Breaking Norms: Women in Crypto Outearn Men by 15%, Report Reveals

As a seasoned analyst with over two decades of experience navigating various sectors and industries, I have witnessed firsthand the persistent gender pay gap that has long plagued many traditional fields. However, the recent findings from Pantera Research Lab on the reversed wage gap in the cryptocurrency industry have left me genuinely surprised and optimistic about the future of this dynamic sector.

The findings from a recent study by Pantera Research Lab are indicating an unexpected flip in the pay gap narrative within the crypto world. In this report, it was revealed that women in the cryptocurrency industry are earning considerably more than their male peers, which points towards a positive move towards gender parity that sets it apart from many traditional sectors.

The Shift and The Factors Behind It

A closer look at the study conducted by the Pantera Research Lab uncovers an interesting discrepancy: On average, American women working in the digital currency field earn around $172,000 per year, whereas their male counterparts make approximately $150,000 annually.

As a researcher, I find it striking to observe that women are earning approximately 15% less than their male counterparts, which translates to women earning $1.15 for every dollar earned by men, as suggested by Pantera’s data and analysis. This significant disparity is certainly worthy of attention when considering the broader context.

Breaking Norms: Women in Crypto Outearn Men by 15%, Report Reveals

At non-cryptocurrency firms, Pantera points out that on average, women make around 84 cents for every dollar a man earns. There are numerous factors contributing to this wage gap. One theory suggested by the survey is that women tend to have longer average tenures in the cryptocurrency sector – 5.3 years compared to 4.5 years for men. This could be why more women hold mid-level and senior positions, potentially explaining the higher salaries observed in these roles.

The report read:

The disparity in wages within the crypto sector might partly stem from the difference in experience levels between genders, with women frequently holding more advanced positions such as mid-level and senior roles, having been in their current roles for over five years. On the other hand, a greater number of men are usually found in entry-level posts as they enter the crypto industry.

Breaking Norms: Women in Crypto Outearn Men by 15%, Report Reveals

The Catch

In a study carried out online between June 4th and July 20th, 2024, Pantera collected input from 502 full-time professionals residing in the U.S. The survey was disseminated through multiple platforms like LinkedIn, platform X, and specialized newsletters, thereby securing a wide array of respondents with varied backgrounds.

Although these high salaries are encouraging, it’s crucial to note that there are ongoing issues. The survey reveals that women continue to be less prevalent in top management positions across this sector.

Among the 50 leading crypto CEOs in 2023, just three were female. This disproportionate representation at the top level underscores persistent challenges women encounter when striving for elite professional status within the cryptocurrency sector.

Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that women in the digital currency sector are now earning more than men, which presents a striking difference compared to many traditional industries where equal pay for all genders might not be the norm.

Pantera concluded in the report:

In crypto, wages appear to be more balanced between men and women, indicating a shift towards greater gender equality – a promising sign of progress in this rapidly evolving industry. This could imply that crypto offers better opportunities for women compared to traditional fields.

Breaking Norms: Women in Crypto Outearn Men by 15%, Report Reveals

Featured image created with DALL-E, Chart from TradingView

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2024-08-01 10:58