Destiny 2 Player Shares Idea to Make Prismatic Titan Better

Destiny 2 Player Shares Idea to Make Prismatic Titan Better


  • Prismatic Titans in Destiny 2 could benefit from using the hammer throw melee to become a more powerful Guardian.
  • Fans support combining Solar and Arc classes into one melee attack for added gameplay excitement.
  • While the idea may not be implemented, Bungie is receptive to player feedback.

As a seasoned Destiny 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I must say that I find the idea proposed by randomnumbers22 quite intriguing. The combination of Solar and Arc melee abilities for Prismatic Titans could indeed inject some much-needed excitement into the gameplay.

A player of “Destiny 2” has devised an ingenious yet straightforward strategy to enhance the functionality of the Prismatic Titan. Introduced with the Prismatic subclass during The Final Shape expansion, released in June 2024, this subclass enables players to combine light and dark abilities, transforming them into a more potent Guardian as they confront The Witness.

At present, the novel subclass is exclusive to the Guardians only; yet, as Bungie consistently updates and modifies Destiny 2, players may anticipate encountering Prismatic weapons within the game soon. Meanwhile, one player has proposed a straightforward enhancement for the Titan class to boost its performance, making it more competitive against its peers.

A user on Reddit named randomnumbers22 proposes that Bungie should have enabled Prismatic Titans to employ the hammer throw melee from the Solar subclass. The post implies that combining it with the Arc-type exotic Point-Contact Cannon Brace could enhance the special’s power due to its Hammer of the Gods perk, which generates lightning across the battlefield whenever the thunderclap melee is activated.

Destiny 2 Player Shares Idea to Make Titan Class Better

It appears many supporters are open to merging Solar and Arc melee abilities into a single attack. In fact, one suggestion in a popular post on r/Destiny (with 1.2k upvotes) proposes introducing a skill that allows players to retrieve their thrown hammer, similar to how Thor uses Mjolnir.

Bungie has announced that they will be reducing the power of the Hunter class in Destiny 2, specifically decreasing the accuracy aid and explosion damage of the Threaded Specter ability in Player vs Player (PVP) battles. This is because developers have promised to make adjustments to the Prismatic Titans but want to maintain a balanced environment for PVP modes.

Although it remains uncertain whether randomnumbers22’s suggestion will be adopted in future updates, Bungie is attentive to fan feedback when considering modifications to its acclaimed first-person shooter. This is demonstrated by The Final Shape releasing the second episode of post-expansion content all at once, enabling players to engage with the story on their preferred timeline rather than receiving weekly instalments.

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2024-08-01 03:53