League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm


  • Swarm offers a new PvE League experience with WASD controls, where players can unlock champions through quests and permanent upgrades.
  • Players will face increasing enemies in Bullet Heaven gameplay, collecting XP to unlock abilities and upgrades in each run through the game.
  • With 9 playable champions and 4 unique maps, Swarm provides a fresh challenge with different aesthetics and features as players progress.

As a seasoned League of Legends player with thousands of hours under my belt, I’ve seen it all – from the meticulously planned strategies to the chaotic, unpredictable team fights. But when Swarm mode came along, I was taken aback. It wasn’t just another game mode; it was a whole new experience.

As a seasoned League of Legends player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I’ve grown accustomed to the intense competition and strategic teamwork required to emerge victorious in Summoner’s Rift. But recently, Riot Games introduced a new game mode that has left me utterly bewitched: Swarm.

As someone who’s spent countless hours immersed in the world of Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBA), I can confidently say that Swarm is a breath of fresh air. Unlike most MOBA games, Swarm strips down the complex features and transports us to the bullet-heavy realm of Anima Squad’s universe. This shift from Runeterra is a welcome change for me, as Anima Squad’s skin line has always been a personal favorite, known for producing some of League’s most stunning skins in recent years.

6 Swarm Is A Bullet Heaven Game Where The Aim Is To Survive & Beat Bosses

Players Should Be Prepared To Die & Lose In The Early Stages

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

Newcomers to Bullet Heaven games will find Swarm’s concept straightforward. In this game, adversaries progressively appear in larger numbers and head towards the player. To survive, players must skillfully dodge and fire. For those who manage to evade and eliminate tougher enemies, a formidable boss will eventually emerge. Defeating the boss leads to victory.

As a devoted gamer, I’m thrilled to share that slain adversaries drop blue orbs for me. Gathering these orbs grants XP, which contributes to my leveling up. At level three, I’ll unlock the fundamental ability of my champion. And at level six, their ultimate power will be mine to use. For every new level achieved, I get to select an augment – a passive skill, an enhancement for abilities and basic attacks, or just a simple stat boost. Each time I meet my demise, it’s game over. But with more games under my belt, I’ll earn permanent stat enhancements to aid me in my future battles.

5 WASD Controls & Only 2 Abilities

Swarm Offers A Completely New Way To Pilot League Champions

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

An intriguing aspect of Swarm is that it replaces the standard controls of League of Legends with WASD keys for movement, while E and R are assigned for the two special abilities. Players no longer rely on the mouse for character navigation; instead, they use it to adjust their character’s direction and launch attacks.

Players don’t need to click the mouse for attacks since they automatically fire when their cooldowns expire. Additionally, pressing the C key allows your character to shoot at the nearest adversary. The controls are straightforward, but mastering them involves dodging enemies and projectiles, as well as finding the ideal position to hit several enemies simultaneously.

4 There Are 9 Playable Champions To Play As

Champions Are Unlocked As Players Progress & Complete Quests

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

In a game of League of Legends, it wouldn’t feel authentic if players couldn’t choose among various characters to influence the outcome. Luckily, Swarm offers nine distinct champions for players to select from the get-go. Initially, only Jinx and Seraphine are accessible, but Leona and Illaoi can be unlocked by completing simple in-game tasks.

As a seasoned player of this game, I can tell you that unlocking the other champions is no small feat. It requires dedication and perseverance, as each one comes with its own set of challenges. You’ve got bosses to slay and harder difficulties to conquer, but trust me, it’s all worth the grind.

3 There Are 4 Maps, Each With Their Own Features

New Maps Are Unlocked As Players Progress

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

In Swarm, there are four distinct maps, each with its own charisma and characteristics, ensuring a varied gaming experience. As you advance in the game, these maps become accessible. Later on, after gaining access to additional statistics and champions, you can revisit them with increased difficulty levels.

The first map, Warehouse District, features a large holographic Yuumi in the middle who can periodically heal players to full health. Next is The Outskirts, where players power up a canon that helps them take on enemies. After that, players will unlock the Subterranean Lab which features two Frost Cores that can freeze enemies, buying players valuable time. Finally, there is The Beachhead map, where a friendly Commander Miss Fortune helps take down foes.

2 Augments Are Acquired Upon Leveling Up

Choose From New Passive Weapons, Upgrades, & Stat Boosts

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

While running in Swarm, players gain experience points represented by blue balls. Once they accumulate enough XP, they advance to the next level. At each new level, the game interrupts the action and offers three augment options for selection, reminiscent of League’s Arena game mode.

These Augments come in a few different forms, with the most simple being buffs to stats such as armor, max health, damage, and ability haste. More excitingly, are passive weapons that will fire off on their own, and players can acquire a number of these during a run. Lastly, these weapons, along with the champion’s basic attack, can be upgraded to deal more damage or fire off more projectiles, for example. Augments and levels only last for the course of an individual run, meaning players can build differently in each game.

1 Collecting Gold & Completing Quests Lets Players Unlock Permanent Stats, Abilities, & New Champions

Swarm Is Less About Individual Games & More About The Longer Journey

League Of Legends: Key Details About Swarm

Newcomers to Swarm may meet their demise within the initial stages, but they need not feel discouraged. The game becomes progressively simpler as players earn in-game gold coins, which they can use to buy permanent enhancements for damage, armor, and other features. Remarkably, certain upgrades like health regeneration are initially unavailable.

Players can obtain upgrades in various ways, not just by collecting coins. They will also find objectives that reward them with some upgrades. Objectives serve multiple purposes, including granting new passive weapons and special features. New playable champions can be unlocked through objectives as well. Examples of objectives are enduring for a specific duration or vanquishing a certain adversary.

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2024-07-19 11:04