Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

As a longtime fanatic of the Marvel Universe and an ardent player of this captivating card game, I must say that Ajax has undergone quite the transformation since his humble beginnings. In my early days of playing, he was nothing more than a forgettable card, barely worth a second glance in any deck. But with the introduction of Cassandra Nova, the Red Guardian has found new life and taken its rightful place on the battlefield.

Initially, Ajax was considered a lesser choice when introduced into the Marvel Snap team, as many players were anticipating the arrival of Cassandra Nova to decide whether Ajax was a viable option. However, it has been found that Ajax and Cassandra Nova make a reliable pair, particularly against opponents without an Arishem deck. Given this shift in the game’s strategy, we’ve compiled what we believe is the optimal deck for Ajax, with a big thanks to Cassandra Nova.

The Best Deck for Ajax in Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

For Ajax, the most effective strategy would be a Cassandra Nova deck with a hint of advanced team compositions (High-Evo lineups). Here’s how you can assemble this setup: Combine Ajax, Korg, Scorpion, Rockslide, Darkhawk, Mystique, Hazmat, Abomination, Luke Cage, Red Guardian, and High Evolutionary.

Card Cost Power
Ajax 5 7
Cassandra Nova 3 1
High Evolutionary 4 6
Korg 1 2
Scorpion 2 2
Rockslide 3 3
Luke Cage 3 3
Darkhawk 5 3
Hazmat 2 2
Abomination 5 9
Red Guardian 3 3
Mystique 3 0

How to Play Ajax

Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

To effectively use Ajax in gameplay, adopt a strategy that involves weakening the opponent’s cards by applying as many negative Power effects as possible before deploying him. Pair Cassandra-Evo with Hazmat-Luke Cage when playing Ajax to boost his Power up to 12. At the same time, fill your opponent’s hand with cards like Korg and Rockslide to empower your Darkhawk. Abomination can be used as a surprise factor; if you manage to apply negative Power effects to five of your opponent’s cards, you’ll receive an extra Abomination for the final turn.

Here’s what to know about Ajax’s performance:

  • All cards trigger Ajax’s buff. The effect is universal, so afflicting both opposing and friendly cards with negative Power will indeed buff him.
  • Cards must be on the board to buff Ajax. Any negative affliction to cards that stay in hands or decks won’t count toward his buff.
  • Location-induced negative buffs trigger Ajax. If a card’s Power is cut by a location effect, Ajax will count that card as a buff activator.

How to Counter Ajax

Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

As a gamer, I can confidently say that when it comes to facing off against Ajax, my character, Luke Cage, has got this in the bag. His ability renders him invincible to any Power reduction attempts, making Ajax completely powerless against him. Another strategy could be to bring Enchantress into the fray, as she’s capable of eliminating the text of all Ongoing cards situated within her location – Ajax included. However, keep in mind that while Enchantress can help turn the tide of battle, she targets friendly cards along with enemies, so use her wisely!

As a passionate fan, if Ajax finds himself on the table with an impressive collection of buffs, I’d strategize to counter him. If he towers over ten cards, I’d opt for Shang-Chi to sweep him off the board. On the other hand, if the situation calls for a more strategic approach, I might bring in Shadow King. This character has the power to rewind Ajax back to a 5-7 card count, giving me a better chance to outplay him later on.

Ajax Review

Marvel Snap: Ajax Guide (Deck, Strategy, Counter)

Initially, Ajax was considered a weak card with little compatibility with poor-quality decks. But since Cassandra Nova was introduced, Ajax has earned a spot in the game strategy. Combined with Cassandra’s power-stealing feature, Ajax can form a reliable powerhouse. As the hype around Marvel Snap subsides and Arishem fever cools, Ajax might become even more significant in the overall game dynamics.

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2024-07-31 07:04