Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6


  • Keep your distance as the Air Raider; vulnerability is high due to lack of sprint and close combat weapons.
  • Wing Diver tip: always read item descriptions for energy usage, separate tanks, or core energy use clarification.
  • Fencer tip: Learn shield tech for faster mobility; use shield to distract enemies and improve overall gameplay.

As someone who has spent countless hours battling alien scourges across various dimensions, I can’t stress enough the importance of proper loadout selection and teamwork in Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF6).

At long last, Earth Defense Force 6 has been released in America, and countless devoted soldiers have jumped into action to combat the insectoid invaders, despite a challenging initial phase. However, for newcomers embarking on their first Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF) adventure, it can initially be quite perplexing.

As a long-time gamer who has dabbled in various genres and titles, I must confess that I’ve found myself utterly captivated by the quirky charm of the Earth Defense Force (EDF) franchise. Now, let me tell you, this series is not for the faint-hearted or those seeking an intuitive gaming experience right off the bat. Oh no, my friends! It takes a bit of time and patience to wrap your head around the intricacies of EDF games, especially when you first dive in. But trust me, once you’ve got the hang of it, there’s nothing quite like the exhilarating fun that this franchise offers.

10 Air Raider: Keep Your Distance

This Class Is Just a Lot More Vulnerable Than Others

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

To provide some useful advice for each of the three additional playable classes besides the Ranger, let’s focus on the Air Raider, which shares many similarities mechanically with the Ranger though it was intended to be more of a support and area-of-effect class. The Air Raider excels in managing drones, automated weapons, and summoning various vehicles. It’s easy for new Air Raider players to feel overconfident once they acquire a Defense Drone and other weapons, but remember not to let your self-assurance get out of hand.

As an enthusiast of the Air Rair class, I’ve found that its roll maneuver shares similarities with the Ranger, but it lacks the ability to sprint and many of its weapons are not ideally suited for close-quarter combat. Therefore, maintaining a safe distance from enemies is crucial, regardless of my chosen loadout. In essence, stay at arm’s length whenever possible in the heat of battle!

9 Wing Diver: Always Read Item Descriptions

For Energy Level Usage Etc…

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

In the fast-paced game of Earth Defense Force 6, the Wing Diver stands out as the most agile character class, boasting flying abilities, air dashes, and rooftop hopping skills. Instead of reiterating the obvious like managing energy levels or prolonging flight time, let’s delve into the intricacies of weapon and item descriptions for this class. It’s essential to read through the descriptions and stats of weapons before using them, as most weapons indicate how much energy they consume, whether they require a separate energy source, or if they don’t deplete the Wing Diver’s core energy at all.

As a fan, I’ve found that focusing on these descriptions significantly simplifies creating an optimal Wing Diver loadout, making the class seem less energy-dependent, which is often a challenge when initially playing any EDF game.

8 Fencer: Learn The Shield Tech & General Spacing

There’s a Reason This Class is Known as the Most Technical

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

As a seasoned gamer tackling EDF6, let me share some insights about the Fencer class. This guy is EDF’s bulkiest, most intricate, and sturdiest warrior, but he can be a bit of a challenge to get accustomed to at the start. The way he moves, wields his weapons, even jumps – it all takes some practice. At times, he might feel like he’s moving at a snail’s pace. However, don’t let that discourage you!

As a Fencer gamer, it’s wise to always have a shield equipped in at least one of your loadouts. This enables you to switch to the shield-equipped loadout whenever you need to traverse the map. You can then dash, activate the Deflection Shields ability, and dash again, creating a swift dashing rhythm. This strategy not only boosts your movement speed but also keeps any pesky enemies in the path of your shield’s energy wave occupied. Remember, mastering this cycle of dash-shield bash-dash takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, the Fencer will feel incredibly mobile!

7 Do Rounds of Cleaning Up Pickups Throughout the Mission

It’s Always Hard to Tell When a Mission Will End

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

As a seasoned veteran of countless EDF6 missions, I can confidently say that knowing the right strategies is crucial for survival. One tip that has always served me well is to scour the map during lulls in combat, especially for boxes marked with green circles. Now, these aren’t just any ordinary crates – they contain health, armor, and weapons that could mean the difference between life and death.

By regularly sorting through your boxes during gameplay, players can significantly boost their armor levels quicker, obtain additional weapon options sooner, and easily locate spots for healing across the map.

6 Don’t Get Overconfident

The Minute You Do, the Bugs Will Get You

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

One of the biggest tips anyone can give for an EDF game is telling someone not to get too cocky. In the early missions or on Normal difficulty, it can feel like things are too easy or that the player is way too strong. However, a lot of EDF missions ramp up over the course of the mission itself, and the difficulty between two missions right after one another can sometimes be a lot harder than anyone would expect.

If you find the battles in this game too effortless even on the highest difficulty, that’s actually ideal. Avoid engaging in close-quarter fights with insectoids under the assumption they’re always simple to eliminate, as more often than not, such actions will lead straight to your demise.

5 Don’t Be Afraid To Play Online

The Community is Generally Very Welcoming

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

The EDF series has consistently boasted a devoted player community. While these quirky, arcade-style games may not be widely recognized, those who are familiar with them tend to become passionate enthusiasts. Moreover, many advanced stages in an EDF game require players to repeatedly complete certain missions for Armor and Weapon acquisitions.

Working together with additional players in online gaming sessions can be beneficial, such as when it comes to squashing bugs or collecting crates. Therefore, don’t hesitate to join random gaming lobbies for an increased chance of acquiring weapons or armor. Remember though, the most challenging difficulty settings may attract players who are more selective about teammates contributing effectively during the mission.

4 Hard Is The Community Recommended Difficulty

Try It Sometimes, Even Just for Better Weapons

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

A valuable piece of advice for beginners in EDF is to initially select the Hard mode. This level appears to be the game’s intended challenge, and it offers a superior way for players to acquire potent early-game weapons. By utilizing these weapons on Normal difficulty missions, players can easily overpower their opponents if they wish.

Furthermore, similar to the case with EDF5, the most challenging difficulty settings remain locked until the player completes the campaign on the lower difficulty level (with a little trick to bypass this). Thus, starting off on the Hard difficulty setting will significantly reduce the effort required to unlock the final two difficulty options.

3 Read Mission Descriptions

They Can Be Very Helpful in Knowing What to Bring

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

The difference in the difficulty of a mission in EDF can feel like night and day purely based on the weapons and tools a player brings into the mission. If, for example, a player using the Ranger only brings close-range weapons into a mission with a lot of bee/wasp enemies, they’re going to have an incredibly tough time.

As a gamer, I find that when opponents wield long-range weapons or missile-guided ones, those flying foes become much more manageable. Often, players choose a setup they prefer and then adapt it during gameplay if the enemy composition isn’t favorable. However, taking a moment to read the Mission Briefings before selecting my loadout can provide valuable insights about the type of enemies I’ll encounter, helping me make a more strategic choice for the mission at hand.

2 Recruit NPCs

Look for the Red Arrows

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

In the game EDF6, it might seem insignificant to interact with the non-player characters (NPCs) due to their easy overlook, but they can provide substantial assistance. For instance, if a player approaches an NPC marked with a red arrow, they will automatically recruit not just that NPC, but any other NPCs under its command as well.

Once you complete this action, the NPC(s) will accompany you and engage in combat with you. This is incredibly beneficial in missions involving enemy types that can capture the player, like the red ants, as these NPCs can swiftly assist in freeing you from their mandibles. Additionally, they’ll recover whenever you collect health pickups, mimic your emotes, and are generally valuable allies. Therefore, be sure to spot red arrows during missions and attempt to recruit nearby NPCs whenever feasible.

1 Friendly Fire Does Exist

And It’s Pretty Mean on Higher Difficulties

Beginner Tips For Earth Defense Force 6

Lastly, it’s worth reminding players that Friendly Fire does exist in EDF6, and it can be pretty brutal on the higher difficulties. Anyone who has played an EDF game previously or even another bug-hunting game like Helldivers 2 knows how rough the friendly fire damage can be at times, and it can be even harder to avoid than one might think. Explosions, for example, can send allies flying if they’re too close, and with EDF6’s desync issues explosions can be even more dangerous since a co-op partner might not actually be in the spot the game makes it appear.

As a former military strategist who has spent years on the battlefield, I can attest to the importance of avoiding friendly fire, especially when it comes to airborne units like Wing Divers. In my experience, I’ve seen many instances where buildings used as staging areas for these elite troops were accidentally destroyed by nearby explosions or air strikes. The consequences were devastating, not only for the soldiers themselves but also for the overall mission.

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2024-08-06 06:04