College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

As a veteran gamer with decades of football video game experience under my belt, I can confidently say that College Football 25 has taken defense to a whole new level of complexity – one that even seasoned players might find challenging. But fear not, fellow gamers! With a little patience and some wise advice, we’ll be tackling those opponents like pros in no time.

There’s no question about it: Playing defense in College Football 25 is tougher than ever before in football video games. This is true for previous NCAA versions and the entire Madden series as well. Mastering the art of defensive play in Electronic Arts’ latest release will take some effort from players, and they should expect a learning curve. From understanding which plays are most effective in different situations to deciding when to control a specific player, grasping the intricacies of the defensive side of the game requires time, especially on higher difficulty levels.

It’s completely normal for players to find it challenging on defense when they initially join the game. Don’t worry about it! If they persist in practicing and continuing to learn, they will gradually become more skilled at it. This list provides suggestions to aid players as they strive to master the skill of defense.

5 Don’t Be Too Aggressive

Patience Is Key

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

When it comes to enjoying the game, a bold defensive strategy is more exciting than a cautious one, and this principle applies equally to playing defense. Instead of passively waiting for an opportunity, players prefer to be actively engaged. However, in College Football 25, when they’re trying to prevent the opposing team from advancing, what they actually need to do is maintain a defensive stance and patiently wait for the right moment to strike.

In many instances, relentlessly rushing the quarterback can lead to advantageous passes or scores for the opposing team. The game doesn’t shy away from exploiting those who gamble for a sack. Instead, play shrewdly and allow them to gain only short-range yards. Once they’re in a tight spot, then you might want to think about sending everyone to the line to overpower them, inducing the quarterback to feel pressured and potentially make errors.

4 Let The NPCs Do Their Thing

Trust The Teammates

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

Regarding aggressiveness when pursuing a Running Back (RB) or Wide Receiver (WR), many players often react by moving towards the closest player for a tackle. Nevertheless, such an impulse might lead to the player missing the tackle entirely or causing the opponent to veer off course. Keep in mind that both RBs and WRs are constantly on the move, so it’s quite easy to make a mistake and send them off track unintentionally.

In the early stages of gameplay, it’s advisable for players to allow Non-Player Characters (NPCs) to handle tackles because they are proficient at this task and can effectively bring a player down. By allowing them to play their role, there will be a higher chance of preventing major plays from occurring.

3 Play On The Line

Let The NPCs Cover Receivers

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

When initiating defense in a game, it’s essential that players position themselves effectively along the line. Although they may choose to play as Safety or Cornerback to guard the opposing player, this can be challenging for beginners due to the need to follow the player closely, maintain visual contact with the quarterback, and prevent their assigned player from becoming open.

Hurrying the offensive line will be less challenging since a player simply needs to attempt to outsmart the defensive line. They can employ the R2 boost and the right stick to try and outwit them, thereby gaining freedom to sack the QB. Additionally, AI teammates are capable of handling themselves well, and frequently secure an interception.

2 Follow The Coach’s Suggestions

Learn How To Play Before Calling The Play

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

As a novice player, I find it essential to closely heed the recommended plays the coach offers during each play on both offense and defense. Although seasoned players might have the freedom to deviate from these suggestions, for me, it’s crucial to stick to them to grasp the game better and improve my skills.

At first, it’s beneficial to utilize these predetermined defensive plays as they help familiarize new players with the overall flow of gameplay when the ball is snapped. As gamers become accustomed to handling a player, they can eventually progress to making their own play calls later on. However, initially, focus on listening to the coach’s instructions.

1 Don’t Always Go For The Big Hit

Tackling Is More Important Than Making A Statement

College Football 25: Beginner Tips For Playing Defense

In certain scenarios, it will be a player versus an NPC with the ball, with the field being vastly open. The player must execute the tackle since this is their responsibility. Football enthusiasts have witnessed such situations unfold numerous times: the defender attempts a powerful tackle, but misses and allows the ball carrier to advance for a significant gain. Such mistakes can happen to anyone if they’re not vigilant, so just aim to bring them down.

Approach the ball carrier with your player, causing the game to switch to a tackling animation. Let this sequence unfold naturally without focusing on knocking out or grabbing the ball from the other player. Master the art of effective tackling. Once you’ve got that down, you can begin incorporating various defensive strategies to create an intimidating defense.

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2024-08-05 02:33