indicator” represented by a white half-moon symbol above its icon on the stats screen. This level progresses and enhances the Creature’s Combat Power (CP) whenever it is powered up through training. However, the CP can only surpass its limit when the player levels up. Although there are methods to manually recalculate a Pokemon’s Attack, Defense, and Stamina statistics, most players agree that a higher-leveled Pokemon with a greater CP usually outperforms others in those hidden stats.

    Switching Out Has Benefits

    Create A Roster Based On Switch Out Potential

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    As a long-time Pokemon Trainer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve come to appreciate the strategic depth of the game and the importance of knowing when to switch out my Pokemon. At first glance, it might seem like a disadvantage to have to send one of your beloved creatures back to its pokeball. But, as someone who has been in many intense battles, I can tell you that switching out can be a powerful tool if used correctly.

    As a seasoned trainer with years of experience battling in the world of Pokémon, I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing your opponent’s team and being prepared for their strengths and weaknesses. When I see that my current Pokémon is at a disadvantage against an opposing type, I immediately consider switching to a neutral or stronger type.

    Tap As Fast As You Can

    Fast Fingers Launch More Charged Attacks

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    In a battle, the Fast Attack will prove to be an invaluable asset for the Trainer, as it enables Pokémon to unleash quick attacks on their opponents. By tapping the screen, you’ll instruct your Pokémon to execute their Fast Attack. Moreover, each swift tap intensifies the charge of their subsequent Charged Attack. Consequently, the more rapidly you tap, the greater the damage inflicted and the swifter the availability of the Charged Attack for use.

    Many individuals incorrectly assume that the amount of damage they receive contributes to charging up a Power Attack. However, this is not the case.

    Don’t Use Protect Shields Right Away

    Save Up Shields For Clinchers

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    As a gamer, I often encounter situations where my Pokemon are under attack with powerful Charged Attacks. To shield them, I use Protect Shields that nullify the damage. But, before using one, it’s essential to assess the situation wisely. For instance, is it worth protecting a Pokemon with only one HP left from an opponent’s Charged Attack, knowing that the next Fast Attack will surely make it faint? Or should I let my Gyrados take a hit from Vaporeon’s Aqua Tail if the damage isn’t significant enough to change the game’s outcome? These are the strategic decisions trainers must make.

    Use TMs Until Satisfied With Your Attacks

    Create The Best Combination That Works For The Pokemon

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    Prior to engaging in battle, select a Pokemon and employ TMs repeatedly to customize its moveset. For instance, Tyranitar may initially only possess Crunch with a power of 70. However, by utilizing TMs multiple times, players can also equip it with Stone Edge, which is stronger at 100, or even Fire Blast with an impressive power of 140. The process of experimenting with attacks through continuous use of TMs is advantageous for players who have the necessary resources.

    Multiple Moves Are Worth It

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    Players can opt to use more stardust and candy to let their Pokemon carry two Charged Attacks. Each attack drains after usage, returning the power to zero and requiring recharging. However, the benefit of having two attacks based on their Pokemon’s types is well worth the investment.

    As a seasoned Pokémon trainer with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that having a versatile Pokémon like Gyarados is a true asset in the world of competitive battling. With its Water-type move Hydro Cannon at its disposal, it’s a force to be reckoned with against Water and Flying type opponents. But what sets Gyarados apart from others is its ability to learn Dragon-type moves like Dragon Rage.

    Time Your Charged Attacks

    Look For Openings

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    As a fan, I’d suggest: When a trainer is low on shields, consider saving your Charged Attacks. It’s not worth using one on a Pokemon that’s about to faint from Fast Attacks anyways.

    “It’s often a good idea to hold off on using your Charged Attack unless necessary, as you’ll have the opportunity to deal more damage once the next Pokemon is out.”

    Train With The Leaders If You Need Practice

    Test Combinations Against Leaders

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    If players find themselves having difficulty in battles, they have an option to train below the battle page with the team leaders. This method is beneficial as it allows players to hone their skills in using Charged Attacks, which involve engaging in a mini game to assess their power.

    It also lets a player’s team learn about type advantages you may not have thought about.

    Power Up Your Friendships

    Reap Friendship Benefits

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    With Ultra and Best Friends, players can strengthen their alliances and engage in battles remotely.

    Based on my own experiences, I strongly believe that practicing with a familiar face brings an entirely new dimension to any challenge. The last stages of friendship indeed hold the key to this enriching experience. Battling against random people can be impersonal and often feels like just another game. However, when you’re going head-to-head with someone you know, it adds a layer of depth that makes the competition more engaging and meaningful.

    Don’t Overpower Pokemon

    Check If A Pokemon Over 2500CP Fits The Meta

    Best Tips To Win Pokemon Go Battles

    Based on my own experience as a dedicated Pokemon Go trainer, I believe it might be wiser not to power up a Trainer’s Pokemon if it already has a CP (Combat Power) of 2499. The reason being, such a powerful Pokemon will only be eligible for competition in the Master League. If your favorite Pokemon is that strong and you have an emotional attachment to it, I understand the temptation to enhance its power even further. However, if you’re aiming for a more versatile team, it could limit your options in other leagues like the Ultra League. In my journey as a trainer, I’ve learned that having a balanced team is crucial to success. Therefore, consider the long-term benefits before deciding to power up that 2499 CP Pokemon.

    As someone who has spent countless hours playing Pokemon Go, I can tell you from my personal experience that there comes a point when you should seriously consider whether or not to power up your Pokemon beyond the 2500 CP mark. Why, you ask? Well, let me explain.

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    2024-07-19 01:55