Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

As a seasoned Dead by Daylight player with countless hours under my belt, I’ve had the pleasure of experimenting with various Killers and their add-ons. Among them, The Pig’s arsenal has always intrigued me with its unique playstyle. So, let me share my thoughts on some of her most notable add-ons.

In the game “Dead by Daylight,” The Pig is distinguished among other killers due to her inherent ability to slow down victims. Equipped with her signature Reverse Bear Traps, reminiscent of a saw, The Pig can immobilize team members for extended periods while they try to escape her lethal grasp, making her an extremely efficient killer in terms of hindering progress in “Dead by Daylight.”

As a gamer playing The Pig in Dead by Daylight, I’ve noticed that her weaknesses become apparent during chases. Sadly, she lacks a dependable anti-loop mechanism. To help enhance her gameplay and make the most out of her flaws, this guide will present a collection of top perks for The Pig. This selection caters to both teaching new players and providing experienced gamers with effective builds.

The Pig: Best Beginner Build (2024)

For those Dead by Daylight players lacking the vast array of Killers and their perks, there are a few useful perks to consider. In this setup, Surveillance is included to help track approaching generator repair, while passive perks like Sloppy Butcher add pressure with survivor movement slowdown. Make Your Choice puts stress on survivors attempting to revive fallen comrades, and Hex: No One Escapes Death weakens them during the endgame phase.

  • Surveillance (The Pig) – Any regressing generator will be highlighted in white. If the generator begins to be worked on, it will be highlighted in yellow for the next 16 seconds. Generator repair noises are made audible by an additional 8 meters.
  • Make Your Choice (The Pig) – When a Survivor unhooks someone from at least 32 meters away, they scream and become Exposed for 60 seconds. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – After the final generator is completed, all Survivors suffer from the Exposed status ailment and you gain a 4% Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.
  • Sloppy Butcher (General Perk) – Basic attacks inflict the Mangled and Hemorrhage status ailments for 90 seconds, slowing down healing by 25% and regressing healing progress when left unfinished.

The Pig: Best Build (2024)

Arguably the best build to run with The Pig makes use of The Twin’s Coup de Grâce to cut down chase times while slowing generator progress with Corrupt Intervention and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. Hex: Plaything will make recently hooked and Reverse Bear Trapped Survivors Oblivious to your presence, putting them at even greater risk of being found as they scramble to search through Jigsaw Boxes.

  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague) – At the start of the trial, the 3 generators furthest from the Killer’s starting location are blocked for 120 seconds or until the first Survivor is downed.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – The Killer starts with four tokens. For each different Survivor hooked on a white Scourge Hook, lose one token and explode the generator with the most progress, causing it to lose 25% of its progress.
  • Hex: Plaything (The Cenobite) – Upon hooking a Survivor for the first time a random Dull Totem on the map will become a Hex Totem, cursing the Survivor with the Oblivious status ailment until cleansed.
  • Coup de Grâce (The Twins) – For each generator completed, this perk gains two tokens. Use one token to increase lunge attack distance by 80%.

The Pig: Best Add-Ons

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

Among The Pig’s additional items in “Dead by Daylight,” several are well-balanced. However, some of these add-ons for Amanda Young shine brighter than others. This section of the guide will showcase The Pig’s top add-ons, arranged according to rarity.

John’s Medical File

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

The Pig’s hiding position, the Crouch, may surprise some Survivors as they concentrate on different tasks. John’s Medical Records grant you a slight increase in speed while crouching, enabling you to traverse more ground on the map covertly.

Combat Straps

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

It’s great to use Combat Straps together with John’s Medical File. These straps enhance your ability to crouch and stand up again, improving these actions by 10%. Consequently, you can surprise enemies with swiftness when sneaking up on Survivors.

Workshop Grease

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

After the enhancement of The Pig’s Ambush attack, using this ability during a chase has become less perilous for the possibility of scoring a hit on weaker survivors in Dead by Daylight. The Workshop Grease significantly accelerates your Ambush initiation, disrupting survivors and potentially leading to successful hits.

Last Will

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

The Last Will, like the Workshop Grease, frequently enhances both the duration of Ambush charge and the agility of Ambush movement. This heightens the likelihood that you’ll land an Ambush strike during a pursuit.

Face Mask

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

As a cunning gamer, I use the reverse bear traps with face masks to throw off survivors and gain an upper hand. Instead of disorienting them directly, I’d say, “I manage to confuse survivors significantly by activating these traps on their faces.” This way, they can’t concentrate on saving others or healing their teammates when blinded by the unexpected trap. Though it shines best when used in combination with other pressure tactics, such as removing a survivor from the trial or setting off multiple traps, this uncommon add-on remains an essential tool for any strategic killer.

Rule Set No.2

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

To avoid the danger of a Reverse Bear Trap claiming a Survivor’s life, it’s best to activate it before attempting to disarm it. According to Rule Set No.2, Survivors are unable to view the aura of Jigsaw Boxes until their corresponding trap has been triggered.

Jigsaw’s Annotated Plan

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

A pig’s ability to place Reverse Bear Traps during a trial is capped at four according to the original plan. However, Jigsaw’s Annotated Plan allows for an additional one, buying Survivors some extra time to disarm their active traps. On the other hand, if a generator gets completed while there’s an active Bear Trap, that trap will have its countdown reduced by 10 seconds. However, this situation seldom occurs.

Bag Of Gears

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

By normal circumstances, a Survivor spends 12 seconds examining a Jigsaw Box. The Bag of Gears, however, extends this duration by approximately one-fifth (17%). Simultaneously, it enhances the pace at which traps can be set up by half (50%). This improvement significantly lengthens the typical time spent on disabling traps and offers you extra seconds to obstruct Survivors’ investigations.

Tampered Timer

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

After being turned on, survivors must disarm their Reverse Bear Traps within 150 seconds. However, the Tampered Timer decreases this duration by 20 seconds.

Jigsaw’s Sketch

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

Just like Jigsaw’s Annotated Plan enhances the number of Reverse Bear Traps by one, so does Jigsaw’s Sketch. This additional feature functions perfectly as an aid for interpreting auras. When a Survivor is trapped and working on a generator – an infrequent situation – the aura of that generator becomes illuminated in yellow.

Crate Of Gears

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

The Crate of Gears, which functions optimally alongside the Tampered Timer, is an improved version of the Bag of Gears. It significantly enhances the rate at which traps are set and noticeably extends the duration for searching Jigsaw Boxes. When used together, these accessories offer the best possibility of eliminating a Survivor with a Reverse Bear Trap, given that enough force is applied to remove them during searches.

Video Tape

Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Pig (2024)

Working effectively with Jigsaw’s Sketch or Rule Set Number 2, the Ultra Rare Video Tape for Jigsaw’s Baptism triggers a special condition: Survivors must start the trial with Reverse Bear Traps already set. This means that survivors will have to spend significant time at the beginning of the game searching for these traps before they activate – typically after the first generator is powered up. By doing so, they ensure the highest possible value from the traps. This strategy works best when paired with perks like Lethal Pursuer and Corrupt Intervention to put pressure on survivors early in the game.

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2024-07-20 02:24