Madame Web Producer Discusses Potential for a Sequel

Madame Web Producer Discusses Potential for a Sequel


  • Despite the disappointment surrounding Madame Web, there is still a chance for a potential sequel in the future.
  • The movie’s poor performance and negative reception make the likelihood of a sequel uncertain at this time.
  • Sony remains committed to expanding its universe, but the future of any potential sequel is far from certain.

As a seasoned gamer and moviegoer with over two decades of experience, I have seen my fair share of cinematic triumphs and catastrophes. The release of “Madame Web” left me feeling like I had just witnessed an epic battle between my favorite superhero team and their arch-nemesis, only for the villain to win in the end.

Is there a chance that Sony might produce a follow-up to their Madame Web film, considering its flaws? The producer offers some intriguing thoughts on the matter. When Madame Web was initially released earlier this year, viewers were not expecting such widespread disappointment. The movie garnered significant criticism and received an abundance of negative feedback.

Despite the general disappointment surrounding Madame Web, there remains a glimmer of expectation among both fans and industry professionals for a possible follow-up film.

During a chat with Brandon Davis from ComicBook at SDCC 2024, Madame Web producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura was questioned about potential follow-up films. His answer was clear yet vague: “I honestly don’t have an idea, I genuinely don’t know.” Given the movie’s disappointing box office results and unfavorable reviews, it appears that a sequel might not be in the works.

Bonaventura openly acknowledged that the intense negativity surrounding the film was a deeply sad ordeal he wouldn’t wish to revisit, likening it to feeling like “a blow to the head with an axe.” This candid statement underscores the significant personal and professional toll the movie’s poor performance took on him. Yet, Sony hasn’t given up entirely on the franchise as they continue to strive for its universe’s growth. Consequently, while there’s a chance we might see these characters again, the likelihood of a sequel is highly uncertain at this point.

The negative response has had a ripple effect, influencing not just the movie’s prospects but also the experiences of those involved. The actors themselves have expressed their frustrations with the movie’s reception. Emma Roberts attributed some of the negativity to “internet culture,” suggesting that a portion of the fanbase was predisposed to dismiss the movie without giving it a fair chance. Lead actress Dakota Johnson was notably more critical, sharing views that even caused discomfort among Sony executives. Meanwhile, Sydney Sweeney characterized the movie as more of a strategic business plan aimed at fostering closer ties with Sony’s top management.

In contrast to expectations, the film Madame Web – directed by SJ Clarkson, who is renowned for her work on Jessica Jones and The Defenders – did not meet its projected success. Anticipated to earn between $20 million and $25 million during its debut week, it only managed a modest $25.8 million. This initial earnings were followed by a steep 61% drop in its second weekend, with the movie grossing just $6 million. With an estimated budget ranging from $80 million to $100 million, Madame Web ended up earning $100.3 million but received a low rating of 12% on Rotten Tomatoes by the end of its theater run. Although Madame Web experienced a revival on Netflix and briefly reached number one on the streaming service, this streaming success is unlikely to change the course for the film’s franchise or the possibility of a sequel. Bonaventura emphasizes that judging a movie’s success or failure solely by its performance on streaming platforms can be challenging, making it difficult to fully assess the movie’s overall impact and future prospects.

Madame Web is available on Netflix.

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2024-08-04 15:24