Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

As a dedicated Elden Ring player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that collecting all Great Ghost Gloveworts is a must for those who rely on spirit summons to overcome challenging enemies. These rare flowers are essential for upgrading your Renowned Spirit Ashes to their maximum level.

In Elden Ring, exceptional Ghost Gloveworts function as potent upgrading items. They help elevate your preferred Renowned Spirit Ashes to their highest potential. If you frequently utilize spirit summons to tackle formidable foes, it’s advisable to focus on gathering these elusive flowers. Remember, they are scarcely found and cannot be bought.

In the fundamental version of the game, there are four Ghost Gloveworts, known as “Great Ghost Gloveworts.” If these have been utilized, additional three can be obtained through the DLC. This tutorial will assist you in locating and gathering all three Great Ghost Gloveworts hidden in Shadow of the Erdtree, enabling you to fully enhance your preferred elite Spirit Ashes.

Difference Between Great Ghost Gloveworts & Great Grave Gloveworts

Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

In Elden Ring, both Great Ghost and Grave Gloveworts serve a role in enhancing Spirit Ashes. Nevertheless, they possess distinct characteristics:

  • Great Grave Gloveworts are used to upgrade standard Spirit Ashes, while Great Ghost Gloveworts are for Renowned Spirit Ashes.
  • Great Ghost Gloveworts are comparatively more difficult to find than Great Grave Gloveworts. The latter are usually hidden in secret areas or behind bosses.

Location 1: Fog Rift Catacombs

Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

The Fog Rift Catacombs is a relatively early location where you can find a Great Ghost Glovewort. The catacombs are located northwest of Castle Ensis, and you can reach the area by taking the northwest from the Castle Front Site of Grace. Once you reach the catacombs and discover the corresponding Site of Grace, follow the directions listed below:

  • Head north from the Fog Rift Catacombs Site of Grace, then turn west to discover a large chamber with a falling spike trap.
  • Activate the spike trap by approaching the chamber, then step back quickly to avoid damage. Once the trap rises back up, sprint west across the chamber and enter the arched passage.
  • Continue the dungeon’s linear path until you reach a small room with a fireball-shooting Bigmouth Imp.
  • Turn west to find an incomplete staircase. Approach its end to activate another falling spike trap. When the trap descends, jump onto it, and sprint south to access another arched passage as the trap rises.
  • Follow the path to a small chamber guarded by three Messmer soldiers and a Black Knight. The Great Ghost Glovewort is inside the chamber.

Location 2: Scorpion River Catacombs

Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

In the Scorpion River Catacombs is where you’ll discover the second major Ghost Glovewort. To get there, head north along the ravine that borders the Temple Town Ruins. Upon arriving at the catacombs, take a moment to save your progress at the Site of Grace before delving into exploration.

Make sure to carry some

to alleviate the Death Blight status build-up.

  • From the Site of Grace, head southeast. At the end of the passage, turn northeast to enter a large chamber where a statue will inflict the Death Blight status if you get into its line of sight.
  • Sprint northeast to avoid the statue’s gaze and enter another passage.
  • Continue southeast until you reach an area with a Bigmouth Imp. Evade it and head southeast into a passageway, then turn southwest.
  • Enter a large area with falling spike traps. Activate a trap and, when it rises, sprint across the room and under the overhead walkway.
  • Stick to the west wall and circle around it to find a ladder leading up the walkway.
  • Sprint southeast across the walkway, consuming Rejuvenating Boluses to avoid Death Blight status buildup. The walkway leads to an elevator.
  • Take the elevator down. Exit and head southwest, avoiding the Death Blight eyes patrolling the passage.
  • The passage opens to an area guarded by Bigmouth Imps. Defeat them and continue southeast to enter another open area with two imps and a mage on a platform.
  • Find the ladder at the northeastern end of the room, below the mage. Descend to collect the second Great Ghost Glovewort.

Location 3: Darklight Catacombs

Elden Ring: All Great Ghost Glovewort Locations In Shadow Of The Erdtree

After advancing in the Shadow Keep and unearthing the teleportation coffin’s location, you can use it to travel to the Ruins of Unte. Ride southeast from there to eventually stumble upon the Darklight Catacombs. Upon reaching the Site of Grace within these catacombs, be ready to encounter the third Great Ghost Glovewort.

  • From the Site of Grace, follow the linear path north to reach an elevator that takes you down into the dungeon.
  • Exit the elevator and head northeast to find a short set of stairs leading to a balcony with an imp.
  • From the balcony, go west and down the stairs to reach an elevated platform.
  • Drop from the platform and head in the general eastern direction. Make your way past the mages and imps to find another elevator that takes you further down into the dungeon.
  • Exit the elevator and head east to encounter a giant Bigmouth Imp on a pedestal. Approach the pedestal while evading the imp’s fireballs.
  • Once near the pedestal, head north to find a lever that lowers the pedestal, bringing the Bigmouth Imp to ground level.
  • Defeat the giant Bigmouth Imp to obtain the final Great Ghost Glovewort.

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2024-07-22 03:03