Dungeons Of Hinterberg Devs Wanted To Show The Tensions Of Tourism Without Making A Political Statement

Dungeons Of Hinterberg Devs Wanted To Show The Tensions Of Tourism Without Making A Political Statement


  • Dungeons of Hinterberg blends magic and tourism without delving into heavy political commentary, focusing on gameplay and character dynamics.
  • Lovestruck expansion for The Sims 4 introduces NPC relationship agency, mimicking social elements found in Dungeons of Hinterberg.
  • Microbird Games navigates tourism debates through magic in a sandbox setting, allowing players to explore all perspectives without taking a clear stance.

As a seasoned gamer with a deep appreciation for games that explore complex themes while delivering engaging gameplay, I find Microbird Games’ latest creation, Dungeons of Hinterberg, to be a captivating and thought-provoking experience. The blend of magic, monsters, and tourism in a fantasy setting is not only unique but also manages to navigate the tourism debate without taking a clear stance, allowing players to explore various perspectives.

Microbird Games’ latest creation, Dungeons of Hinterberg, offers an engaging mix of magic, creatures, and travel in a captivating fusion of fantasy adventure and actual themes. The developers deliberately avoided incorporating overtly political messages into the game.

For individuals who enjoy creating social interactions in video games, keep an eye out for The Sims 4’s Lovestruck expansion. This upcoming addition brings a fresh mechanic where non-player characters take the lead in forming relationships. Similarly, Dungeons of Hinterberg encourages players to build friendships with locals and gain valuable insights to enhance their adventuring skills through socialization.

Dungeons Of Hinterberg Studio Wanted To Explore The Tourism Debate

In an interview with PC Gamer, Microbird’s co-founders, Philipp Seifried and Regina Reisinger, shared insights about the impact of the game’s magic on tourism in its fictional Austrian village, the sources of inspiration behind the title, and how players can explore the sandbox to understand the characters’ perspectives on the tourism industry.

To put it simply, Dungeons of Hinterberg tells the story of law trainee Luisa. Taking a break from her corporate routine, she travels to a popular tourist destination nestled in the Austrian Alps. However, this isn’t an ordinary vacation spot. It’s where magic comes to life! Luisa is tasked with discovering the mysteries behind its magical origins, delving into various dungeons, and bravely battling mythical creatures in a true-blue fantasy adventure.

During the game’s creation, Reisinger emphasized the significant impact of magic on tourist sites. He explained, “Initially, some visitors came for hiking or skiing, but it wasn’t a top-tier destination. It was just an ordinary, unremarkable place. However, once something enchanting like magic entered the scene, that balance and intrigue is what truly captivated us.”

Dungeons Of Hinterberg Devs Wanted To Show The Tensions Of Tourism Without Making A Political Statement

Seifried commented, “There’s much discussion over tourism in cities like Barcelona, with massive annual visitor numbers.” However, the developers chose not to take a political stance and opted to portray an authentic location instead, avoiding turning their game into a pro-or-con argument.

In the game “Dungeons of Hinterberg,” the significance of characters and their influence on political gameplay and the player’s viewpoint towards tourism is highlighted. The storyline showcases how locals and tourists react to the use of magic in the village, as the mayor pushes for commercialization. Seifried added that while the game presents this conflict, it does not explicitly favor one side over the other.

In the end, the co-founders concurred that they wanted to delve into various aspects of the topic. This platform offered an ideal playground for introducing diverse characters, some of whom would embrace it while others would not, allowing each character to address different perspectives on the issue.

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2024-07-23 16:38