Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

As a seasoned Dungeonborne player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the Pyromancer is one of the most intriguing classes in this game. Having mastered the art of pyro-magic, I’ve come to appreciate the simplicity yet depth of its abilities – Pyroblast and Fire Blast.

In the game “Dungeonborne,” each class offers a variety of both active and passive skills. Active skills, which are simpler to access and use, often yield more significant effects. However, not every active skill is ideal for every playstyle or build in “Dungeonborne.” Your personal preferences and gameplay approach determine the most effective active abilities for your chosen class. Consequently, consider adjusting your skill selection instead of switching classes if you feel underperforming. Here’s a list of top active skills for each class in “Dungeonborne”:


Ice Storm (Q) and Frostbite Barrier (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

As a Cryomancer gamer, I harness the power of ice magic to shape the battlefield to my advantage. The Ice Storm skill I wield is quite challenging to execute, but trust me, it’s worth the effort. With each cast, I summon a moving storm that damages and slows down enemies in its wake. Once settled, it transforms into a blizzard that inflicts massive cold damage on a broader area. Enemies ensnared in this icy tempest gradually freeze, making them sitting ducks for my attacks. In contrast, Frostbite Curse, my Q skill, is a targeted debuff that decreases an enemy’s cold resistance and restores some health. While effective against solo opponents or low-level enemies, it pales in comparison to the might of Ice Storm when facing off against seasoned adversaries.

In the game of Dungeonborne, using Frost Barrier as your E skill is strongly advised for both PvP and PvE combat. This skill envelops you in a layer of ice, rendering you invulnerable to all damage during this period and restoring your health. The added benefit is that Frost Barrier does not disrupt Ice Storm’s effect, enabling you to keep casting Ice Storm while becoming invulnerable. However, instead of using Ice Armor, which puts an ice shield on an ally (and yourself), slowing down attackers, it would be wiser to opt for Frost Barrier due to the scarcity and importance of health potions in Dungeonborne. Thus, it’s more beneficial to avoid taking hits by relying on Frost Barrier rather than Ice Armor.

Death Knight

Soul Shroud (Q) and Grasp of the Grave (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

The Death Knight performs exceptionally well in hand-to-hand battles and can steal the life force of foes. In “Dungeonborne,” Soul Shroud and Soulstorm are powerful abilities. Soul Shroud brings forth wicked spirits to harm and slow enemies near you, while Soulstorm inflicts damage on nearby adversaries until it empties your Soul Energy or is stopped. The sluggishness caused by Soul Shroud helps prevent enemies from escaping, and it becomes more effective with better equipment compared to Soulstorm.

In the game “Dungeoneborne,” the Death Knight’s unique ability with the E key is referred to as “Grasp of the Grave“. This skill projects a spectral hand that pulls targets towards the Death Knight, inflicting damage in the process. The Death Knight can also use this skill to save friendly units by pulling them to safety without causing harm to them. This versatile ability performs exceptionally well both in Player versus Player (PvP) and Player versus Environment (PvE) scenarios, making it so effective that the Death Knight does not require any additional E skills.


Primal Awakening (Q) and Force of Nature (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

The Druid is a unique class in the sense that his active skills depend on his form. As an elf, Primal Awakening transforms the Druid into a panther with increased movement speed to chase down enemies. Using Q again will revert him to an elf, but punching E will perform a Shadow Assault where he does a leap attack.

In his elf shape, the Druid’s ability is referred to as “Force of Nature.” This power summons a static treant, or nature spirit, as an ally. The spirit bestows upon the Druid a protective shield and forcefully pushes back enemies within proximity. Force of Nature is highly effective in managing groups of adversaries, making it particularly valuable when safeguarding an exit portal in the game “Dungeonborne.”


Whirlwind/Battle Cry (Q) and Charge (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

In the game “Dungeonborne,” The Fighter is an optimal choice for close-range combat. He boasts two impressive skills assignable to the Q key. Firstly, there’s Whirlwind, a spin attack that inflicts damage on all adversaries within proximity using a two-handed weapon. Given that two-handed weapons deal the most damage in the game, The Fighter can potentially eliminate multiple enemies with a single Whirlwind swing. Secondly, there’s Battle Cry, which activates when you press Q for a second time. This ability enhances your damage output, physical damage resistance, and life steal for a period of five seconds. When skillfully executed against a singular enemy, Battle Cry can be exceptionally destructive. However, it requires a degree of mastery over combat mechanics to make the most of it.

Regarding his active skills, the Fighter’s “Charge” ability beats “Inspire” as it instantly propels you towards an enemy. On the other hand, “Inspire” is intended for teamwork, boosting the movement speed of all companions. In either situation, “Charge” proves useful in bringing the Fighter close enough to attack.


Cleanse (Q) and Guard (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

The Priest serves a supportive function in the game “Dungeonborne,” making him challenging to overpower. With his ability Divine Guidance, he can heal all allies in a certain area while harming enemies at the same time. His other ability, Cleanse, is a single-target healing spell that can be prolonged for more health restoration. However, the amount of healing from both active skills is not impressive and you might run out of mana if you frequently use heals. If you prefer playing as the Priest, it’s recommended to use Cleanse over the other active skill in both player-versus-player (PvP) and player-versus-environment (PvE) situations.

For a Priest selecting an E active skill, consider opting for “Guard” over “Divine Protection.” While “Divine Protection” provides a more robust shield for a shorter duration of 3 seconds, “Guard” offers a protective shield for yourself and teammates lasting an entire minute. Although “Guard” may seem less effective initially, it significantly strengthens with improved gear.


Pyroblast (Q) and Fire Blast (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

In the game of “Dungeonborne“, the Pyromancer is among two classes having merely two functional abilities. This means you’re free from the hassle of unlocking or adjusting skills. With the skill “Pyroblast“, you have the flexibility to unleash a substantial area damage with a long-channeled fireball, or alternatively, discharge it prematurely for the release of three self-guiding smaller fireballs that zero in on nearby adversaries.

As a Pyromancer gamer, I sometimes forget the power of a well-timed Space key press. After launching a big fireball, pressing it again makes me levitate for a brief moment. Being up in the air offers a great vantage point and keeps enemies at bay if they’re beneath me.

In the game of Dungeonborne, Fire Blast is the exclusive talent for the Pyromancer that comes in handy when fending off adversaries attempting a close approach. Given the Pyromancer’s vulnerability to close-range combatants, this skill becomes essential for self-preservation. When an enemy gets too near, unleash Fire Blast to shove them back, impede their progress, and inflict fire damage simultaneously.


Petrifying Poison (Q) and Vanish (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

The Rogue character focuses on sneaking up on opponents and taking them down with poisoned weapons before they even know what hit them. An excellent ability for this strategy is “Petrifying Poison” which momentarily stuns enemies, allowing for a tactical advantage in combat. In the team-based game “Dungeonborne“, having a Rogue player employ Petrifying Poison can effectively neutralize a powerful enemy. Conversely, the ability “Quick Blades” reduces an enemy’s speed by three seconds and deals moderate damage. While useful in solo play or against weaker opponents, it may not provide significant benefits in team PvP scenarios.

Between Vanish and Swift Concealment, the former is highly recommended for a Rogue build in Dragonborne. Vanish has to be channeled, but it keeps the Rogue in stealth mode for 15 seconds. Swift Concealment has no channeling time, but the stealth mode is reduced to 6 seconds. In most cases, Vanish provides more value since the long stealth time allows you to freely scout areas and get in position for a surprise attack.


Psionic Blades (Q) and Whirling Blade (E)

Best Active Skills for Every Class In Dungeonborne

As a dedicated gamer in the world of Dungeonborne, I can confidently say that the Swordmaster stands out as the top dog in Player versus Player (PvP) combat. With just two active skills at my disposal, I’ve found myself leaving opponents in the dust more often than not. The first skill packs a powerful punch, capable of dealing damage that’s usually enough to take down enemies in a single blow during most encounters.

In simpler terms, Psionic Blades allows you to throw out four short swords as projectiles, dealing base damage and inflicting different debuffs on opponents according to your passive abilities. Each use consumes a sword, but you can obtain more by plundering foes and treasure hoards.

Instead of: Whirling Blade, on the contrary, requires merely one single-handed sword from your stockpile to strike all adversaries nearby with a spinning assault. When collaborating in combat, the Swordmaster class leans on Whirling Blade to obstruct enemy players attempting to outmaneuver you from behind.

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2024-07-29 16:04