Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early game

Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early game

As a seasoned survivor of the zombie apocalypse, I can’t stress enough the importance of clothing, food, and water in 7 Days to Die. Having braved the harsh environments myself, I know firsthand how vital it is to protect yourself from the elements and keep your energy levels up.

In the survival game “7 Days to Die,” mastering crafting skills is crucial for your long-term success. The more you familiarize yourself with the basics early on, the smoother your journey will be as you progress through the game.

When creating something from scratch, it may not be clear at first what aspects require attention. Early-game recipes serve as valuable guides during challenging times. Properly allocating your skill points can additionally provide an advantage. Here are some essential tips to help you along the way.

How to craft in 7 Days to Die

As an avid player of 7 Days to Die, I personally gather the essential resources for a specific crafting recipe before bringing them up in my in-game menu to successfully create my weapon or tool.

On PC, press the Tab key or on your controller, press R1 to bring up the crafting menu. The potential recipes will be shown on the left side. Pick the desired recipe and include it in the crafting list. Once completed, you’ll acquire a new item in your inventory.

To easily access an item or weapon in the game, just drag it into the menu located at the bottom of the screen. Once dropped, you can choose to use it whenever needed.

Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early gameThe Fun PimpsYou’ll craft everything you need from the crafting menu.

How to upgrade and repair gear in 7 Days to Die

In the game 7 Days to Die, many items possess a specific level of toughness. Consequently, they will necessitate repairs over time. Here’s an uncomplicated method to mend your belongings:

  1. Open the inventory screen.
  2. Click on the damaged item. The repair material will be listed and must be in your inventory.
  3. From the item’s menu options, click repair or press the shortcut key.
  4. The item will be placed into the crafting queue and, once completed, will return to Max Durability with no loss in quality.

As a gamer, I understand that it’s essential to keep my equipment in good condition. If, for instance, my trusty Wooden Club gets damaged, I’ll need to gather some wood to mend it and get back into the game.

Making improvements to your equipment involves a few extra steps: First, search for Mod Recipes and build a Workbench. Afterward, you can enhance your tools or weapons by applying found mods in the same menu used for repairs. Mods can also be discovered during container searches.

Important early game recipes

When creating a new server or character in 7 Days to Survive, you’ll be required to make several essential items using the right resources. These include a Bedroll for sleeping, a Stone Axe for chopping wood and mining, a Wooden Club as a melee weapon, a Campfire for cooking and warmth, Building Blocks for constructing shelters, and a Bow and Arrows for ranged combat. To produce these items, you’ll first need to collect the required materials.

  • Bedroll: 10 Plant Fibers
  • Stone Axe: 2 Small Stone, 2 Plant Fibers, 2 Wood
  • Wooden Club: 5 Wood
  • Primitive Bow: 3 Plant Fibers, 8 Wood
  • Stone Arrow: 1 Small Stone, 1 Wood, 1 Feather
  • Building Block: 2 Wood
  • Campfire: 5 Small Stone

After obtaining these essential early-game items, you’ll be ready to begin your exploration and find a suitable location for establishing your base. However, keep in mind that you’ll encounter zombies during your journey, making it necessary to learn how to create more effective weapons and tools.

Crafting tools

In 7 Days to Die’s initial stages, focusing on acquiring a Stone Axe within the first week is essential from my perspective as a fan. This tool will enable you to chop wood for building and crafting, as well as cut stones for your foundation and structures. Moreover, having a Stone Axe early on will significantly facilitate the process of gathering most other vital resources.

Based on my own gaming experience, I would advise against prioritizing the upgrade of your axe tool too early in the game. Although it is important, there are other essential tools that you should consider acquiring first. For instance, a Shovel will prove to be indispensable in your mining and farming activities. It can help you collect Clay Soil, Sand, Snow, and Forest Ground, which are necessary resources for various crafting recipes.

With your initial pickaxe being an Iron one, it becomes essential for mining stones, bricks, and various metals. This will enable you to enhance your equipment or create more durable tools and weapons in the future.

Crafting weapons

In the initial stages of 7 Days to Die, you can acquire the essential supplies for your starting weapons with relative ease. You’ll come across the Wooden Club and Primitive Bow. However, don’t forget that you’ll also need to manufacture arrows to utilize them effectively.

To make Basic Arrows, you’ll require stones, wood, and feathers. Gather feathers from bird nests scattered throughout the map, while stones and wood can be obtained by mining rocks or chopping down trees using your Stone Axe.

An option for you in the initial stage is to create a Stone Spear rather than a Wooden Club. While they share similar fundamental characteristics, a Stone Spear is a more suitable choice for an early weapon if your character is focused on Perception rather than Strength.

Armor and clothing crafting in 7 Days to Die

When rifling through luggage, bags, and other belongings during your explorations, it’s quite probable that you’ll come across armor and garments. It’s not only possible but also effective to manufacture these items yourself as well. Armor serves the crucial function of shielding you from adversaries, whereas clothing plays an essential role in safeguarding you from the harsh elements.

Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early gameThe Fun PimpsClothing will protect you from the elements.


In simpler terms, you have the option to wear either light or heavy protective gear. Light armor provides less endurance and shielding compared to heavy armor, but it allows for more mobility and quietness. On the other hand, heavy armor offers greater protection and durability, but at the cost of increased noise and slower movement. Ultimately, your decision between the two depends on your preferred gameplay strategy and method of staying alive.

Investing in leather armor as one of your early game acquisitions is a wise choice. To create the items in this set, gather some leather, duct tape, and a sewing kit.

As a passionate survivor, I’ve discovered some essential items for my inventory. Leather comes from slain creatures such as snakes and rabbits. Additionally, I’ve learned to scavenge duct tape from the ruins of buildings overrun by zombies or fabricate it using one glue and ten cloth fragments. Sewing kits are abundant in trash containers, schools, desks, and dumpsters – always a valuable find for mending gear.


In the game Seven Days to Die, outfits shield you from extreme temperatures. opt for garments offering optimal defense against heat and cold as there’s usually no downside to dressing up.

In the beginning of the game, finding various kinds of clothes is simpler by exploring containers and structures, although it’s possible to make all sorts of garments later on.

Cooking food & finding water in 7 Days to Die

As a gamer, I can tell you from experience that neglecting my character’s nutritional needs can have a significant impact on my gameplay. If I go without eating for an extended period, my Stamina will take a hit, making it harder for me to explore and engage in combat. Similarly, if I’m dehydrated, my Stamina regeneration rate will slow down, leaving me less able to recover after strenuous activities. That’s why it’s crucial for me to learn how to cook and gather water resources effectively. By doing so, I can keep my character in top shape and ensure that I’m always ready for the challenges ahead.


As a fan of self-reliance and survival skills, I’ve come to realize that relying on pre-prepared containers for food and water can be risky. The quality might not always be up to par, so it’s a smarter choice to learn how to cook my own meals. To get started, here are the essential items I need:

  • Campfire 
  • Cookware (Cooking Grill, Cooking Pot)
  • Fuel (Wood, Gasoline)
Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early gameThe Fun PimpsYou’re going to need utensils to cook by the campfire.

After acquiring the necessary trio of items, your recipe calls for additional components. These essential elements can be obtained through exploration; they may be discovered in nests, hunted from animals, or hidden within containers.

If you prefer, you can cultivate a range of vegetables in a Farm Plot by obtaining seeds from traders or discovering them. To create a Farm Plot, gather the following materials: 4 Wood, 10 Rotting Flesh, 25 Nitrate Powder, and 100 Clay Soil.

To create any cookware in this game, first, secure a Forge. You can obtain a Forge by visiting Trader Outposts, or you have the option to make one and add it to your base. In the initial stages of gameplay, seeking a Forge at a Trader would be more advantageous, enabling you to promptly craft necessary cookware.

Both the Cooking Grill and Cooking Pot require Iron and Clay Soil to craft. 


Two methods exist for obtaining clean water: One is by using a dew collector, while the other involves boiling murky water over a campfire.

To prepare murky water for boiling, begin by selecting a suitable cooking pot as your container of choice. Then, proceed with the standard steps for cooking, which include filling the pot with the murky water and heating it on the stove until the water reaches a full rolling boil.

To create a Dew Collector, you’ll require a Water Filter, scrap polymers, short iron pipes, and duct tape. You can obtain the scrap polymers and short iron pipes from containers. However, a Water Filter is not easily found in containers, so you’ll need to acquire it by either purchasing it from a trader or completing a quest for them.

After obtaining a Dew Collector, position it outdoors and let it gather water at an approximate rate of three jars each in-game day. Remember to secure enough Water Filters for crafting additional collectors if desired.

Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early gameThe Fun PimpsTraders have a range of useful items to make survival easier.

Basics for building your base

In just seven days, you’ll master the fundamentals of constructing structures in 7 Days to Die, starting with the Building Block. Use this versatile tool to create a stronghold once you discover an ideal location.

To construct a Building Block, you require two pieces of wood. After placing it, you have the option to enhance it into a more robust block by striking it alternately with your Stone Axe. However, keep in mind that distinct materials will be necessary every time you improve the block.

  • Wood Block: 8 Wood
  • Cobblestone Block: 10 Cobblestone Rocks
  • Concrete Block: 10 Concrete Mix
  • Steel Block: 10 Forged Steel
Best crafting tips for 7 Days to Die early gameThe Fun PimpsYou can upgrade your basic build blocks with materials.

Just as you have the option to enhance your building blocks, you can likewise improve your doors. Doors serve the purpose of safeguarding your base’s access points. However, for added security, you may also install fences around your base.

As a gamer, I can tell you from experience that just like how my weapons and tools require maintenance, my base also needs regular upkeep. When some of my blocks, doors, or furniture get damaged, I need to grab a trusty tool like the Stone Axe and gather the necessary resources to mend them back to their former glory.

A clear sign of needing repair for a block is the visible damage on your screen. Obtain the suitable tool and supplies, and subsequently, work on the block by applying the tool for effective repair.

Best skills for crafting in 7 Days to Die

At each new skill level in 7 Days to Die, consider allocating points towards these effective crafting improvement skills based on the corresponding attribute for enhanced efficiency and superior overall crafting performance:

  • Perception: 
    • Lucky Looter
    • Treasure Hunter
    • Salvage Operations
  • Strength: 
    • Miner 69’er
    • Mother Lode
  • Fortitude:
    • Living off the Land
  • Intellect:
    • Better Barter
    • Advanced Engineering

Based on my personal experience, I’ve found that each of these perks significantly enhances my survival gameplay. They make scavenging a breeze, crafting a snap, and overall, streamline the process of acquiring materials for creating items. Once you’ve made it through your first night, trust me, you’ll gain confidence and become more adept at both finding the resources you need and putting them to use as the days go by.

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2024-07-24 15:07