Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne


  • Choose the right class for Dungeonborne PvP to maximize survivability, crowd control, and engagement tactics.
  • Fighters are resilient but slow, great for holding positions; Death Knights bring both damage mitigation and crowd control.
  • Rogues excel in stealthy, hit-and-run tactics, while Swordmasters are versatile and best for solo PvP encounters.

As a seasoned adventurer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve encountered my fair share of formidable foes and cunning rogues. But among all the classes I’ve faced, none have left me both in awe and dread as much as the Rogue.

In the game of Dungeonborne, players need to figure out how to defend themselves against hostile opponents to thrive. It’s crucial to note that different classes may not excel equally in player-versus-player (PvP) combat, and some have distinct strengths. Thus, for those eager to delve into dungeons, being adequately prepared is essential.

As a dedicated gamer of Dungeonborne, I’d be happy to share my perspective on delving into this captivating game. Whether you prefer the thrill of solo play or the camaraderie of cooperative mode, venturing into the dungeon comes with its unique challenges. To tackle these trials effectively, each player must embrace a specific class and master its intricacies.

7 Fighter

Tanky, But Slow, Requires Tactical Positioning

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Good Initiator, Can Hold Position, Resilient
  • Cons: Poor Mobility, Bad Chaser, Easy To Backstab
  • Skill Required: Moderate

The Fighter is the robust character in the game, boasting a larger health reserve and greater endurance than other classes. They offer versatility with an array of abilities that range from enhancing themselves to inflicting area damage. Clad in bulky armor, they move more leisurely than their counterparts. In PvP scenarios, Fighters excel at securing strategic positions such as doors or hallways, providing a defensive shield while ranged attackers deal damage from a distance. Alternatively, they can distract tanky classes like Swordmasters and Death Knights, creating opportunities for rogues to outmaneuver their enemies from the sides.

In teamplay, the Fighter class shines, as its Battle Cry and Inspire abilities enhance the entire group, significantly improving the outcome of battles. Solo play is decent for this class, but its simplicity is outweighed by a significant disadvantage: Rogues and Druids can quickly get behind the Fighter, exploiting their speed and elemental attacks or poisons to overpower them.

6 Death Knight

Good Initiator, Great Damage Mitigation And CC

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: AoE Damage, Mitigation, Life Steal
  • Cons: Slow, Cooldown & Resource Reliant,
  • Skill Required: Moderate

The Death Knight is a versatile class that combines the roles of a magic damage inflictor and a frontline fighter. By harnessing Soul Energy, it can launch magical attacks to begin battles (such as Grasp of the Grave) and protect itself during combat with defensive spells (like Soul Shroud). Amongst the two tanking classes in the game, the Death Knight stands out as an optimal choice for Player versus Player engagements. It excels at initiating fights and is capable of maintaining its position just as effectively as Fighter and Swordmaster.

Although this class relies heavily on Soul Energy to use its abilities, it requires a consistent supply of enemy souls to perform optimally. If players exhaust their Soul Energy while engaging other players, they may find themselves at a disadvantage. Mastering this class takes some effort, but with dedication and practice, the challenge can be surmounted.

5 Cryomancer

Squishy, But With Great Utility And Damage

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Great CC and Area Damage
  • Cons: Squishy, Easy to Overwhelm
  • Skill Level Required: High

A well-balanced team requires a member capable of dealing varied types and amounts of damage. For PvP situations, the Cryomancer is an excellent pick as a versatile range damage dealer. This class offers Area of Effect damage and crowd control abilities, all while offering support through healing and buffing teammates. Though its healing and support capabilities don’t match those of the Priest, the Cryomancer’s unique feature is its ability to wield Elemental Staffs. This makes it a valuable hybrid character that can both heal and damage or debuff and cause crowd control.

From my perspective as a fan, I must admit that I adore the unique mechanics of the Cryomancer class. However, there’s one significant drawback: once your Soul Energy runs dry, you can no longer use your special abilities. To refill your energy, players are compelled to slay monsters or adversaries consistently. Fortunately, teamwork alleviates this concern to some extent. But, be cautious! Rogues and Druids pose serious threats as they can swiftly outmaneuver and attack Cryomancers with ease, making it essential for players to employ Ice Storm or Ice Barrier builds for protection.

4 Pyromancer

Burn, Kill, Burn Again

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Lots Of Damage, Single Target Nuke, Resets Cooldowns
  • Cons: Squishy, No Mitigation, Friendly Fire
  • Skill Required: Moderate

The Pyromancer is an ideal character for players who prefer a high-risk, high-reward approach. Despite having very little health and being quite fragile, strategic placement and focused attacks allow users to take down large groups of enemies and triumph in battles. However, it’s essential to be precise with your aim as this class has some of the most detrimental friendly fire mechanics in the game. So, exercise caution to avoid causing unintended harm to teammates.

The Pyromancer’s main advantage is its cooldown reduction passives and spell stacking, which can help players attain a great rotation between weapon skills and spell casting. The class is good in solo PvP, but if players feel more skilled, they can also try it in group play and see how bright it shines as a range damage dealer.

3 Druid

Stalk The Prey, Kill The Prey

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Powerful Area Damage, Shapeshifter, Detection, Initiator
  • Cons: Squishy, Poor Damage Mitigation
  • Skill Required: Low

For beginners new to PvP in “Dungeonborne,” the Druid class is an excellent choice. Balanced with power, this class comes equipped with a kit that allows it to detect targets, even those using stealth, making it an ideal counter for Rogues and Swordmasters. With Primal Awakening, the Druid transforms into a swift and high-jumping Panther, gaining access to the formidable Shadow Assault skill, resulting in an agile and strong melee Damage Per Second (DPS) character.

With the Force of Nature ability, you can summon a tree-like creature, or Treant, which remains stationary and attacks opponents that come close, providing a percentage of damage dealt as a protective shield. Strategically place your Treant near doorways or choke points to obstruct enemy advancement or limit their escape options. Following this, transform into a Panther using the shapeshift ability and employ Shadow Assault to hinder their retreat paths. As opponents employ hit-and-run tactics around your Treant to avoid potential attackers, your Panther form allows you to block their escape routes effectively.

When the Druid transforms into a panther with a Dexterity of 36 or higher, their heightened senses passively identify adversaries within a 30-meter vicinity, including concealed enemies, without any need for active detection.

2 Rogue

Become A Shadow, They’ll Never See You Coming

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Fast Attacker, Overwhelming Tactics, Hit And Run, Great Against Casters, Stealthy
  • Cons: Squishy, Low Health Pool, Easily Countered
  • Skill Required: Moderate

A Rogue is an excellent choice for carrying out sneak attacks from a distance. By utilizing their passive ability, Stealthbreak Venom, they can inflict poison on their targets with each stealthed attack. Coupled with Swift Concealment, an instant stealth skill, the Rogue transforms into a formidable threat, causing fear among Mages, Priests, Swordmasters, and most melee classes. However, beware, as a knowledgeable Druid can neutralize the Rogue’s potent arsenal. Once mastered, the Rogue’s numerous beneficial passives and skill sequences will make them quite troublesome.

As a seasoned player with years of experience in this game, I can confidently say that employing stealth tactics and catching healers off guard is an effective strategy. Poisoning them with Petrifying Poison adds an extra layer of damage and debuff, disrupting their ability to support their team. Furthermore, outmaneuvering squishier attackers by combining our rogue’s agility with Smokescreen Flask creates chaos and confusion, allowing us to deal focused damage while our team focuses on eliminating the affected enemies.

1 Swordmaster

The Best At Solo PvP, Well Balanced

Best PvP Classes For Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Versatile, Can Turn Invisible, Great At Range And Melee
  • Cons: Skills Consume Swords
  • Skill Required: Moderate

A Swordmaster is a versatile combatant, capable of dealing melee damage, taking on a secondary role in tanking, and launching surprise attacks. By getting into a low crouch and remaining stationary for some moments, they become invisible to their enemies. Once ready, they leap out of hiding, assaulting foes with a swift succession of enchanted sword strikes. Additionally, the Swordmaster’s Whirling Blade ability enables them to hurl their blade at an area, inflicting damage on multiple opponents. Simultaneously, the Deflection passive comes into play, providing a significant 50% reduction in incoming damage during this skill’s execution.

As a seasoned player with years of experience in this game, I can tell you that the Swordmaster class is truly versatile and full of surprises. With the ability to wield Longswords, Shields, Crossbows, and Swords, we’re not limited to any one playstyle, making us a valuable asset in various tactics. However, I must admit that group PvP isn’t our strongest suit. Our spells require swords to function, and most players carry around eight extra swords as ammo, which can add up to quite an expense in higher tiers.

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2024-07-26 19:05