Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

As a seasoned adventurer with countless battles under my belt, I’ve faced my fair share of formidable foes. But none quite compare to the elusive and enigmatic Fallingstar Beast that lurks deep within the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.

In Elden Ring, you’ll find numerous caves, dungeons, and crypts, each offering distinct trials and prizes. The Sellia Crystal Tunnel is accessible early in the game using a hidden teleportation chamber. Despite its early appearance, it poses a significant challenge that may require greater level advancement to overcome. With careful instructions and determination, you can conquer it relatively soon, but not without effort.

Inside, you’ll obtain the “Faithful’s Canvas Talisman,” an essential item for any Faith magic user, as well as the “Somberstone Miner’s Bell,” which allows the bearer to buy an infinite amount of Smithing Stones [1] and Smithing Stone [2] from the Roundtable Hold.

How To Reach Sellia Crystal Tunnel

You have two options for reaching Sellia Crystal Tunnel: travel by horseback through Aeonia Swamp in Caelid or find a teleporter trap chest at Agheel Lake in Limgrave and use it to transport there.

Path One: Swamp Of Aeonia, Caelid

Travel the major route leading from northeastern Limgrave towards Caelid. Along this journey, you’ll come across Caelem Ruins and Smoldering Wall. After passing Smoldering Wall to the south, you will eventually reach the “Astray from Caelid Highway North” save point, which is situated near the eastern edge of the main road. Then, head northeast towards Inner Aeonia by crossing Swamp of Aeonia. During your journey, don’t miss the Street of Sages Ruins. Eventually, you will arrive at the “Inner Aeonia” save point.

As I journeyed onward, I forged a path to the north, passing by Land Squirts and the enigmatic footprints of an elusive Teardrop Scarab. Not far ahead, hidden against the cliffside to the northwest of Sellia, Town of Sorcery, lies the entrance to Sellia Crystal Tunnel.

Path Two: Agheel Lake, Limgrave

This route offers a quick way into Sellia Crystal Tunnel, but it can be extremely disorienting in the early game, as it drops you into the middle of the minor dungeon. From The First Step site of grace, head eastward into Agheel Lake—specifically Dragon-Burnt Ruins.

You’re looking for one of the staircases heading down, beneath the lake. It’s located at the base of a crumbling tower with a Stonesword Key hidden inside (the tower). Fight or run past the many enemies lingering at the top of this staircase and head down. The room below is full of aggressive rats, so be ready. Head through the door at the back of the room and open the chest.

It’s a trap!

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

Instead of “This will teleport you into Sellia Crystal Tunnel. To reach the starting site of grace, exit the shack and turn right. Descend the rocky path, encountering enemies along the way, until you come across a narrow tunnel illuminated by torches. The room beyond houses a welcome sight of grace and is where you should begin your exploration of the dungeon.”

Navigating Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

In the gracefully decorated room, locate the Rot Grease in the secluded corner before ascending the ladder and returning to the vast chamber filled with miners and Rot Kindred. Miners usually leave you alone until you encroach upon their personal space. Be cautious around the Rot Kindred as you make your way through this chamber (and the entire dungeon) since their peculiar spells can unexpectedly reach you from corners or even from a distance.

Heading straight towards the shack at the bottom level, I make a beeline for it with a Kindred of Rot perched on top. However, entering the shack gives me an opportunity to draw him down and engage in combat at a more favorable position. If he remains unmoved by my lure, I’ll have to scramble up the rocks adjacent to the shack and face him there. Inside this first shack, I discover a Golden Rune [5] as well as a Smithing Stone [5] embedded in the wall behind it. To my side, there are two more Smithing Stones [5] growing out of the ground. The platform atop the bottom-level shack yields six Glintstone Scraps, but beware the Kindred of Rot residing on the Shack a short distance up the main path.

To move freely through the dungeon, it’s recommended that you eliminate the Rot Kindred who stands in your way. Make your way up the path and hide in the shack concealed beneath him. If he doesn’t come down, you can leap onto his platform from the adjacent path using a running jump.

After eliminating these two Rot Kindred, you’ll have greater freedom to roam and discover new areas. Surrounding the mining site, there are plenty of Cracked Crystals ripe for the taking, which can be used for crafting purposes.

At the second settlement located up the hill, which is accessible by teleportation from Dragon-Burnt Ruins, there lies a chest containing six Gravity Stone Fans and three Gravity Stone Chunks.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

In this part of the cavern, there’s an additional Rot Kindred residing, though he is not likely to attack until you approach quite closely. As you make your way up the stone path, you will come across a wooden platform jutting out over the abyss. The Rot Kindred can be found at the end of this platform, keeping watch over a rune arc. At the pinnacle of the trail, there is also a smithing stone [5] sprouting from the wall.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

To proceed further, climb up to the second shack, which is accessible via teleportation from Dragon-Burnt Ruins. After reaching the top, turn towards the east and jump to the next wooden platform. From this platform, you can leap over the collapsed gate to reach the other side. As you pass under an item on a corpse, take note that you won’t be able to retrieve it at this time.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

As you approach the upcoming area, be wary of a sneaky miner lying in wait on your right. Defeat him in combat before moving on. Don’t forget to pick up the Smithing Stone [5] that’s nestled against the cave wall once he’s out of the picture. (As a gamer) I always make sure to keep an eye out for potential threats and take advantage of every opportunity to gather resources.

At the conclusion of the tunnel, ascend the ladder and don’t forget to grab the Somber Smithing Stone [4] located on the body over there. Upon returning to the vast chamber, keep an eye out for another Rot Kindred lurking above the next shack. You can either dodge beneath it to draw it down or go up the nearby ladder to engage in combat at its level.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

After the danger has passed, make your way into the hut and plunder the chest inside to obtain the Rock Blasting spell, an effective magic for Stonedigger Sorcery characters. Beyond the hut, there are two Smithing Stones [5] hidden in the cave wall’s bend.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

Before climbing the ladder, take a step back to the narrow wooden platform overlooking the chasm. Look down carefully to identify an object next to a fallen body. Jump from the north side of the ladder and collect five Cuckoo Glintstones as reward.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

Make your way back to the higher level and ascend the previously spotted ladder. Upon reaching the summit, be prepared for an encounter with two Glintstone Miners. Once they’ve been defeated, search the nearby corpse to obtain the Golden Rune [4]. Subsequently, stand in front of the ladder and press the interact key: Kick ladder. The action will join the upper and lower paths, providing a valuable shortcut.

Before going through the western passage, don’t forget to collect the Somber Smithing Stone [4] located next to it on the cave wall.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

As you progress through the passage, be prepared to encounter a deceased person and an object left out in the open. Suddenly, a member of the Kindred of Rot will appear from the left side to surprise attack you. Take cover there and eliminate the threat. Once that’s done, search the alcove for the Somber Smithing Stone [4]. Don’t forget to pick up the Dragonwound Grease next to the corpse outside.

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

Across the way, up the platform, you’ll encounter two more Kindred Of Rot enemies.

After they have been defeated, you can find the Smithing Stone [5] on the left side of the platform and loot it. Additionally, plunder the corpse to obtain the Faithful’s Canvas Talisman, which enhances the power of your Incantations – an essential item for a Faith caster.

Instead of “Head down from the platform and take the small passage to the right, which will bring you to the end of the dungeon and the boss fight,” you could also say:

Boss Fight: Fallingstar Beast

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

If you’re new to dealing with this kind of boss, or if you’ve faced them before, be prepared for a tough fight.

The Fallingstar Beast possesses a unique resistance to Bleed and Frostbite effects. Otherwise, its defenses are well-balanced. No weapon type significantly outperforms the others in damaging it. However, striking its sensitive areas located on the white parts of its head and the tip of its tail will result in increased damage. A longer reach weapon such as a spear or polearm could aid you in accurately targeting these weak spots. Yet, given their agility, hitting these areas consistently is challenging since the Fallingstar Beast is highly mobile. Even when it seems to stand still, most of its attacks consist of unpredictable head or tail swings.

The Fallingstar Beast employs various tactics to hinder your advance. It smashes the ground with its head or tail, causing a brief pause before unleashing a shower of stones in your direction, dislodging you from your footing.

Leaping Slam

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

As a gamer, when I encounter the Fallingstar Beast, I notice it curling into a ball and jumping high into the air. For a brief instant, it hovers above me before crashing down. This is my chance to dodge and counterattack swiftly. But if I fail to dodge in time or find myself behind this beast, I’ll have to deal with a painful kick from its powerful back legs.

Charge Attacks

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

The Fallingstar Beast will lower its head and spread its pincers far apart before rushing towards you several times. These charges may not be particularly accurate, so if you manage to evade to the side and dodge effectively as it approaches, you should be able to avoid most of them.

Gravity Attacks

Elden Ring: Sellia Crystal Tunnel Walkthrough

The Fallingstar Beast employs two unique attacks using gravity as a factor. In the initial attack, electric purple hues encircle its head followed by a wide aura around its body. A brief pause ensues, and subsequently, large boulders erupt from beneath the ground, lifting you off your feet. By skillfully rolling at the opportune moment as the boulders emerge, you can evade the attack with ease. However, if you detect it swiftly, consider moving away to safety before the rocks reach you. Key indicators: The Fallingstar Beast raises its body on its hind legs, then lands back down and tilts its head up. This is your signal to roll and dodge to avoid the incoming boulders.

During the second phase of the Gravity-assault, the Fallingstar Beast creeps closer while you feel the snap and sparkle of Gravity magic beneath your feet. Small stones suddenly erupt from the ground, threatening to trip you up. This sequence happens twice before the boss launches its larger Gravity attack. After evading the first two smaller assaults, swiftly run away from the boss to stay clear of the ensuing larger Gravity onslaught.

After getting defeated by the Fallingstar Beast, I’ll find myself with a nice haul. I’ll grab 7,600 Runes, six Somber Smithing Stones, five regular Smiting Stones, ten Gravity Stone Chunks, and a Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [1] as my rewards. Once I return this Bell Bearing to the Roundtable Hold, it’ll unlock endless opportunities for me to buy Glintstone Scrap, one Smithing Stone, and two different kinds of Smithing Stones.

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2024-07-22 15:40