The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die


  • Strength builds in 7 Days To Die are perfect for new players, offering strong combat options with clubs and shotguns.
  • Mining skills like Mother Lode and Miner 69er are crucial for players who use ranged weapons and need resources.
  • Skills like Pack Mule, Big And Fast, and Pummel Pete enhance gameplay by increasing inventory space and improving combat abilities.

As a seasoned survivor in the harsh world of 7 Days To Die, I can’t stress enough the importance of honing your combat skills to ensure your survival against the relentless horde of zombies. With my years of experience under my belt, I firmly believe that every beginner player should focus on the following three essential skills: Strength, Pummel Pete, and Boomstick.

I absolutely love the game 7 Days To Die. It’s a zombie survival adventure that can be enjoyed either solo or with a team of friends in co-op mode. The game provides an engaging experience through both Player versus Environment (PvE) combat against hordes of zombies and Player versus Player (PvP) competition. What makes this game even more thrilling is its realistic survival mechanics and the exciting tower defense-style base raids. Playing it feels like a true post-apocalyptic survivor!

Newcomers to “7 Days To Die” could benefit from attempting a strength-focused character build as their initial foray into this survival FPS game. With this setup, players will primarily use clubs, shotguns, and heavy armor. The synergy between these elements makes for a powerful and effective beginner’s build. The primary skill of strength underpins all the following abilities:

7 Mother Lode

Advanced Mining Skill

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Increases mining yield
  • Useful for ammo crafting and base building

In “7 Days To Die,” players who plan to utilize ranged weapons frequently should allocate a significant amount of time for mining activities. The necessary resources include lead, nitrate, and coal for crafting gunpowder and bullets. This is an unspoken requirement within the game. Consequently, enhancing mining abilities as soon as possible is a logical choice.

1. Mother Lode refers to a talent that significantly increases the quantity of ore (or timber) a player collects with each strike of their pickaxe or wood axe. Given that this talent belongs in the Strength tree, which serves as the foundation for our list, it’s clear why it’s an indispensable choice.

6 Miner 69er

Improved Mining

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Increases mining speed
  • Useful for ammo crafting and base building

Companion ability to Mother Lode, Miner 69er enhances resource collection differently yet effectively. While Mother Lode boosts the quantity of resources directly, Miner 69er indirectly increases the amount of resources mined.

An ore block possesses a specific health level, which depletes as it gets hit. Once this health is fully diminished, the block expires and releases its ore. Enhancing this ability enhances the damage inflicted per strike, consequently accelerating the process of breaking ore blocks. As a result, more ore is extracted within a given time frame with this skill.

5 Pack Mule

Carry More Items

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Adds inventory space
  • Stops players becoming encumbered

Newcomers to “7 Days To Die” might find the initial inventory capacity quite constraining. They may have to declutter their inventory or trade unwanted items with the trader, following each trader assignment or site they clean up.

With the Pack Mule ability, you gain additional storage compartments in your backpack, making it easier to carry more items. Although it might seem insignificant at first, this skill proves invaluable given that version 1.0 no longer allows for expanding inventory through clothing mods.

4 Big And Fast

Increases Club Melee Speed

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Faster club attacks
  • Greater DPS

In the game ‘7 Days To Die’, the Big And Fast skill isn’t hard to grasp. Its primary function is to boost the strike rate for tools like clubs and sledgehammers. At its highest level, it enhances the swing speed by approximately 25%.

Swinging your weapon repeatedly leads to inflicting greater damage. For frequent swingers, this ability holds less significance, but it’s essential for those wielding a sledgehammer, given its sluggish swing tempo.

3 Pummel Pete

Improves Club Combat

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Better knockdown chance
  • Better chance for one hit kill

1. For newcomers to the game 7 Days To Die, it’s essential to learn and improve the initial combat skill, which can be unlocked by crafting a wooden club – the starting weapon provided in the tutorial. This basic tool may serve as your primary weapon for an extended period, even lasting until the first blood moon night has passed.

Using Pummel Pete’s skill levels, you can enhance your club damage and boost the probability of powerful attacks causing enemies to recoil or stun them. This feature is particularly advantageous when dealing with hordes of zombies. An adept wielder of a club can confront the initial 3-4 “blood moons” (presumably referring to waves or groups of zombies) solely armed with a club.

2 Boomstick

Improves Shotgun Combat

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Greater shotgun damage
  • Faster fire rate and reload

1. Enhancing a player’s proficiency in handling shotguns is the purpose of the Boomstick skill. Shotguns, being effective weapons for beginners, are highly recommended. Similarly to Pummel Pete’s skill with clubs, it amplifies the damage done by shotguns. This skill not only intensifies the rate of fire for shotguns but also expedites their reloading process.

One significant aspect of this ability is that after a player gains access to it at its initial level, they become more inclined to collect materials and gun components for crafting shotguns. This is crucial because resources are significantly scarcer and more challenging to obtain in the initial version 1.0 of 7 Days To Die.

1 Strength

Improves Clubs And Shotguns

The Best Skills For Beginners 7 Days To Die
  • Main skill tree
  • Improves club and shotgun combat

As a seasoned player of survival games like “7 Days To Die,” I can confidently say that strength is the foundation upon which all other skills are built. When I started playing this game, I quickly realized that without sufficient strength, I wouldn’t be able to progress in my character development. The strength skill is crucial because it determines your ability to wield weapons effectively, mine resources efficiently, and even build structures sturdily.

But, it’s worth noting that the ‘Strength’ ability goes beyond just what you mentioned. It offers an extra probability of dismembering foes when using shotguns or clubs, and boosts headshot damage, encompassing head hits for melee weapons that are strength-based. Many players prioritize maxing out Strength at 10 as soon as they can.

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2024-07-30 17:24