House of the Dragon – Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

As a seasoned warrior who has fought through countless winters and seen the rise and fall of many a noble house, I find myself drawn to the unfolding events of this Dance of Dragons. The alliances and counter-alliances being forged are reminiscent of the Game of Thrones itself, where every move counts and trust is a rare commodity.

The feud between the Green and Black parties has rapidly escalated, leaving no place untouched by its flames. However, it’s essential to understand that dragons cannot end this conflict on their own. Both sides need armies to wage their wars.

In House of Dragon’s second season, the focus has been on assembling armies for both the Greens and the Blacks. Currently, the Greens have alliances with the Hightowers and Lannisters, while Rhaenyra relies on Cregan Stark’s Greybeards and the Velaryon Fleet. The succession war is still unfolding since this season has primarily dealt with raising forces so far. Here are the most powerful armies that the Greens and Blacks could potentially field in House of Dragon.

Jason Lannister’s Host

Jason Has Assembled A Decent Force

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

As an ardent fan, I find myself recounting an event where I, or rather, Jason Lannister, amass a formidable force – mounted knights, archers, and men-at-arms – en route to the Golden Tooth, nestled within the Westerlands. Here, we are reinforced by 500 battle-hardened soldiers from House Lefford. Our united goal: to shatter the resistance of the Rivermen in the Riverlands.

As a devoted fan, I find myself in a position where I must spearhead this endeavor. However, I’ve requested the protective cover of Vhagar for me and my companions. I opted to establish our garrison at the Golden Tooth, but Aemond has commanded me to transport my host to Harrenhal without expecting his aerial backup in the process.

Ser Criston Cole’s Host

Lord Commander Cole Musters A Well-Trained Host & Raises Levies

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

At the beginning of House of the Dragon, The Greens initially gather a small group of men. However, Ser Criston Cole’s tactics shift this situation significantly. He exits the Red Keep with soldiers he’s personally trained and begins to conquer smaller fortresses close to the capital. As the campaign progresses, Cole mobilizes the troops from Houses like Rosby, Stokeworth, Darklyn, and Duskendale. Then, he moves towards Rook’s Rest.

Cole suffers a small loss at Rook’s Rest, but manages to achieve a reasonable victory. Quickly, he switches the Crownland Mansions to support the Greens’ faction and is now heading west to capture Harrenhal for the Greens. He is oblivious to the recent events in the Riverlands, yet he has enough forces to confront the opposition.

The Hightower Armies

Ser Gwayne Hightower Marches From Oldtown

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

The forces led by Hightower men, under the command of Ser Gwayne Hightower, journey for a span of three months towards the Red Keep. Arriving there a night before Cole’s army, Gwayne expresses his willingness to join Cole in battle. Yet, Cole declines the offer and explains that he already has an adequate number of troops with him.

Gwayne refuses to stay at the Red Keep and takes the Hightower forces out of the royal court. The Hightowers, who seized the throne, are making their influence known. The King and Prince Regent sitting on the Iron Throne are both Hightower and Targaryen descendants, so the Hightower army must support them. At present, Lord Ormund Hightower’s forces in the Reach are under attack by two armies that have joined together against House Beesbury.

The Greybeards Of the North

Cregan Stark Has Pledged Well-Honed Warriors

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

In a gesture of loyalty, Cregan Stark, the Master of Winterfell, swears allegiance to Rhaenyra with ancient men known as the Greybeards. Should the need arise, he has a vast number of them prepared to march south and fight valiantly in defense of the Dragon Queen.

The Greybeards are experienced warriors, swiftly riding shaggy horses and wielding spiked maces and iron swords. They’ve participated in numerous battles, and Cregan Stark vows to bring two thousand of them in the name of his queen, who should arrive in the Riverlands soon. Though aged and worn, the Greybeards have endured countless winters and are not afraid to perish in combat.

The Velaryon Fleet of Ships

Dominates The Vast Gullet

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

The total blockade imposed on King’s Landing has been made possible by the Velaryon fleet. The operation is currently led by the Queen’s Hand, the Sea Snake, and Lord Corlys with Alyn of Hull as his First Mate. The Sea Snake’s ship has Sharp Point as its destination and anticipates threats from the Lions and the Krakens.

1. The blockade has resulted in escalating costs, food shortages, and dire economic repercussions. King’s Landing is powerless to lift the barrier sealing the Gullet. The city continues to be isolated, yet it relies on the Lannister fleets for assistance. The Triarchy has had limited victories against the Velaryons at the Stepstones. In legend, the Free Cities align with the Greens and launch a naval campaign, but the subsequent sea battle inflicts heavy damage on both sides.

The Riverlords Under Lord Oscar Tully

The Riverlords Unite For Queen Rhaenyra

The Riverlanders who have pledged allegiance to Queen Rhaenyra are crucial for winning the Dance of the Dragons. They were brought together by young Lord Oscar Tully at Harrenhal during House of the Dragon season 2, episode 7. Following the demise of his grandfather, Lord Grover, Oscar assumed the position of Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.

As a loyal supporter, I, Oscar, am spearheading the movement in the Riverlands. Accompanying me will be the venerable Greybeards marching alongside. In this region, the Riverlords have chosen Black for Queen Rhaenyra, rather than Prince Daemon who serves as her representative. My bannermen, Bracken, Mooton, Darry, Frey, Strong, Mallister, and Piper stand united with me in this cause.

Rhaenyra’s Army Of Bastards

Rhaenyra Raised New Dragonriders

House of the Dragon - Season 2: The Strongest Armies, Ranked

At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra Targaryen assembles an army consisting of dragon-riding bastards, no longer relying on Daemon or anyone else. With the arrival of three new Dragonriders – Ulf, Hugh, and Addam – she now holds the upper hand in the power struggle. The Blacks have tipped the scales in their favor, and Rhaenyra intends to capitalize on this advantage.

Ulf alleges he hails from the lineage of dragons. Hugh, meanwhile, is the illegitimate offspring of Princess Saera Targaryen, and Addam shares the same origin, being Lord Corlys’ illegitimate child. This group of bastards on Dragonstone, known as “The Army of Bastards,” will be instructed in the arts of dragon-riding. In the future of House of the Dragon, they are expected to prove a formidable force.

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2024-08-06 01:05