Common Pokemon Go Raid mistake is costing players rare Master Balls

Common Pokemon Go Raid mistake is costing players rare Master Balls

As a seasoned Pokémon Go trainer with over a decade of gaming under my belt, I can’t help but shake my head at the latest faux pas that has swept through our community. The Master Ball, a treasure reserved for the most elusive of catches, has become the unwitting victim of players’ ignorance and haste.

In Pokemon Go, the Master Ball is often considered the most valuable item, enabling you to capture any Pokemon effortlessly. However, a frequent mistake made during Raid Battles is players carelessly using it when there’s no need, essentially wasting it.

Previously, trainers would employ the Master Ball to catch Galarian Birds. Since this particular trio isn’t shiny or top-tier in terms of game mechanics, many trainers opt to use Master Balls for finding perfect IV birds from Raids instead. However, these balls are also being utilized to capture shiny Legendaries, as they guarantee a successful catch.

Though a radiant Pokemon is undeniably valuable, you can still capture it using your standard Premium Poke Ball, without needing any Berries or exceptional throws for accuracy. Regrettably, some trainers, such as Reddit user ‘enough0729’, may have been unaware of this fact and inadvertently utilized their Master Ball on a shiny Moltres.

I’m gonna cry (I’m dumb)
byu/enough0729 inpokemongo

It turned out that the original poster wasn’t the only one who was unaware of this specific perk. Several other players confessed that they had mistakenly used their Master Ball on a shiny Legendary Pokémon, not knowing about its properties.

As a fellow Pokémon enthusiast, I can’t help but wish there was a clearer explanation within the game about the ‘guaranteed catch for a shiny in raid’ mechanic. It seems many trainers, including myself, initially assumed that using Premium Balls would lead to the elusive Pokemon just running away, much like their regular counterparts.

In addition, the certainty of capturing a radiant Raid battle also extends to Mythical Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, and Mega Evolutions.

As someone who’s deeply into Pokémon, I’ve learned an interesting trick: while Raid shinies have a 100% catch rate, encounters from Research rewards won’t run away. So, it’s wise not to waste your Master Ball on them just yet, even if they slip out of the initial Poke Balls you throw.

In the game, there were three chances to acquire the Master Ball. However, many players found it unsuccessful on the initial two attempts because of the tight schedule and the fact that it was a paid mission.

Instead of the original text, consider this option: “The Catching Wonders Research Project doesn’t cost a thing! You can take as much time as needed to secure your desirable Poke Ball, provided that you’ve accepted the quest by May 2024.”

You can search for ‘shinies’ (rare colored variants) during the August Raids in Pokemon Go, which feature legendary creatures like Moltres, Xerneas, along with the Mega Evolutions of Aerodactyl, Kangaskhan, and Salamence.

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2024-08-05 15:36