Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked


  • Lords of the Fallen offers multiple endings, unique bosses, and challenging fights in different environments.
  • Some bosses like Pieta, The Hushed Saint, and Kinrangr Guardian Folard present varying levels of difficulty.
  • The game’s improved combat mechanics, story, aesthetics, and developer support make it appealing to Soulslike fans.

As a seasoned adventurer who has traversed countless realms and vanquished countless foes, I must say that the Lampreaper and the Sundered Monarch are truly formidable adversaries indeed!

In “Lords of the Fallen,” you embark on an expansive journey through diverse landscapes ranging from frigid icy plains to the depths of a tormenting tower. This game offers more than one conclusion, and each choice leads to distinct boss battles and exclusive rewards tailored to your chosen ending.

Across the 30+ bosses Lords of the Fallen has to offer, there are some that are truly challenging, even in co-op. So, let’s go over some of the most challenging bosses in Axiom (or the Umbral) so players know what to prepare for ahead of time.

10 Pieta: She of Blessed Renewal

Colossal Boss of the Abandoned Redcopse

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal Colossal No Smite & Poison Burn & Wither 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, & Remembrance of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal

Kick-starting our discussion, let me introduce you to the initial significant character in the game – Pieta. In the world of Lords of the Fallen, Pieta serves a dual purpose: she offers valuable insights into the mechanics of boss battles that you’ll encounter later on, and throughout your adventure, she acts as an essential Non-Player Character (NPC), even upgrading your Sanguinatrix.

For beginners playing this game genre, the boss fight against her might serve as an initial challenge due to its level of difficulty. If players utilize the parrying mechanic effectively, they can temporarily weaken Pieta 2 or 3 times before she transitions into her second form. However, if they don’t, it could become somewhat tough. On a positive note, once she transforms, her attack pattern doesn’t alter significantly; players will merely need to pursue her more frequently.

9 The Hushed Saint

Colossal Boss of the Forsaken Fen

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
The Hushed Saint Colossal No None Bleed 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, & 1 Remembrance of the Hushed Saint

As a gamer, I’ve encountered The Hushed Saint, one of those Lords of the Fallen bosses who occasionally become invincible during the fight. It’s tolerable in small doses, but it can get quite annoying when it happens frequently throughout the game. However, compared to others, The Hushed Saint is less infuriating because he becomes untargetable only when mounting his horse or leaving the water.

Typically, the assault strategies of the Hushed Saint aren’t particularly complex, but the harm he inflicts at the player’s level is often severe when they encounter him early on. Moreover, many players overlook the Soul Siphoning mechanism of the Umbral Parasites that swarm the arena during his horseback maneuvers, which can dismount the Hushed Saint.

8 Kinrangr Guardian Folard

Boss of the Fief of the Chill Curse

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Kinrangr Guardian Folard Secondary No Smite Fire 1 Vestige Seed, 1 Frostbite Salt, & Kinrangr Guardian Set

Numerous players find similarities between this game and the infamous _Dark Souls 2_, as both games appear to employ ‘trickery’ more than straightforward challenge when it comes to their difficulty level. For instance, you might unexpectedly encounter old women sending the Dark Crusader over cliffs, dogs lurking around every corner, or a swarm of archers in each zone. At times, _Lords of the Fallen_ can seem excessively challenging.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve encountered few characters as infuriatingly challenging as Kinrangr Guardian Folard during my gaming escapades. His boss fight appears deliberately engineered to push my patience to the limit, thanks to its design that incorporates the following elements:

  1. An arena covered in ankle-high water that disrupts movement.
  2. 3 Kinrangr Hounds that also have some ice AoE to their attacks.
  3. Folard himself has ice AoEs around most of his attackings, making parrying a poor option.
  4. When players die and revive in Umbral, they’ll be met with a Mendacious Visage enemy who was apparently just waiting for its moment to shine.

7 Harrower Dervla The Pledged Knight & The Unbroken Promise

Colossal Boss of the Revelation Depths

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Phase 1 Name Phase 2 Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Harrower Dervla, The Pledged Knight The Unbroken Promise Colossal Yes Smite Wither & Poison 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, Harrower Dervla’s Rosary, 1 Dark Crusader’s Call, Ammunition Satchel, & Remembrance of the Unbroken Promise

The narrative and background details in the game “Lords of the Fallen” can sometimes be complex due to its heavy religious themes, moralistic dialogue, and frequent references to scriptures (it’s quite similar to the games like “Blasphemous”). However, there’s a wealth of intriguing lore hidden within. Particularly captivating is the lore surrounding the Unbroken Promise and his protective knight, Dervla Harrower.

In the initial encounter with Dervla, the battle is quite routine. She wields a crossbow and a sword, her moves being predictable enough for you to dodge or block. However, as the fight progresses, a chained boy at the altar behind her intermittently launches projectiles that can hinder your progress. Once Dervla is defeated, phase 2 commences against the combined form of two tragic spirits, known as the Unbroken Promise. This phase is more complex than the first, with several additional challenges. Among these are homing nails that target you and bolts that reappear under you after being shot into the ground. However, most of her attacks can still be managed effectively.

6 Spurned Progeny

Colossal Boss of Upper Calrath

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Spurned Progeny Colossal Yes Poison (Immune) Wither 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, Spurned Progeny Flesh, 1 Giant Eyeball, & Remembrance of a Spurned Progeny

Developers in Soulslike games often strive to create colossal bosses, yet few succeed. These giants are usually imposing, but rarely do they make for an enjoyable battle. However, the Spurned Progeny in Lords of the Fallen stands out as a fun adversary to face. After players grasp the trick behind one specific move, every other attack becomes manageable. The issue arises with the enormous fireball this creature generates midway through phase 2. This attack seems unpredictable and can potentially eliminate most players instantly.

To dodge this attack, simply take cover by concealing yourself among the upper-level walls in the arena. By doing so, you can successfully evade the fireball. Once you’ve mastered how to dodge this particular attack, the Spurned Progeny becomes an enjoyable gaming experience.

5 Tancred: Master of Castigations & Reinhold The Immured

Colossal Boss of the Tower of Penance

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Phase 1 Name Phase 2 Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Tancred, Master of Castigations Reinhold the Immured Colossal Yes None Wither (Tancred) & Bleed (Reinhold) 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, Tancred’s Key, & Remembrance of Tancred Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured

Many gamers playing “Lords of the Fallen” often find themselves lost or taking incorrect routes for extended periods throughout the game. For instance, a significant number of players inadvertently acquired the Pilgrim’s Perch Key prematurely and followed its path to completion. Furthermore, there is a group of players who somehow ended up at the base of the Tower of Penance before they even reached Fitzroy’s Gorge. The game features multiple divergent paths, but it’s important to note that the damage enemies and bosses inflict, as well as their health levels, can significantly differ from one zone to another. If players encounter the Tancred, Master of Castigations battle before they have sufficient attack power, hit points, or defense, they may face difficulties.

In terms of difficulty level, Tancred’s first form during the boss battle is relatively straightforward and follows a pattern similar to other ‘Holy Knight’ opponents in this game, consisting mostly of standard stabs, wide swipes, and overhead smashes.

4 Elianne The Starved

Colossal Boss of Mother’s Lull

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Elianna the Starved Colossal No (for the Umbral Ending) Poison, Burn, Ignite, & Smite Wither 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, Elianne’s Umbral Parasite, & Remembrance of Elianne the Starved

In most games, players may seldom encounter this upcoming boss due to its intricate set of requirements. For instance, avoiding the cleansing of any beacon is essential for achieving the Umbral ending in the game.

As an Umbral path gamer, I didn’t so much find Elianne the Starved as I did ‘activate’ her. Once you’ve advanced to a specific point in the Umbral ending sequence, you’ll encounter an opportunity to Soulflay Pieta in Skyrest. After performing this action, the battle with Elianne ensues automatically. Now, while she might be considered the ‘hidden’ final boss for the Umbral journey, Elianne isn’t overly challenging and seems to borrow many moves from Pieta’s boss fight (given the narrative context, it’s not entirely surprising).

3 Judge Cleric: The Radiant Sentinel

Colossal Boss of the Empyrean

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel Colossal Yes Soulflay (Immune) Wither & Poison 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, & Remembrance of Judge Cleric the Radiant Sentinel

The Judge Cleric fight ranks high on our list due to its difficulty, despite its attacks being mostly predictable in both stages. This is because when these attacks connect (particularly during the second phase), they are incredibly damaging. Additionally, the spells cast by the Cleric often encompass a vast area, making it challenging even if players know what’s coming next.

As a gamer, I can’t help but admit that this battle remains one of the most captivating in the game with its exceptional combat mechanics, stunning design, immersive atmosphere, and enticing rewards from her Remembrance. The key to success lies in mastering her melee patterns, staying vigilant for wide-area spells, and practicing self-restraint when it comes to loot collection.

2 The Lightreaper

Colossal Boss of Upper Calrath

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
The Lightreaper Colossal No Fire Smite, Poison, & Wither 1 Vestige Seed, 25 Umbral Scouring, Lightreaper Flesh, The Lightreaper’s Umbral Parasite, & Remembrance of the Lightreaper

As a gamer, I must say, tackling the ‘tutorial boss,’ the Lampreaper, feels more like an ordeal than a casual introduction to the game. Though technically possible to defeat him during the tutorial, the time and energy required is simply unreasonable. In reality, players will encounter this boss later on in Upper Calranth, where it’ll still demand a significant amount of effort.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the battle against the Lampreer is one of the most engaging and challenging boss fights I’ve encountered in recent times. With its dual form, players are kept on their toes as they dodge attacks while strategizing how to take down the Umbral Parasite lurking beneath the center grate of the arena. The anticipation built up throughout the game for this battle is well-deserved, as it truly tests one’s reflexes and tactical prowess. In my opinion, the Lampreer is a boss that any self-respecting gamer should add to their list of conquered foes.

1 The Sundered Monarch

Colossal Boss of Bramis Castle

Lords Of The Fallen: Hardest Bosses, Ranked
Name Type Optional? Resistances Weaknesses Rewards
The Sundered Monarch Colossal No None Wither, Bleed, Smite, & Poison 1 Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, & Remembrance of the Sundered Monarch

To wrap up, let’s discuss one of the final bosses from Lords of the Fallen – the Sundered Monarch. Remarkably similar to battles like Vendrick from Dark Souls 2 or some DLC fights in Dark Souls 3, this encounter is receiving considerable attention.

From my gaming perspective, I’d say the general vibe among players is that the Sundered Monarch is one of the most thrilling, tough-but-fair boss fights in the game. Unlike many other bosses, he boasts a broader arsenal of moves, and none of his tactics feel cheap or unfair. His design and backstory are also top-notch. To add to that, the fight following the Monarch (for Infernal and Radiant endings) is just not fun at all. So, in comparison, the Sundered Monarch shines even brighter as a truly enjoyable challenge.

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2024-08-02 04:54