Best Clone Characters In One Piece

Best Clone Characters In One Piece


  • Cloning is a key sci-fi trope in One Piece, enhancing characters like Pacifistas and Seraphim with new abilities and genetic components.
  • Germa 66’s army of clone soldiers, Pacifista, S-Bear, S-Shark, S-Hawk, and S-Snake are created from powerful individuals in the series.
  • Stussy is a standout clone character, created by MADS and Vegapunk, with a shocking plot twist and unique abilities like transformation.

As a long-time fan of One Piece, I’ve been intrigued by the various clones that have made appearances throughout the series. Among them all, none has captivated me more than the enigmatic Stussy, a clone created in the likeness of Miss Buckingham Stussy.

As a passionate fan of One Piece, I’m always amazed at how creator Eiichiro Oda masterfully blends various genres into this pirate adventure. It’s easy to get lost in the thrilling sea battles and treasure hunts, but let’s not forget about the sci-fi elements!

As a fervent fan, let me share an intriguing aspect of One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. Some clones in the series were not only exact replicas but also possessed unique abilities beyond those of their originals, as showcased with the Pacifistas and Seraphim. These characters exemplify this narrative device brilliantly within the world of One Piece.

7 Germa 66’s Army

Cloned From Their Strongest Soldiers

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

Although the cloning aspect is central to the storyline on Egghead Island, it’s worth remembering that this idea was initially presented during the Whole Cake Island arc through the character of Germa 66’s Clone Soldiers. This fits well with Vinsmoke Judge’s background as a former MADS scientist who excels in genetics and body modification.

The idea put forth by the judge was to replicate the most robust soldiers from the Germa Kingdom, generating an expendable military force to carry out his commands. Such a cunning plan attracted even Big Mom’s attention, leading her to consider an alliance with Germa 66 for the privilege of controlling these clone troops. However, it is essential to note that these cloned soldiers lack distinct personalities and are therefore flat characters primarily used as cannon fodder.

6 The Pacifista

Cloned From Bartholomew Kuma

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

Legendary scientist Doctor Vegapunk, renowned for his expertise in cloning and genetic manipulation, had a brilliant idea when he encountered Bartholomew Kuma: He could utilize Kuma as a template for an army of clones with cybernetic enhancements, leveraging Kuma’s powerful Buccaneer genes. This experiment produced the lethal war machines known as the Pacifista, which were swiftly taken over by the World Government.

When when the formidable cloned cyborgs known as Pacifistas emerged in the narrative, it became clear that they were unbeatably strong. Overpowering even a single one was a significant challenge for Luffy and his crew, let alone an entire squad of them. Notably, these cyborgs played a pivotal role in the Marineford War, making up the majority of the Marines’ troops. However, their most intriguing appearance occurred during the ongoing Egghead Island arc, where they began carrying out Bonney’s commands (as she is Kuma’s daughter) and betraying the Marines who initially deployed them.

5 S-Bear

Cloned From Bartholomew Kuma

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

It’s highly probable that Bartholomew Kuma is the most duplicated character within the world of One Piece, due to several reasons. Firstly, an entire force known as Pacifista shares his genetic makeup. Secondly, there exists a being called S-Bear, who belongs to a special group, the Seraphim, which are biological weapons themselves. The Seraphim are actually clones of the former Warlords of the Sea, with some Lunarian Lineage Factor integrated into their DNA.

S-Bear is significantly stronger than a regular Pacifista, not only because of his Lunarian properties – which make him faster and more resistant – but he also has access to Kuma’s very own Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, which he can use to fast travel or to replicate the powerful Ursus Shock technique. All of this means that S-Bear is basically a younger and more resistant version of Kuma, which is quite menacing.

4 S-Shark

Cloned From Jinbe

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

During the Egghead Island arc, a new character named S-Shark was introduced, who is actually a clone of Jinbe, the current Straw Hat Pirate and former Warlord of the Sea, with Lunarian and cyborg traits. Moreover, being part Fish-Man provides him with an unique edge over his peers.

With his exceptional intellect, Dr. Vegapunk utilized the synthetic Green Blood he devised, granting S-Shark abilities similar to Senor Pink’s Sui Sui No Mi. This allows him to utilize his Fish-Man heritage by moving across solid ground and employ Fish-Man Karate, even without being near water. As a result of these capabilities, S-Shark proves himself to be a formidable combatant. Moreover, since he was created from Jinbe, there have been amusing encounters between S-Shark and the Straw Hat Pirates.

3 S-Hawk

Cloned From Dracule Mihawk

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

In the intricately woven world of One Piece, Dracule Mihawk stands out as the most formidable swordsman. His prowess was not limited to his time as one of the Sea’s mighty Warlords, allied with the World Government. Consequently, it is no surprise that there was significant interest in cloning him for the creation of a lethal weapon. The culmination of this scientific endeavor brought forth the Seraphim, christened S-Hawk.

To date, S-Hawk is depicted as the most merciless and formidable among the Seraphim due to his chilly demeanor and unmatched sword techniques. Moreover, he possesses Lunarian traits, rendering a sword unnecessary for him to engage in combat effectively, as he can convert portions of his body into blades through the powers bestowed by the Supa Supa no Mi within his artificial veins filled with green blood. Without a doubt, S-Hawk is among the strongest clones in the series and proves to be an indispensable resource for the World Government.

2 S-Snake

Cloned From Boa Hancock

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

In the world of “One Piece,” all weaponized clones have been depicted as ruthless and impersonal soldiers up until now. However, there’s one notable exception: S-Snake, Boa Hancock’s Seraphim clone. Unlike her cold and stoic counterparts, S-Snake boasts a vibrant personality remarkably like the woman she was modeled after. This similarity is particularly evident in her dealings with Monkey D. Luffy, where she exhibits playful affection towards the pirate.

Introducing S-Snake into the series is intriguing as it presents numerous queries about cloning: Does a weapon like these living beings have a distinct personality? Moreover, can the emotional traits of these prominent figures be transmitted through their genetic progeny in clones? Despite the many unanswered questions regarding this topic, S-Snake has proven to surpass expectations. As anticipated, she is also an impressive fighter, equipped with the abilities of Hancock’s Mero Mero no Mi due to her Green Blood.

1 Stussy

Cloned From Miss Buckingham Stussy

Best Clone Characters In One Piece

For several years, the research group MADS aimed to develop a flawless clone, and their initial breakthrough centered around a member named Miss Buckingham Stussy. This clone mirrors the original person in both appearance and behavior so precisely that she shares the surname ‘Stussy.’ Despite her youthful visage, it’s worth noting that the authentic Stussy is now an elderly woman.

1. In the world of “One Piece”, Stussy stands out as an exceptional clone character due to her origin story delivering one of the most surprising and impactful plot twists. It was Vegapunk’s genius move to have Stussy infiltrate CP0 for years, spying on the World Government. This undercover mission proved vital. Despite achieving her lifelong goal, Stussy has proven to be more than just a tool; she’s developed feelings for her fellow CP0 members and is seeking purpose in life. Her unique abilities are intriguing – she can transform into a creature resembling a vampire, though it’s unclear if this power was also possessed by Buckingham Stussy or if Vegapunk added it during the creation process.

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2024-07-30 12:34