Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

As a seasoned Dota 2 player with over a thousand games under my belt, I can confidently say that Windranger is one of those heroes who can turn the tide of a match when played correctly – especially as a Position 4 support.

Windranger has had a complex history with Dota 2, oscillating between fondness and frustration. In the professional scene, she used to be a go-to pick/ban hero. However, it’s been some time since she was regularly seen in the middle lane. After her transition to the Universal Hero role, she was occasionally selected as a Position 1 carry, but this didn’t last long. Following another round of nerfs, she fell out of favor and is now seldom used.

The pub scene, however, paints a different picture. This hero is still every bit as popular as it once was, if not as a core, then as a support. But how good is she really in a support role? Is Position 4 Windranger a viable pick in the current Dota 2 meta? Turns out the answer is yes!

Windranger Position 4 Support in Dota 2

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

As a support hero positioned fourth in the team, Windranger is an effective choice due to her abilities that excel in lane control and harassment. At level 1, she can unleash a potent nuke to put pressure on the enemy carry in the Safe Lane. Additionally, she can snatch range creep minions, ensuring her farm advantages.

Here’s a quick overview of her abilities:

Ability Name How it Works
Shackleshot (Q) A unit target ability that shackles the target to an enemy unit or tree directly behind it for up to 3.1 seconds
Powershot (W) A channeled ability that fires a projectile dealing up to 470 damage to every enemy along its travel path
Windrun (E) Grants Evasion to Windranger for up to 6 seconds and also boosts her movement speed by 60%/
Focus Fire (R) Grants Windranger up to 500 bonus attack speed against a single enemy hero or unit for 20 seconds while reducing her attack damage by 30%.

Starting with Dota 2 Patch 7.36, which featured the grand Crownfall event, she now boasts two Facets and an Inherent Skill.

  • Easy Breezy (Innate Ability): Increases Windranger’s maximum movement speed to 600 and prevents her from being slowed down below 240.
  • Focus Fire (Facet 1): Standard ultimate ability.
  • Whirlwind (Facet 2): Replaces her ultimate with a new ability called Whirlwind and causes Windranger to attack all enemy units in a radius around her for 9 seconds.

At the 15-minute mark, when she acquires Aghanim’s Shard, she gains an extra skill called Gale Force. This area-affecting skill propels any enemies it hits in a particular direction. Her strength among Dota 2 heroes significantly increases due to this one ability, especially before the 15-minute mark.

In addition to her unique skillset, which is typical for a support character, she lacks exceptional base stats, making her vulnerable when played as a core hero. If she’s caught in a vulnerable position with Windrun on cooldown, she can easily be defeated. However, she truly shines in the Position 4 Support role, where her primary task is to disrupt and pressure enemy heroes, forcing them out of their lane.

Position 4 Windranger Build Guide

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know if you want to play Windranger as a Position 4 support in Dota 2:

Ability Build and Talents

When you’re on Windranger in Position 4, it’s wise to prioritize Focus Fire first. This is because Windranger performs well when equipped with damage-focused items. By using your ultimate ability on a crucial enemy backline support, you can push them out of the team fight, which could shift the balance in your favor.

Use the following image as a reference for your ability build and talents:

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

Depending on the lane matchup, you might want to go with Powershot first instead of Windrun at level 1. Powershot will help you secure the ranged creep, while Windrun lets you trade hits. Other than that, this ability build is pretty standard for most games.

Item Progression:

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

Windranger can be quite impactful in the Position 4 support role without requiring many items. Her effectiveness largely depends on how she’s played rather than what she builds. It’s usually best to adapt your build based on the game’s situation and the opposing team’s heroes.

  • Early Game:

In the initial phase, dancing twice (two sets of tangos) plus a few stats should allow you to exchange blows effectively with the opposing team. If you find yourself running low on regeneration, use your courier to fetch more when needed.

You want to prioritize building your Boots of Speed and Magic Wand early in the laning phase. This will allow you to gank the middle lane during rune spawns. You’ll also have an easier time contesting enemy support pulls with just your Brown Boots. An Infused Raindrop in your inventory will help you survive if the enemy team has a lot of magic damage.

  • Core Items:

In the fourth position, Windranger performs exceptionally well with mobility items like Blink Dagger and Force Staff. These items enhance your positioning during team fights, allowing for more successful Shackleshot shots. Glimmer Cape is a fantastic option to safeguard your core characters in crucial moments. Rod of Ages can be an outstanding choice if your team needs more disabling abilities. If you accumulate enough gold, consider upgrading to Aghanim’s Scepter, as it makes you invisible when Windrun is activated.

The Aghanim’s Shard is likely the most crucial item for Windranger. By the 15-minute mark, try to save up 1400 gold to acquire it for a significant boost in power. When deciding on your Boots upgrade, both Arcane Boots and Tranquil Boots are viable options. The choice depends on whether you prefer more durability or additional Mana. If you choose Tranquil boots, think about adding Drums of Endurance too, as it will help you obtain the Boots of Bearing in the late game.

  • Situational Items:

Despite primarily playing Windranger as a Position 4 support, she can effectively scale into the later stages of the game with damage-focused items. If you anticipate a prolonged match, consider upgrading your Rod of Atos to Gleipnir. In certain scenarios, Daedalus could even be effective on a Support Windranger.

1. In contrast to silence, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity and Lotus Orb are effective items to construct. Diffusal Blade is beneficial against mana-dependent heroes like Medusa or Wraith King. If you’re struggling with tough enemy heroes, Ghost Scepter can provide assistance.

How To Play Windranger Position 4 in Dota 2?

Dota 2 Windranger Position 4 Build Guide: Is it Any Good?

In the Support role, playing Windranger isn’t overly complex. Start by accompanying your Off Lane Position 3 in the Hard Lane. Your goal is to claim the early ranged creep camps while consistently harassing the enemy carry. Engage in trades with the enemy Support and force them to purchase additional regeneration items. Contest the camp pulls and make sure you secure the Healing Lotus for your teammate.

At the 6-minute mark, if the current lane is progressing smoothly, consider shifting to the center lane to grab the power rune for your Position 2. Additionally, keep an eye out for any chances where you might ambush the enemy Midlaner, potentially setting up a gank.

In a situation where the opposing team lacks numerous crowd control abilities, Windrun has the opportunity to perform daring maneuvers within their jungle. Utilize this opening and place Observer Wards strategically to maintain vision of the enemy carry, ensuring you can keep tabs on them early in the game.

In team engagements, it’s best to position yourself behind your main forces. Windranger is a fragile character, so you don’t want to attract too much attention from the opposing team. Instead, maintain some distance, use Powershot to inflict damage, and aim to ensnare crucial enemy heroes with Shackleshot.

Leverage your mobility tools and Windrun skill to secure advantageous positions in group battles. Should you accumulate enough gold, obtaining Aghanim’s Scepter will enable you to scout out the enemy backline using Windrun, granting valuable vision.

Windranger may not be an overly challenging hero initially, but it requires some dedication to master fully. Give this build a go the next time you’re in a public game of Dota 2. With practice and a little perseverance, Windranger can become one of your key heroes within the game.

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2024-08-04 11:03