Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

As an experienced adventurer who has journeyed through many treacherous lands and puzzling dungeons, I have learned to adapt to any situation that comes my way. The Ancient Tree puzzle in this new dungeon, Dungeons of Hinterberg, was no exception. With each challenge, I drew upon my past experiences and the skills I’ve honed over the years.

The “Dungeons of Hinterberg” offer various puzzles for you to solve, enabling you to acquire new abilities to tackle more challenging dungeons and adversaries. The sixth dungeon, titled “Ancient Tree,” has a level two difficulty rating. It takes you away from the Doberkogel mountains and into the serene sunset woods of Hinterwald. As hinted by its name, the “Ancient Tree” dungeon in “Dungeons of Hinterberg” invites you to enter an ancient tree that appears as if it has stood for eternity. To progress through this dungeon, not only must you ascend the tree, but you also need to master its intricacies using two newly obtained magical abilities from the Hinterwald region.

The Ancient Tree dungeon sets itself apart from other early dungeons in the game with its unique sideways perspective and winding tree-hugging pathways. Solving the tree’s intricate puzzles, which require both old and new problem-solving abilities, adds to the challenge.

How To Start The Ancient Tree Dungeon In Dungeons Of Hinterberg (Ancient Tree Location)

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

To start the Ancient Tree dungeon, you must initially unlock the Hinterwald map location by finishing at least three level one challenges in Doberkogel, including the Abandoned Mineshaft, Giant Cavern, and Jelly Tunnels. Once you gain access to Hinterwald, make your way to the Skills Tree to acquire two fresh magical abilities.

  • Whirlwind – spawns a magical whirlwind capable of lifting Luisa and various objects.
  • Wind Projectile – a ranged skill to throw small objects at targets on posts or other objects in the environment.

As a seasoned adventurer with years of exploration under my belt, I’m no stranger to following cryptic signs and maps to uncover hidden treasures or confront formidable foes. So when I come across these signposts guiding me towards the Ancient Tree dungeon, I can’t help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins.

Ancient Tree Dungeon Walkthrough And All Puzzle Solutions In Dungeons Of Hinterberg

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

Upon stepping into the Ancient Tree dungeon, start by climbing the stairway that is located at the entrance. Next, walk along the wooden platform clinging to the tree as it winds through the next section. Enter a small tree passage leading to the following area, and continue on the path that curves upward – don’t miss out on the optional chest situated to your right, containing the Shockwave Slay charm. Keep making your way up the inclines and ascend the wooden ladder. Proceed along the path leading upward until you reach the first major puzzle room, featuring a wooden bridge with adjustable stairs.

Ancient Tree Puzzle One – Turning Bridge

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

Utilize your Wind Blast ability to hit the flagpole to the right. Consequently, the wooden platforms will rotate, forming a bridge for you to traverse as well as a ladder towards an extra treasure chest. Continue firing Wind Blasts at the flagpole to maneuver through this intricate challenge (demonstrated in the video below). This action grants access to the entrance of the subsequent region, which is guarded by two enemy waves. Overcome them and advance to the next area.

As you move into the following section, switch the camera perspective to a sideways view once more. Traverse the platform by guiding your Wind Projectile in alignment with the visible green line for support.

Reach the upper level by scaling the ladder located at the end for an additional chest, which is not mandatory. Retrace your steps and position yourself on the central platform. Utilize your Wind Projectiles once more to lift the platform high enough for you to ascend the white ledges leading to the summit. Proceed through the tunnel towards the next section.

Ancient Tree Puzzle Two – Eye Blobs

Instead of jumping over gaps to avoid falling into pink goo and utilizing the Whirlpool skill when necessary, you can opt for skipping the gaps and employing the Wind Projectile ability as needed. However, two peculiar “eye” blobs have emerged, obstructing your way. To proceed, aim the Wind Projectile at the nearby purple plant orbs and hurl them at each “eye” structure that hinders your path, as depicted in the video below. This maneuver can be quite challenging.

After the way is safely navigated, leap over the chasms and ascend to the next location for a breathtaking vantage point by the tree. Then, scale the wooden ladder and enter the following area.

Ancient Tree Puzzle Three – Eyes On The Bridge

To solve the second eye puzzle on the bridge, utilize the Wind Projectile to propel the wooden bridge. The video below demonstrates that you’ll need to hurl the orbs much farther than before to hit the eye at the top. Be cautious of the pink goo and use the Waystone for safety.

Ancient Tree Puzzle Four – Whirlwind Through The Wall

In the following section, blend Whirlwind and Wind Projectile effectively by utilizing proper timing, as shown in the video below.

Enter the next area, climb up to platform to the plant orb, and use it to clear the next eye.

Navigating Platforms With Whirlwinds

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

Utilize Whirlwind to navigate through the zone’s lush vines without harm. Maintain its use for ascending and vanquishing adversaries. Apply Whirlwind to seize the orbs that will shatter the right eye, progressing up the tree. Next, scale the ladder atop, and employ Whirlwind again to collect the subsequent orbs, obliterating the eye in the new area. Lastly, activate Whirlwind on the wooden floor to attain the next orbs for destroying the remaining eye.

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

To save your progress, utilize the “Waystone” after crossing the bridge. Ascend the stairs, confronting any emerging adversaries, and don’t forget to open the optional chest situated beneath them. Reach the summit by ziplining, restoring health as necessary, and lastly, scale the final ladder.

Ancient Tree Final Boss Fight And Achievements In Dungeons of Hinterberg

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

At the summit, upon entering the arena, you’ll face the Ancient Tree boss fight. This is a level two adversary boasting potent projectile assaults. Keep your concentration on the boss and dodge those projectiles to overcome this challenge with relative ease.

Dungeons of Hinterberg: Ancient Tree Walkthrough

Completing the Ancient Tree Dungeon by vanquishing all adversaries results in a well-deserved victory! Reward yourself by unlocking the nearby treasure chest, which contains a fresh armor set for your character. Don’t forget to have your achievement book endorsed before departing through the portal. Additionally, conquering five dungeons will grant you the Beginner Slayer accomplishment.

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2024-07-26 14:04